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Everything posted by tkhayes

  1. I am looking for some hlep with an eviction.... mother-in-law has a house, won the court case to evict the tenants, they will not leave, Sheriff cannot help since all resources ar eont he DNC this week. Tenants are pricks and will probably trash the house so we have $$ to help 'encourage' them to move out. Anyone out there know some 'resources' I can call on? thanks and contact me directly if you would 813-598-6981 TK Hayes
  2. Evelyn Drake, of Quincy IL, 89 years old and I was more scared than she was - she did great.
  3. YAAAAAY Caribou's are cool - and a jump pilot is flying it too
  4. One of the primary issues with a lot of these 'malfunctions' is that the jumper is not in the mindset of a malfunction. Just like a stuck toggle. or a slider hangup, they are not malfunctions at first. But if you have not solved the problem in a few seconds, then it IS a malfunction. especially when yo are talking about a 79 sq ft canopy. Most of us deal with minor situations all the time. It is also important to realize that when a minor situation does not get fixed right away, it quickly becomes a major problem, no mater how many times you have dealt with it before. try once, try twice, then fucking get rid of it. I have watched far too many people die or get really fucked up because they were 'dealing with it' TK
  5. Jim Boor used to as well, no goggles or nothing, but that Neanderthal forehead helped. I did lots of jumps with those 70's-80's racquetball goggles, and got very used to the wind in my eyes. Contacts for a few years, and if I forgot my goggles, no big deal, just squint a bit and keep my head high. Now I have glasses only and they are a pain for skydiving, but OK for everything else.
  6. AFF Level 7, got my student all briefed, nice cool exit - I dive out after him and go - 'shit forgot to put my goggles on'.... no big deal, I'll take my glasses off and hold onto them, I reach for them and they instantly flip off and gone...... I just got them on Monday, cost me $400. Sometimes I'm such an asshole.....
  7. tkhayes

    9193 Days...

    kewl - I did not know you ever smoked Murray!. I was always an occasional smoker - quitting for a year or two, then starting again, usually smoking more and more each time. When I moved to Florida, I started again. Quit completely about a year later and have not had a smoke in 11 years. The secret? NEVER let it touch your lips again. Not ever. Not even a 'party smoke'. Not ever. Never Don't do it... Don't let it touch your lips ever again... TK I think I would hurl if I tried to smoke a cigarette now....
  8. You are confused about Canada for one. And you assume that the quality of care is less. They do heart transplants and cancer treatment too, and the WHO ranks Canada well ahead of the USA. And I advocated a two-tiered system to service both those able to pay for it and those who are not. read: I am for 'volunteer' as long as YOU vote for a bill that says I do not have to pay taxes to support a war that I do not want to be part of. Sounds like anarchy to me. Observing how the government corporations "helps" people and squanders huge chunks of money, I'll do everything I can to keep them out of the charity public services business. Considering the shape of Social Security, the deficit, the pork barrel spending, I am surprised that you would consider continuing on the same destructive path that we are on. I would rather make my own decisions (for a two-tiered socialized public healthcare system) I disagree. Some people actually CARE about the careers they choose. Money is not the only motivator. People want a decent life, meaningful employment, make enough to live happy, make a difference, all that stuff. SOME people want nothing but money and power. Absolutely! When that food poisoning strain breaks out or disease spreads across the country - every man for himself. No way the government should care about whether Americans die or get sick. They should only concern themselves about defending ourselves from invading forces (or those who don't but we think they might). And the rest of the budget should be spent arresting and jailing everyone who can't take care of themselves and turn to crime to survive.
  9. anyway, we obviously disagree for sure. I never said - "Corporations should not make a profit" I never said - "Put a gun in someone's hand to make them pay for my/your health care" I never said "skydives and repacks should be free." It's pretty funny how the arguments are simply (again) naysaying and twisting of what I said. I said "Healthcare is a right" My belief. Paying for it en masse is far cheaper and more efficient than paying for it individually. 40 people on a bus is cheaper than 40 people driving cars. The proof? We already pay more per capita than anyone else for healthcare, yet many do not have it. You ARE already paying for those no-good couch-potato inner-city lazy no-goods...... because when they go to the hospital emergency room, it eventually filters down to YOUR insurance payment (and mine). now come up with an alternative or please stop twisting my words. I have been pretty clear and concise. for a 'man of God' as you claim to be, I am surprised you care so little about your fellow man. Especially your fellow 'American'. What does your church teach you, pray tell? and promote/provide - that is an interpretation that someday the Supreme Court will make I expect on this very issue. and if the best way to vote is with my dollars - then you have just demonstrated the very flaw I have pointed out earlier in this American system. The Constitution does not talk about $$......
