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Everything posted by tkhayes

  1. The Culture of Make Believe - a very very good read, I could not put it down. Not only racism but some other issues as well
  2. I thought mac has it built-in, at least my mac does, but I use the .mac service too. For $99/year, it is a deal and lets you use your domain somehow - I have not gotten that far.
  3. McCain has a plan too, 100 years in Iraq. that will be money well spent I am sure. trillions going outside the country when we already have a $10T national debt. You stop the bleeding by stopping the bleeding. Doing the same things over and over and expecting different results? we know what that is. neither candidate is going to fix what is goign on in a single term, or even two terms. But FOR SURE, we know who fucked it up in the first place. A RIGHT WING, conservative, republican government with twisted ideas about how America should be taken care of. And for that alone, the Republican party should NOT be allowed to run this country.
  4. My wife and I are on homeymoon on a cruise ship. 2005. First stop in the Bahamas. 4 hour stay so we go to the beach, early in the morning, so we are the only ones there. Laid out on a towel and napping. My wife rolls over and sees this guy, looks like he works for one of the hotels across the street, hanging out by the cabanas and recliners on the beach, just in the shadows of a few trees. She says "I think that guy is jerking off...." "Jesus Christ that guy IS jerking off" yep, he has his pole out, and just beating it to death standing there by himself going "ooooh baby, oooohhh baybay" we left. but it was fucking funny. And he started to follow us for a while....."oooh baby, ooohhhh baby" he flogged that thing like there was no tomorrow. turned out he was just some bum who lived ont he beach I guess. sorry no pictures....(yech!)
  5. no but NOT endorsing McCain was the topic of the thread. I would actually choose Ron Paul if he ran. I have no idea why he is republican. He may be in theory, but he does not sit with the GOP at all. fine by me, I like his ideas. His only issue would be the pussy Congress that would not agree with him. and I am a liberal at heart. Ron Paul might be a good start for this country.
  6. If I could charge $3000 for 7 levels of AFF, I would provide private packing lessons, air conditioned packing areas, massage therapy at the beginning of every day, video, chauffeurs, etc Our AFF 7 levels is only $1200. TO get the 25 jump for the license, we only charge $2300, including the AFF. There is the answer to your question - there is nothing wrong with the packing/packers in the US, it is simply a difference in how much money there is to pay people for what they do.
  7. This is nothing short of brilliant and should be your guideline to changing canopies (downsizing). We even hand this out to all of our AFF students as reading material. TK BTW, "50 jumps on a canopy does not an expert make" I coined the phrase, "Land any parachute, anywhere, anytime." When you can do that, then you are a true canopy pilot.
  8. what did you pay for that first AFF jump which includes packing lesson? We charge $285 for AFF 1, and it does not include any of that. Mostly because I will probably need that rig back in the air in another 20 minutes on another load. While we have almost 20 student rigs, I cannot afford the time nor the gear to spare to teach you from the first jump. Packing lessons while the sky is blue and the sun is shining? That is like teaching you dive tables and nitrox calculations while you are on the boat and out to sea, when you could be in the water actually swimming. Packing lessons are for rainy days and after hours (at a busy dropzone). But I understand where you are coming from. More people should pack for themselves, especially those that complain about the price of jump tickets. If they can still fork out the $6 to get packed, then jump prices are definitely not high enough yet. TK
  9. just one more thing that scares me about the religious right wing. let burn some witches while we are at it.
  10. 30,000 children die of starvation every day in the world. If 25,000 die one day, that does not mean the problem is getting better. The trend for global warming is in fact, warming. At least with the data we have for decades. The end result may very well be an ice age of some sort, but that does even mean that the problem of 'carbonization' of the atmosphere is resolved. Carbon is causing far more problems than just warming. The US is responsible for more carbon emissions than any other country, however that will not last long since India and China are industrializing at a pace we cannot even dream of. I have no kids, I burn 100K gallons of Jet A every year, and I am still trying to do my part to help reduce my footprint at home, at work, wherever I can. But in the end, this will not affect me in the least. It will affect the generations after me. Funny, somehow, I still actually care
  11. It's called the '100 jump wonder' syndrome - you know everything already and you are bulletproof. No different than a 17 year old dealing with their parents on life-issues. In a few hundred more jumps, you realize once again that this shit is dangerous and you can get killed. Hopefully in between you try a few not-so-stupid things and learn from them without busting yourself up. I did a BASE jump at 250 jumps and nearly went in, despite the advice of my mentors to not do one. Everyone thought I was a complete asshole. Since I value having friends, I quit doing really stupid shit. At 600 or 700 jumps I was shooting some video and had a horrible deployment hesitation, lines everywhere, nothing out, smoking through 800' and realized that this shit is dangerous and I better start playing every jump like I can get killed. ('cause I can) 27 years later, I have seen and done plenty. Experience is a great teacher. But no matter what I say - (or anyone else), pretty much everyone will be a '100 jump wonder' at some point - and that is OK, since it is normal. What is not OK is to put your life in danger trying something that you know little about.
