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Everything posted by tkhayes

  1. "the right thing" over partisan ideology. That is pretty rare these days in the USA
  2. if that was true then it would be truly psychopathic.
  3. the act is and was pretty clear, there is no need nor purpose to point out 'the inaccuracies'. There IS a need to call the act despicable (and many other things), but I notice that you failed to do that, you just 'pointed out the inaccuracies while not justifying it' You sound a lot like Mitch and Lindsey at the end of Jan 2021..... The act is despicable and she is a fucking monster. And maybe signs of deeper sociopathic tendencies. I hope she gets 'cancelled' by pretty much everything. Trump will probably give her a cabinet position.
  4. Let's ADDRESS TK's arguments.... I am still waiting. Are you OK with women having fewer rights than men and writing that into law? Oversimplification, but I have stated it a few ways several times. Address that.
  5. well they do not just 'kill' - but of course, along with the other distractions like 'when a heartbeat starts', the gun lobby digresses to mass shootings exclusively, or what statistic they can grab on to at that moment to make their point. Guns are not just responsible for death, but violent crimes, injuries, tens of billions in health care costs every year, not to mention the cost of the criminal justice system to support all the carnage in the name of rights. Kinda like me supporting what pro-lifers would call carnage when talking about abortion I am not anti gun, I own 20, but this country (for a bunch of people that claim to care about life) has the stupidest gun laws in the world, and as a result are tacitly responsible for the gun violence we see. SO I sarcastically point that out at every opportunity. Far too many Americans are pro-gun and anti-abortion..... it simply makes no sense. Tying 'pro-life' between guns and abortion, I have no issue, I do not care about the life of a 20 week fetus, if it is the mother's decision to abort, but I also am pro-gun-regs because I DO in fact care about the lives of things that we actually call 'people' and not fetus' or zygotes.
  6. if only that was actually a thing. I am not interested in enacting legislation that affects people's rights based on what some extremist thinks might happen. Are you in favor of basing policy in what is ACTUAL instead of what is dreamt up? again, gun legislation example.... what if I argued that, "well arguably ANY gun could, in time, kill EVERY SINGLE PERSON in the country, and therefore we should have no guns." Does not sound reasonable does it? So if you want to discuss facts, let's discuss them.
  7. no I am not good with that. It is still a lump of useless cells that serves no purpose and it not even remotely close to being a 'baby' or even a 'life' My stance has NOTHING to do with whether or not there is a life, if it is alive, if it is a person, if it has a heartbeat, or anything else biologically or ethically about that thumbnail sized petri dish clump of cells. Let's ask again - are YOU good with women having (or should having) bodily autonomy or equal rights that men enjoy? Are you willing to say that under the law, women should NOT have rights to their body? Which is the effective result of any anti-abortion legislation. what say you? Not interested in discussing when life begins as I do not consider it relevant. Do you consider women's rights to be relevant?
  8. only part of the issues I talked about. you have not addressed the other points. Why does heartbeat matter over kidney function? Over brain development? what significance does the heartbeat half in determining 'life'. It would suggest that before 4 weeks it is NOT a life? Or NOT a person? Do you believe that women have (or should have) bodily autonomy or equal rights that men enjoy? Are you willing to say that under the law, women should NOT have rights to their body? Which is the effective result of any anti-abortion legislation.
  9. 1. first we have to define fetal heartbeat.... is that AFTER the heart has fully developed or are you just talking about tiny incomprehensible electric pulses that could be called a heartbeat, before the heart actually exists? There will NEVER be a clear definition of what a fetal heartbeat is. Why do you care about heartbeat instead of some level of brain function? Why not gastrointestinal development? What about kidney functions? What is it that makes the heart the 'key to life' over everything else that is going on that sustains the life of a zygote? All the fetal heartbeat argument does is create an emotional response and puts a foot in the door of the discussion. It actually has no medical or scientific basis whatsoever. 2. EVERYONE is against abortion being used as birth control but that argument ranks up there with taking ALL the guns away because a few people used them for violent crime. I don't care if the fetus is a 'person; or not. I don't care if it is in there curing cancer and writing poetry. It does not have the right to occupy someone else's body without that person's permission. The idea that people would write laws to take away bodily autonomy/authority/control for women and NEVER CONSIDER any such thing for men is so completely unconstitutional and totally misogynistic and only exists because of religious dogma. equal rights my fucking ass. This is a country where we wrote a constitution that stated that everyone was equal and today cannot admit that 'we didn't actually mean that'..... Fetal cardiac function during the first trimester of pregnancy - PMC ( - no mention of 'when fetal heartbeat starts' like it is some kind of date and time.
