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Everything posted by tkhayes

  1. I never said 'wait', I said BRING IT HOME. we can easily defend our own borders with the resources we have overseas. Katrina is a perfect example of where we put billions into foreign countries while ignoring our own people and needs. For some reason you seem to trust the govt to run the military properly, i.e. run a war for hundreds of billions of dollars, but at the same time not trust the government to take care of its own people and run a system of border security, health care and education...... border security, education, health care, taking care of your OWN......what a concept huh? hmm, paradoxical no?
  2. it's the American way - hire the govt workers so you know how to make the govt work for you. still leaves the little man fucked and the guy with the money head of the pack. It's the American way baby!!
  3. no it's not working, nothing has changed - but to soothe the public, Petraeus gave a 'undefinable' view in his report, the President is backing it up (therefore supporting his troops) and the President is promising a partial withdrawal of troops (therefore pleasing the public) although he did not say exactly how or when. What a load of political BULLSHIT. "Mission Accomplished in 2003" but today we cannot even define what the 'mission' is, much less meet it. To have a meaningful goal or objective, it must be definable, measurable and attainable. Ours in Iraq and barely definable, yes, they probably are measurable (if we could define them), and they most certainly do NOT appear to be attainable. Therefore, I suggest we quit - pack up and go home. Leave the fucking mess to the Arabs to sort out. 'cause they are not going to collaborate with us, not matter how hard we try, not for a fucking 100 years.
  4. about as stupid as I have ever seen. The dogs head is a hoot. heart pumping outside the body. If you pump blood THROUGH a heart - it can look like it is beating. and the same for lungs, pump air into them and they look like they are breathing. the dog is licking his chops, get real, that means he is also swallowing - to where? They go through great lengths to show his face, why not show all the connections to his severed head and neck? if they could do that in 1928 or 1950 or whatever, then we would be that much further on the same experiments today - gurs that is why they call it a hoax website..
  5. I expect the American people will elect another Republican, mostly because I do not think the dem's have a viable candidate or clear enough policy. The republican's at least, "dammit we're in Iraq and we are going to stay there..." albeit wrong, but they have a stance, and they appear ot have no other say on any other policies. The Dem's talk about health care, and stuff, but no matter what spin they put on it, it does not seem very clear nor doable, so I think that will hurt them, even if it is the right direction. Basically I think most American voters are not bright enough to do the right thing, and they will vote based on fear more than anything, including fear of change. We need a third viable party (or even a fourth too) wish I could run for Pres.
  6. once again, semantics I did not say CCL owners would have a 'greater propensity' or anything else - I said if there are more guns out there being carried by more people, then more people will get indiscriminately shot. You said that permit holders commit less crimes and I disputed that by showing that they still do commit crimes. I said 'many towns' - that is TOTALLY ACCURATE, therefore not worthy of your dispute You seem to have no idea what my viewpoint is, I did not mention 'disarming' anyone, as a matter of fact I actually promotoed MORE TRAINING for those carrying guns Prove to me that these people do 'ongoing training'. Training requirements are to GET the permit. there is NO SUCH requirement to maintain it. (other than expiring in 5 years in Florida) the course is 2 HOURS LONG - you are telling me that my 'mom' can learn to use a gun safely in 2 hours? This backs up the arguement that 'inexperienced people' armed with weapons are far more likely to make mistakes, just as inexperienced people doing anything that they are not properly trained for will likely make mistakes. Arguably the training for your driving test is far more detailed and takes far longer than for a concealed weapons permit. 18 years old or not, I find THAT to be disturbing. No one gets a drivers license with the intent to 'defend themselves' The two things are mutually exclusive, apples and oranges and are not worthy of comparison. Now, I do agree that is the concealed weapons permit was a detailed, multi-day or week course, with ongoing training requirements and currency training to keep the permit, then the outcome would be fewer people with permits, but those that are out there would be better prepared and better trained. I am actually Ok with that. And I also believe the same should apply to drivers. Pilots have to do checkrides and such, but drivers do not. And for that matter many other things in life. TK