  12. Take a vacation and head south - FL, CA, AZ and finish it up.
  13. "I couldn't find my hackey" might work with the FAA, but it will not do much for your 'cool factor' around the dropzone. Especially a dropzone where everyone knows you and your abilities. Chopping a good main to use a reserve without some planning (like a tertiary rig) is plain stupid and dangerous. Dumping a reserve at terminal without trying your main is also dangerous. Ask anyone (like me) who has had reserve malfunctions. Even with the tertiary rig, things can still go wrong - are you prepared to handle deploying a round reserve into a ball of shit or spinning canopies that you may have over your head? ANd have you even flown that reserve parachute before - how will it fly and can you deal with that at your experience level? There are a lot of questions to ask. There is a proper way to do it. Planning and the right gear makes an intentional cutaway a load of fun. Personally I wish everyone would get the chance to do it before they get to 100 jumps. It is a good life experience and answers the question of whether or not you would ever react in a real malfunction situation. I have watched people cutaway good mains - and I have grounded their ass for showing off. TK
  14. The dog thinks; "They feed me, they love me, they take care of me - they must be God" The cat thinks; "They feed me, they love me, they take care of me - I must be God"
  15. It is still here today (Monday), the weather is beautiful, moderate winds and winds aloft are only 15KTs all the way up get yer asses out here.....
  16. nothing wrong with a fresh outlook - lots of rookie politicians around the world do a good job of running things, probably because they are not already brainwashed by the system into just paying the same game. experience has some value, yes, it is not usually a deciding factor for me. I thought the pilgrims came here for RELIGIOUS FREEDOM, not capitalism...., at least that's what they taught me in my citizenship test, it's actually a question to get in the country. you must be kidding.... GWB and the Republicans have spent enough money on a fucking war to fund healthcare, and college education for most Americans....., closing in on a trillion and will end up at 3 times that I expect. just to name one of hundreds or articles that demonstrate where the money could have been better spent. If you are going to spend a trillion dollars, then at least spend it on US (Americans), not on some fucking third world country halfway around the world. Oh yes, and my health insurance just went up again to $800/month. Way more than I would spend in taxes in CANADA for the 'free health insurance' you guys so much despise. my vote is for social programs, more of them at least, stop the military industrial complex Will OB do that? Not on his own. Will JM do that? Not a chance. glad my vote will negate yours.... what a great country!
  17. glad you helped me make my point. Were are a SMALL corporation, sure to make a buck, but mostly to do what we want to do - all the owners are/were skydivers, doing skydiving stuff. I actually care about my customers and my staff, as well as make a dollar. A LARGE corporation (Generally) exists only to make a return for the shareholder, therefore do not care that much about their customers, their staff, and often about their product or service. i.e. my Verizon experience, still ongoing for 8 weeks now. so yes, being a small corporation does actually make a difference.
  18. I did not say that religion has been forced on me. By religion, I generally mean the country being run (in part) by 'large organized religion' and their inroads into politics, where it does not belong....
  19. you may be right - so which policies do I want? Deficit, war, religion, no civil rights and large corporations? Or something more left wing? I am a left wing guy, I will take the left wing and hope for change. The right wing has fucked it up so bad they deserve to be annihilated
  20. no it's not a joke - no one can say they are 'presidential material' unless they have held the office already. And he is a Senator, and was at both the state and now federal levels. Read his bio on Harvard and everything since then. He therefore has DEMONSTRATED that he is a leader or at least has the potential. Certainly GWB had the potential, but proved otherwise.... John McCain has potential too, but is nothing more than a Republican mouthpiece promising 4 more years of exactly the same policies.
  21. hmm, there's hypocrisy - GWB has not shown us the ability to lead either..... he has shown the ability to be a complete fuck-up. the ability to lead comes after you get elected, not before.... There is no test before the oath of office that determines it
  22. google labrador retriever rescue, they will come and get him, no charge - and find hima new home, fostering him while they wait for new family to adopt... easy and the best course of action.
  23. he has a license to grow medical marijuana, so the house is filled with pot plants - have at it....
  24. sadly this is the case, we have no recourse but to wait for the sheriff's office to get on it. We are trying to cut off the water, but even that is difficult due to state laws, etc. The sheriff says they will get to it (500 evictions each month) but it will take time. She has the direct # for the Sgt working on it, so I suggested she calls every day, twice a day and be polite and I expect she will get some priority. In the meantime, does someone know how to hack a website? This guys is he is quite the trip - would be nice and fun to trash it. TK