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Everything posted by tkhayes

  1. ummm, are you going to try and tell me that Iraq was responsible for 9/11? Correct me if I am wrong, but that argument was destroyed a long time ago. There is/was no connection. Afghanistan? Yes. And we had every right to invade - we also had a world-wide coalition and the approval of that invasion. Iraq - we pretty much stood alone, except for the British, whose leaders are now paying a similar price (what the fuck are we doing here and how do we get out of this?) In Iraq, we were the instigator, and that war is costing us more money and reputation that we can afford, the lives of thousands of soldiers (we never hear about that anymore for some reason). We ought to invade Pakistan, not Iraq, that is where the terrorists are.....
  2. Yes, I am an idealist - (you make that sound like it is a bad thing) - I am also a realist, and if you really knew me, a pretty practical guy. We just disagree. I have seen a lot of the world and lived a generation in each of 2 countries, which gives me perspective on the 'greener grass' on many issues. Idealism is what gives people VISION and hope. Practicality is how close you can get to that vision - not an excuse to discard it because it looks like it might be a difficult path. The USA is a great country. The current government has fucked it up beyond recognition and done damage that will take generations to repair. As far as being a 'defender' of the world - yes perhaps at one time, earlier in my life, that was the case. Today we are the instigator, not the defender. We start wars then abuse our right to stay there./ We justify stomping all over the Constitution that Americans hold so dearly by limiting the rights of ordinary citizens in this less and less free country. They do little (lately) to look after AMERICANS, but do plenty to spend your and my money on the military and large corporations, which are slowly becoming one and the same. (Bad for Americans in general) And they use fear to get what they want - Actually Bush uses and abuses whatever the fuck he wants to get what he wants, and no one has the juice it seems (Congress) to stand up to him - sad for a so-called democracy. So if that makes me an 'idealist' then geez - shame on me..... TK
  3. I did not say the quote you pasted in my name - please do not do that. I am not going back to Canada - and recently, my last two trips to the hospital, I waited 3.5 hours each time, and I pay for my healthcare (dearly). BTW, I paid less in taxes in Canada than I pay for health insurance here.
  4. not at all heat of the moment - if the USA spent less time pissing off the rest of the world - we might not actually need the military.
  5.;search_string=fuck%20you;#3112034 this thread is the one I am talking about.
  6. that's one guys opinion on it - and yes, it has problems - nothing like the problems here in the USA. And NO ONE in Canada would give it up. Search the other threads about how fucked up the American health care system is instead of basing your entire retort on one opinion in one thread. Besides this thread is not about the healthcare system, it is about MILITARY SPENDING - and my opinion is that we spend about 4000x what we should be spending on it.
  7. let me see, universal healthcare or nuclear weapons. Healthy people good for all or trillions spent on fat government contracts and cost overruns. i will vote for Obama, even if he decides to ELIMINATE the military 'cause it is pretty obvious that the miserable fucking job that the current CUNT in office has done has done nothing for our country except fuck it up. less money for healthcare, education, road improvements, pretty much everything since all of it is being sent on the war (and then some) John McCain will continue the same policies - a complete fuck up before he even gets started in office. So yes, i will vote for Obama because the Republicans need to be eliminated and annihilated. What he does with the military is of no interest to me - this country has bigger issues - like maybe trying to take care of Americans - something that has not happened in government in this country for the past 2 decades at least. TK
  8. When I worked for IBM, I got pretty tired of the saying 'work smarter, not harder' corporate lingo like that just make employees roll their eyes and do little for morale or productivity.