  10. Close - good programs, but they do not all fit the bill. I have less issue with education or food than I do with healthcare, which you still admit is broken. So yes, food stamps are good. Not many people in this country really go hungry - but I still believe it to be a fundamental right. Education is good, the public system has flaws, but at least kids can go to school, and are expected to. All good things for the USA. College education could use an overhaul.... should not take a mortgage to get a degree. It is a poor investment for society to burden their youth with getting an education and spending their first 10 years of working to pay it off, when all we preach is saving for retirement. How can you save for retirement when your debt is hanging over your head. Again, education could easily be subsidized and the payoff for society in the long run is hugely invaluable (and I believe a right) Oh yeah - then they have to buy health insurance for their family. The crux of the issue. Medicare and Medicaid are all decent programs. What's the big deal to extend that to all of society instead of just 65+'ers. I mean besides your obvious objection to it....... back to the thread at hand. LESS nuclear weapons and military (notice that I did not say NO nuclear weapons and military) and MORE money spent on the above programs and development of new programs. Sounds great to me. voting AGAINST McClain because his party is nothing but a bunch of God-preaching, fear mongering, government fuckup corporate cronies that do nothing good for 'the People', but do plenty to tow the party line..... and help the major corporations and the military. And for those that think I think like a Communist..... well there is a Communist Party in the USA and One in Canada too. I have never voted for or supported either one of them. If I was truly a Communist, then I would be towing a whole different line. I am not against corporations. I am against corporations that buy political power, when I am the one that cast the vote. If corporations want to make money, then let their charters and the laws of the land dictate just that and only that. Not treat them as the 'legal person' that they are currently defined as. Remove some (not all) of the protections that shield the individuals that run corporations from being prosecuted when they are at fault and make those BoD's more responsible for making sure that society as a whole benefits from their spoils and wares, not just the shareholders. Just looking for responsibility - which believe it or not, does not generally happen when the $$ is the bottom line.... Hard to believe I know but it is true.....
  11. don't be absurd. never said anything about million dollar paychecks.... - I have been very specific, food, healthcare, education, - fundamental rights. by PROVIDING any of these (when needed, not all the time), it would be hard to call it interference. And if it is what the people decide they want - then it is not even a burden to society because society decided that it wants these fundamental rights. still looking for your plan.... 'bull', comments about 'great logic' etc, simple naysaying - but you agree with me that the system is broken...... so your take on it would be?....... you already subscribe to the 'socialized military', the 'socialized public education system', the socialized public library', you liberal you....... ;)
  12. maybe part of the reason that so many despise, fear and do not trust the government is that the government and the system that puts it is place is actually flawed. Good government actually exists in many places. Anarchy is an idealism too, it does not work either.
  13. I will explain. No I Can't. For me, and millions of other americans, it is still unaffordable, and the prices and coverages are varying degree of 'sucks'. It is extremely expensive for me, and gets worse every year. so eventually, I will NOT be able to afford it. Don't say I can just go somewhere else - because I am living proof that those options do not exist for me. The competitive model does not work for everyone. argument #2 for socialized medicine. In case no one noticed, a very large chuck of the country does not have that because they are all lazy good-for-nothings unable to get a job that pays for it? The world need janitors too. But the janitor does not make enough money to pay for it in this system. But the janitor has the same needs as you and me. to call a two-tiered private and public system 'communist' is simply naive (and extremist). Have you read up on communism lately? But glad we agree that it is not 'perfect'. And I already stated several times why that will not work. We disagree. Healthcare is a right. "The right to LIFE, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness". You should pay for my healthcare, the same as I should pay for yours. Someday you might need it. And it is actually CHEAPER than the current system we have. It is not driven by profits, but by a desire to provide healthcare. If we parallel that system with a private system that provides extra, special or supplemental care, then I am all for it and you can choose to go buy that stuff, just like you can choose to go to a private school. Perhaps you have not had a catastrophic injury that required a long hospital stay and surgery, a long battle with your insurance company, had your credit rating trashed just because you got hurt and no ability to pay for it. I HAD health insurance and this still happened to me. The system is BROKEN and needs to be fixed. If we keep doing what we are doing now - we will continue to get the same results. I pay for public education through my taxes because I should - even though I am not putting any kids in school. But it is a 'right' (as I see it) and a good thing for society and America as a whole, therefore I should do it. Education is a right - Healthcare is a right (in the 21st century), food on my table is a right. Lots of other things are not.... but these are fundamentals that I believe are rights - you are welcome to disagree with me on November 11.