  7. I did not say 'massacres', I said an increase in indiscriminate shootings. Shows MANY statistics about concealed weapons holders committing crimes. Are you suggesting that NO concealed weapons permit holders would commit murder? I doubt that you are. And that was my point, not 'massacres' plus other sites, if you search on "Gun Laws in the Old West" will confirm that in fact, places DID have laws banning guns in the cities and towns. The shootout at the OK Corral was about disarming people in the town. Glad you agree that some people should not be armed. You obviously will air on the side of letting these people have guns. I will air on the side of NOT letting them have guns. Now if you want to add to the concealed weapons permit with ongoing training, recurrency, continuing education etc, then perhaps there is some common sense in that. But a one-day course held at a gun show here in Florida and turn some idiot loose with a cannon? That's not the country I want to live in, sorry. Anyway blah blah blah yet another gun thread.... (yawn) TK
  8. the assumption of course is that everyone who is carrying a gun for defense is at the ready, sober, calm and collected, and able to deal with the situation when presented. That is far from reality. What about everyone has a gun, but that guy over there had a few too many drinks and someone pissed him off, or the woman just had a fight with her husband and on the way to work got in a fender bender and now she is screaming - pisse doff (and armed). You might reduce 'mass murders' and bank robberies if everyone has a gun, but you will greatly increase the indiscriminate shootings. 'back in the old west'..... people were required to turn in their guns in many towns when they came. The reason was simple. too many people got shot for no good reason. Same would happen today. I am all for utopia, but to be honest, constitutional rights or not, there are people out there that should NOT be armed. Just like there are people out there that should not be driving, or skydiving, or operating heavy machinery, or whatever. TK
  9. I could not resist - anyone guess who? bonus points if you can guess where
  10. Pearl Harbor day is not a holiday, nor is D-Day, nor is the end of the Vietnam war day (or the start). Attacks on the country are NOT good reasons to have a holiday
  11. We tried tandem progression a few years ago and had not much luck with it. Bottom line was that tandem is a great training tool for altitude awareness and pulling, other freefall skills, and EXCELLENT for canopy control, but it teaches poor body position. So transitioning to 1-on-1 AFF meant that the student was usually back-sliding and with one instructor, you go around and around and around and learn nothing. So the decision would be to take the student up on 2 on 1 as the first AFF, which raises the question of "why bother?" They already do that in a program called AFF, which we offer already. I am customer conscious so I am not going to charge the customer for 1 to 3 tandems, then make then do AFF Level 1, it simply costs too much and has no value for the customer. Having said that, I do not think we are the authority on tandem progression, and I expect that DZ's are out there with successful programs. I for one, would like to see what others are doing and what is working out there. That way I can re-evaluate it for our needs. I totally agree that a tandem is a better/safer first jump, as long as you are teaching the student something that will be used later. If you are just taking more money from them and still doing the current AFF 1 thru 7 or 8 program, then you are wasting their money. TK
  12. If your dog will let you, then do it yourself. Go to a dentist and ask for a couple old scrapers and picks, they usually have ones that they broke one end off or somethng like that. GENTLY scrap the brown stuff and the white tartar off their teeth. My dog would just lay there and let me do it, albeit a bit at a time. You really only need to worry about the really big bad chunks of buildup. The rest is simply taken care of with a tooth brush once in a while. Putting dog under for tooth cleaning is kind of radical, and can be dangerous. animals can die while under, so it is always a risk.
  13. even better news right? I expect that Gen. David H. Petraeus will issue a report that is somewhat skewed in the military's favor, i.e. I doubt he will flaunt the failures, he might lose his job if he paints a bleak picture. But if the news over there is as good as they say, then how is it: ?? What we DO KNOW FOR SURE is: - The war is not over and likely will not be over for years to come - Violence is still prevalent throughout Iraq - We have been in it longer than WWII - I have seen NO indicator that terrorism is on the decline anywhere in the world (i.e. recent German events) Therefore I, for one, do not feel any safer or for that matter less safe, than I did before 9/11. But we have spent more than $400B and will easily go past $600B even if we pulled out tomorrow. And there are thousands of dead people, a country in a mess and no end in sight. WAY TO GO!! TK
  14. Beavers are VERY popular and therefore cost almost as much as a twin otter. there are plenty of them out there, but try to find one at a reasonable price. Especially with a turbine on it. In 1991 I met a guy in Alaska who rebuilt and delivered 'zero time' Beavers. The turbine model bas price was $650K and that is 16 years ago. Today I bet they are more than a million.