  9. All I hear is Charlie Brown's teacher - wa-wa-wa-wa-wa
  10. things we already know about drilling for oil on our own soil: 1. we don' have that much so it would hardly dent the imports 2. it will take 7-10 years to see it anyway, even if we said 'go' today. 3. we use 25% of the world's oil already, how much more exactly do you want? I am for drilling ANYWHERE in the USA, but not if it is so people can go "Yippee - I get to keep my SUV!" But if we combine that with energy REDUCTION programs, solar incentives, taxes for big vehicles, or rebates for smaller ones, more public transit etc. Bottom line - WE USE TOO MUCH ENERGY - and we live ina dream to think that somehow energy conservation will hurt the economy. Europe has strong economies all over the place and they have been driving small cars since the beginning of time
  11. that's a great piece, pretty much sums up the COMPLETE fuckup that Bush and his cronies have been. unbelievable the damage that can and has been done in only 7 years. will sadly take a generation to fix it - if we can
  12. tkhayes


    it was the right thing to do because the country was being run by an oppressive regime that did not create men equal and treated its people differently based upon the color of their skin. That is wrong. Having the country run by its majority in a democracy is the right thing to do, however, before that happens, you must remove the existing government. Which has consequences, but is still the right thing to do. taking out Mugabe would be the right thing to do as well, but would probably dive the country into civil war - a bad outcome. But that does not mean that taking him out would be wrong. it just has consequences. telling the world that your 'uncle fred' groped you as a child is the right thing to do - it will create endless grief in your family, but it is still the right thing to do.
  13. because all the really good skysurfers are dead.....
  14. tkhayes


    Zim, and other large parts of Africa are really fucked up and dangerous places. Like most conflicts, it will not change until the parties involved, people and governments decide that they are tired of it - and that will not happen for decades or centuries. Even when you hand South Africa back tot eh blacks, (which is/was the right thing to do), it becomes a fucked up part of the world. I feel bad for Zimbabwe, we could have easily taken out Mugabe as a 'ruthless dictator', but the next guy would only be marginally better if at all. No matter what the world does for intervention, Africa is so fucked up that it will not be fixed by any UN 'sanction' or political move. THe move has to come from the people that live there.
  15. that was basically my upbringing, I went to church 'cause I had to. Always had issues with it, even when I was 5 or 6 years old - it did not make sense, but I tried to believe it. Got on the 'believing' kick for a while when I went through confirmation. It is a whole lot easier to swallow if you just believe for the sake of believing - which is stupid and against any human logic - you have to warp your brain for that to work. After confirmation, I did many readings in church - Mom was so proud. Could not sing so did not end up in the choir, (Thank god). Had my 'epiphany' when I was about 14, sitting in church one Sunday and I thought....."THIS IS BULLSHIT -GET AHOLD OF YOURSELF -WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE??" I continued into bible studies through to 17 or 18 only because I had to, but they were more like social studies anyway - we talk about teenagers, sex, drugs, alcohol, real social issues - the minister always had to try to tie it all to "Jesus and Love and crap like that" ever since the 'epiphany' I have been a staunch atheist. It actually is bullshit. Completely. And a huge waste of time and resources in society. But what to do with your kid? Hard to say - I turned out OK I think. even with all the influence, and I certainly made my own choice. But depending on the religious upbringing that your kid might get, I also see the damage it could do to him/her by fucking with their head. I consider it to be a giant cult nowadays. So love your kid, give them real scientific information and a good education based on facts. I think regardless of the other influences then that they will probably turn out OK. TK
  16. not true - I was actually unaware of it and would have defnitely been involved if I had been aware of it. Is that USPA's fault? Perhaps, but bottom line is just because USPA did not say any DZO's were or were not involved, does not mean that no DZO's aircraft operators were not involved. I expect they were. either way, saving the DZO a dollar, or in this case PREVENTING AN INCREASE IN YOUR JUMP PRICE, is surely a good thing for skydivers and skydiving.
  17. Go to the Chief of Police and tell them that if they do not pursue it, you will go to the media about their complacency. In this day and age of 'homeland security', I find it hard to believe that you would not get someone's ear about all this.
  18. May 2008 Parachutist, USPA defeats FAA action to make all Twin Otters, Skyvans fly skydivers under Part 125 instead of Part 91. Saving DZO's (and ultimately you) hundreds and probably thousands of dollars over the years. sounds like a good deal fro $49/year - quickyerbitchin'........ we fought Skyride - and lost. Maybe you should blame the legal system instead of USPA. Obviously skyride are crooks, obviously it is not right that they can get away with that, but apparently the legal system lets them. write your government, better yet, file your own lawsuit against Skyride if you think it is so damn simply to beat.... TK
  19. see the tech support page at click "Add To Cart" at the bottom and fill out the remaining screens. About 20 minutes after its arrival, you will be fine......