  14. people like you scare me. The CORPORATION, if you are being so unrealistic as to misread what I say - using PROFIT, as the bottom line, is not good for society as a whole. If indeed, their only goal is to make profit, and we let them run the country, will obviously destroy anything, walk over anything and do anything to the people of the country to make that profit. If you cannot see that as a bad thing, then you are simply blind. Who then regulates the corporation, if for example, we let the corporation OWN all the water and the air and the food (as the most basic of example) If the corporation only exists to make profit, then fine, I have no problem with that. But take away their ability and right to donate and support political persons or parties. Because their motive is not taking care of the people (the purpose of government), it is only profit. Not all corporations are bad. Not all government agencies are bad. FEMA has done bad things (Katrina) - they are also doing good things (Current floods and greensburg, KS for example) Corporations do good things ($4 prescriptions at Walmart) but Walmart is also responsible for lots of bad employee practices and encouraging manufacturing job to go overseas. So if you think that McDonnell-Douglas could run FEMA better, using profit as a motive? I would like to see the model of how that would work. Hence my issue with health care for example. It fails because the corporation's motive is money, not healthcare. Easy enough for a capitalist to say "go buy it somewhere else", but y'know what? I can't. It is the classic example of where the "competition drives down the cost and forces high quality of product/service" does not work. Even mnealtx as well seems to actually AGREE with me that the healthcare system is broken - but I do not see any solutions being offered just comments like 'Bull' Well 'Bull' to both of you - since you seem to like to bash, but you do not offer any solution. Healthcare should be socialized. But a private system available as well. That is a solution, not naysaying. FEMA should be fixed, yes. If I remember correctly, they botched the initial response of Katrina and some people got sacked. Isn't that the way it is supposed to work? Home Depot's CEO botched it and got sacked but walked away with $175M. Is THAT the way it is supposed to work? Sorry if I am sounding 'logical' Corporations should be EXTEREMLY limited in their political powers. If, as you say, their motive is to make money, then let them. But take away their political power since the purpose of the government is to take care of the people. That is also (part of) a solution, not just 'Bull'. Oh, and by the way, shareholders ARE people, but not all people are shareholders. Again, I would hope you could see that....... Is Obama going to fix all that? Probably not. Bush has handed more power over the the corporations than ever. Bad. McCain will do even more damage. So Obama it is (for healthcare I hope and hopefully an end to the war). McCain has no 'hope' just a continuation of this charade. By 'annihilation', I meant in Congress, but again, you like to misread what I say/said. In Canada about 12-15 years ago, the Progressive Conservatives (right wing) did such a horrible job and pissed off the country SO BAD, that is the general election, they were 'annihilated' from a majority government of some 200 seats in the Parliament to only 2 or 3 seats. Even the good guys were sacked, just because they were PC. That is what I mean by 'annihilation'. It might get the message across to the right wing in this country if the Republicans lose the Presidential race by an 80/20 margin. I expect that will not happen - more of that 'silly idealism of mine I guess. Even here in Florida, most of the conservative seniors have pretty much had it with the right wing. Our Representatives in Congress have been nothing but parrots for George Bush (you know him - that guy with the 27% approval rating) and I expect to see some dramatic shift in the right/left proportions. Great thing about having such a dickhead for a President is that it gets people off their ass to vote.
  15. Kind of one of the points I was alluding to in my earlier posts. The CORPORATION runs healthcare - the CORPORATION (for the most part) runs education. I consider these to be fundamental services that should be provided to all. the CORPORATION will not do what is best for the customer/consumer. They will do what is best for the shareholder. Change the CORPORATE rules to stop that, and/or change the system to a government run system that looks after the PEOPLE, not the shareholders. What if we outsourced FEMA? Everyone bitches when they do not do enough, yet we accept the fact that they can spend money like crazy and they are never doing enough to help? They are a 'socialized' service provided to all. If the CORPORATIONS are so damn good, then we ought to outsource ALL government. But the fact is, the corporations are not all that good. Many of them suck. But any corporation should be doing something good for society as well as their shareholders - it is a fundamental flaw in the way the corporate laws are written, and certainly a far stretch from what was intended when the corporate idea started 150 or so years ago Healthcare, run by a bunch of public servants making $100k-$200K looking after and answering to the PEOPLE is far better than CEO's making $1M or more, looking after the shareholders. Private system as well? Sure - those who have the $$ and do not want to wait can go out and buy it. Those hit by catastrophic circumstances in their lives do not need to see their lives ruined because the CORPORATION decides to fight them on their coverage - if they are lucky enough to be able to afford it. So back to the thread - shut down the foreign military bases, bring home all the soldiers, use the forces to secure our own borders, reduce the size of the military, spend more money on education and healthcare...... I will vote for any man/woman who pledges to do that.