  15. wow - have not been since 1989 - need to do that sometime mmmmm. venison......
  16. the hell with bail-outs, let the mortgage co's go bust, but save the people , afterall we are a 'government of the people' right? Problem is everywhere and has repeated itself in other countries and several times over several decades, so i fail to understand how it keeps recurring. Calgary in 1982, everything went bust when oil prices dropped. foreclosures everywhere, and the same variable rate mortgages that burned everyone. double whammy due to home prices being down and variable rates. I bought a house at the 'bottom' in 1985, had to beg to get a $55,000 mortgage with a good job. 1988 I moved to Toronto, prices in the $250K+ range and the market booming and they we going to offer me a 95-100% mortgage on the spot on a $40K/year salary. I remember the lady at the bank saying "Sure, you will get some roommates or something to pay the mortgage right? Went bust there too for a lot of people. Not as bad as here and now, but here we are again. I wonder where the regulators and the watchdogs are that allow companies to loan out money to families with no hope of them ever paying it back? Of course, who am I kidding, loan sharking has been legal in the USA for as long as I can remember, they still do it with car loans, title loans, etc.
  17. not all of them, but definitely some of them. The term 'predatory' lenders did not come from thin air - it came from companies promising the world, and not disclosing the fine print. Sure there are stupid people out there, that does not mean it is right for 'smarter people' to steal their money from them and possibly ruin their lives. It has been going on for years in the buying markets, cars and homes - "What kind of payments do you want to make?" We can structure it to fit your budget. But no one ever says - "Oh by the way, with these payments, you will NEVER be able to own the house/car" I am thankful I have always had that foresight - some day I want to actually OWN the friggin thing, otherwise, i am simply renting it with a big bad surprise at the end.
  18. nothing I laugh at more than some right-wing fundamentalist, especially from the conserative west coming out of the closet - whether they want to or not....
  19. but they feds should be hanging some of the companies that sold all these mortgages. And people need to smarten up too. 'basic dumb-ass' course for people wanting to buy a house. Even a website with 20 questions to ask yourself about what you can afford. guidelines have been out there for years - seems that all got thrown to the wind. I have no mercy on some company like Countrywide who makes billions each year, then cries because they are running out of cash
  20. 100lb people do not play pro football and 300lb people do not skydive. Very little, if any equipment out there that can do the job. And just because you find a DZ willing to do it does not mean they are necessarily following the rules or doing it safely. Strong make a Mighty Mak rig, with 425 main and reserve. I doubt any DZ has one.
  21. now THAT was well done! more applause TK
  22. I never 'called' for Gonzo's resignation. And what about Ruby Ridge? Are you suggesting that NOTHING changed for the better within the FBI after that fuck-up? funny i do not remember Janet Reno armed with a flame-thrower.....-if she is guilty of 'incinerating innocent people', then surely GWB is also guilty of war crimes. Some people in this country stockpile weapons. Once you stockpile enough of them, someone of authority is going to notice and start asking questions about your intentions. eventually if you try and 'blockade' yourself from them, they will come and take it all away from you. If you resist, no different than arguing with a cop on the street - you just might get your ass shot. I'm not saying it is right or wrong. Do I want David Koresh in my back yard with a dozen machine guns? Fuck no. Does he have the right to own a gun? Sure? The difference is what the intentions of those weapons are (conspiracy or not?). TK
  23. bet you can't keep a dry eye watching these videos.... TK
  24. no they are NOT part of their 'environment' - they are murdering fucks - unacceptable by ANY standard in ANY part of this country. And I am equally sure that the 'other normal folks' that grew up in the same 'environment' as them 'out west' would surely disagree with you as well. TK
  25. small but very good victory for democracy, not to mention truth and justice TK