  20. Call Mark Kruse at SKydive Crosskeys in Williamstown, NJ, he will help or steer you in the right direction
  21. there is NOTHING to do about the price. There is PLENTY to do to help the average person's situation. Even if the oil companies gave back their billions in profit, we use 136 billion gallons of gas each year (2004), so the 34 billion profit would only lower the price by $0.25/gal whoopity-doo Write your Congresspersons, Senators at state and federal levels. demand more and better public transit (Here is Florida, it is fucking pathetic and despite the voters DEMANDING it years ago in the election, nothing was ever done about it) Demand that laws be passed about fuel efficiency for the automakers. Ford, GM and Chrysler are still cranking out 300+HP machines - get fucking real. And they wonder why they are going out of business - good riddance! Demand government tax credits/benefits to help pay for solar, geothermal, and other energy efficient updates to be implemented by individual homeowners. Update building codes for energy efficiency. Even here in Florida, 99% of the new homes built are still built with little insulation and single pane glass windows. People living in mobile homes sitting in the sun pay $300/month for electricity. $500 in window upgrades and another $700 in insulation would cut that in half. How about this: USE LESS ENERGY! What a concept. Tired of listening to people bitch about the price of gas. It is never going to change - we knew that 30 years ago, and now it is finally happening - sorry the USA was not ready for it. The rest of the world is managing with cars that get better mileage and carry less. They are managing with more public transit, they are managing with alternative energy and most definitely they are USING LESS ENERGY than the USA- and yes it is expensive for them too, but they are managing fine. We use 25% of the world's energy and have only 5% of the world's population. Oh, and jump prices are going up again. Do you want to jump and have fun? Or put $100 gas each week into your SUV? Your choice.... TK (Driving a Toyota Corolla since 1991, just spent $1400 on new windows for my house and $1000 on more insulation in my attic. My electric bill is only $150/month with a pool, hot tub, A/C and the house set at 76 degrees in the summer. Solar hot water for $2500 going in soon, will take another $40/month off my electric bill)
  22. tkhayes


    Our sign says: "There is no set standard for tipping in skydiving as it is not like other industries. But like any service, if you want to offer something it is appreciated, but certainly not expected. Instructors are paid for what they do" When people ask how much we tell them that $5 is a tip, $10, is a good tip and $20 is a great tip. SOmeone posted $50? wow, only ever got one of those in my lifetime - and I certainly would not expect that much.
  23. you might also find that alot of the goggle/glasses prescriptions will not work either if you have astigmatism. I find that the glasses, especially sport models, do not place the lens in the same angle or distance from your eye. Unless they compensate for the style of glasses, including the wraparound ones, the prescription models suck. You prescription assumes a flat lens a certain distance in front of your eye with an optical center as well, in front of your pupil. They got to get all that right in the sport glasses as well. The only ones that ever worked for me were the old 80's racquetball glasses, since they were alot like regular glasses. But they did not offer much wind resistance. Not to mention the dork you would look like wearing them today. I just wear my glasses, and goggles over them, far too old to be cool anymore.... Contacts just don't work for me, although they did for 20 years, but astigmatism greatly affects the list of lenses that work....
  24. depends on what you are trying to do - display the flag or fly the parachute the way you want to fly it. I have found that flags looks best on very slow parachutes. Even if you put 40 lbs of weight on the end of a flag, the flag can still 'streamer' behind you if your canopy is too fast. I jumped a 30x30 banner with about 15-20 lbs of weight on the bottom. with a 230 canopy it looked like shit, with a 260-280, it looked great, and my exit weight was about 270. try different combinations and different canopies. every demo is different and if the goal is to display the flag properly, then you should focus on that....