  16. The only reason they're doing that is because they know the USA will step in if needed. I am ALL FOR removing our military from western democracies. Think about the money we could save. Let them pay their own way. so you are suggested that we close our military bases (or some of them), in effect, downsizing our military? Great idea, I am so glad we agree on something.....
  17. Do you know what Chinese people pay to be smuggled to this Country? Do you know how many South American people risk their lives floating on sticks hoping to make it from Cuba to a bridge off the coast of Florida? Do you know how long the waiting list is in Poland for a visa to the US?? UMM, Yeaaaa everybody hates us... Do you know what Chinese people pay to be smuggled to: Norway, Finland, Canada, Japan, Australia, Brazil and dozens of other countries around the world? try not to be so arrogant as to think that Chinese people only want to immigrate to the USA. For that matter, ANYONE trying to immigrate - Not everyone wants to be in the USA
  18. OK, better health care. Better education. Less military. (more money to spend on the other programs). Better social services instead of the cutbacks we see across the board, including essential services like fire and police. 'Less' government' does not mean no government, but it sure means slashing programs that "We the People...." use every day The USA does not rank anywhere near the top in any of these areas in the world - and we do appear to be striving to fix that. Part of my 'idealism' - so heartily criticized in this thread earlier - is feeding the people, educating the people, providing health care for the people - what I believe government should primarily be doing. Better corporate rules that ensure that corporations do something good for society in general, as well as for the shareholders, instead of all decisions based upon the economic bottom line, which as we have seen since the industrial revolution is not always the best thing. (Pollution, environmental damage, job losses, job going overseas, etc) So that is (in part) what I mean by taking better care of Americans. This country ain't cutting it.
  19. I never said anything about downgrading their military - I said they have SMALLER military - they are doing what the previous post said 'could not be done'
  20. I have nothing against compulsory military service, IF it included a radical reduction in the size of our military. If we had such a program, then perhaps that is another way in which we would not need such a massive military (which again we do not 'need', we just think we need) And even if Japan and every other country I named are 'expanding their military powers', they are still a fraction of what the US has, both $$, per capita, sheer numbers, whatever way you want to look at it. Build a standing army and guess what? They are going to want to fight a war somewhere. So stop building the standing army.... fear, plain and simple. I bet foreign policy would be different if George Bush had to walk down main street, Baghdad naked by himself, once a year. Maybe we should consider that. Instead we accept a President that has to build a 30NM veil around himself which shuts down my business every time he comes to town. there are so many things broken it is hard to list them all, and no one is doing anything about it. (We the People....)
  21. sarcasm works so well in print. No we were not hated before WWII, nor shortly after it. But since then we have poked our noses into Vietnam, Central America, Cuba, Israel, the Middle East in General, Afghanistan, Libya, Eastern Europe, Africa, Grenada, and bunch of other places I could probably list if I spent 10 minutes researching it. All of this was done to 'protect American interests', but all of it included military interventions at one level or another. The CONSEQUENCES of those actions are a building hatred of us as a bully, not a 'liberator', which is the word we use. Going it alone, I think they called it. Well, alone we stand for the most part. If you think that we do not need the rest of the world - well......go right ahead and join the ranks of North Korea and such as you spout off your American rhetoric.
  22. *** True, but to say that we are worse than the rest of the world in the way we handle our foreign policy and the way we throw our military might about - is not at all bullshit. It is primarily (my opinion) the reason so many groups and countries hate us so much - nothing to do with 'hatred of our freedom' like the govt cronies would want us to believe. 'standing armies' and military bases all over the world. THAT is the reason we are hated so much.
  23. beating your wife is a BAD thing. Not needing a standing army because you do not piss off the world is NOT a bad thing. your comparison is bunk - the two do not even relate. Everyone else's example, if it is a GOOD thing, is an acceptable option for you, whether you agree with it or not. we simply disagree - which you are welcome to do, but my answer is as sound as it can be.
  24. Sweden, Norway, Finland, Canada, Japan, Australia, Brazil and dozens of other countries around the world are already doing it (smaller military - not pissing off the rest of the world). I love it when you say it cannot be done. "Those who say it cannot be done are getting in the way of those of us that are already doing it"