  10. Care to wager any bets that Trump will soon be a convicted felon? His numbers are NOT going up every time a trial starts.... only one trial has started. Many experts also say that he is as guilty as fuck and the evidence, four grand juries and countless hundreds of people working in various departments of justice agree. A conviction is NOT going to gain votes for Trump, nor should it. Anyone that thinks a convicted felon makes a good president is pretty much a non-american patriot and does not believe in the rule of law. And we are a country of laws. Put up some bucks. Trump is a convicted felon before all this is over and he loses in November, assuming he is there are all.
  11. I couldn't figure out how the SCOTUS was going to muck up the immunity case, but we got a pretty good preview today. They are going to drag this out and turn it into something undefinable and unachievable. trying to specifically define what is immune and what is not.... I thought the jury was supposed to do that? Trump enablers again, and one more chip out of the republic.....
  12. well that only took 4 years..... it would appear that the entire justice system is designed to be an enabler for crimes.....
  13. Honda to build electric vehicles and battery plant in Ontario: sources | National Post Obviously Honda is just part of the larger Candian commie conspiracy.....
  14. Define energy Define transition define 'not happening' Try not to contradict anything you have said or claimed already in this 30 page thread. Oh wait, moving the goalposts and changing definitions is your modus operandi.
  15. no one debates that - but that is not what you said
  16. patently false. Solar is still being built at record rates across the country. wind installations are happening in dozens of states.
  17. Most Industrial gas turbines don't last any longer, in fact generally cost millions of dollars per year to keep them running. I know this because that is the industry that I work in.
  18. turns out that Trump was trying to cover it up as he thought the Christian conservatives would be upset that he had an affair with a porn star while he was having a baby or whatever the timeline was. Turns out that the christian conservatives did not give a fuck, as we have found over the years.... they have no morals and can justify their authoritarian goals because 'god's plan' or whatever other bullshit they believe. Trump should have just said "yeah I fucked the porn star" and be done with it, would have saved himself $130K+, a felony conviction, which is coming soon enough, but I expect there will be a month of jury selection, calls for mistrials, perhaps even a mistrial thanks to several jurors who no doubt will be rabid trump MAGA types, and so on. the justice system is a clown show being run by the clown that is under indictment and I have little faith in it anymore. Even if Trump is convicted on EVERY felony count in this and every other trial, the christian conservatives and MAGA types will not give a fuck, it will not change a single one of their votes.
  19. USPS is controlled by Congress effectively and if they bothered, like so many other things, they could actually fix a lot of the issues. They effectively defunded the organization years ago by putting unfunded and unrealistic financial burdens on them to fund the pension program without figuring out the money that would be needed to make that happen. USPS stamps should be $0.80 and that would solve a lot of issues with their money problems. service comes by better fudning and the freedom to make decisions that work, as well as the DIRECTIVES to make it work Given that it is written into the Constitution, privatizing it is not actually an option, nor would I support that. The second you put profits at the forefront, the system will become corrupt overnight. It's not corrupt now, it is just shitty service. Privatizing it would ensure corruption AND shitty service. And agree with the earlier comment that it is being run by people that want to dismantle it, much like public schools all over the country. As long as we keep voting for idiots, this is what we will get
  20. felt the need to fix that.....
  21. And is still breaking the heat records as well - China breaks heat records in 2023 as sweltering weather baked cities from north to south | Reuters
  22. assuming you buy from a gun dealer. private sales are pretty much exempt from any or all such things in almost every state. In many cases that includes gun shows where I can 'privately' sell you my gun in the parking lot. The idea that 'gun dealers' have any affect whatsoever on the illegal gun trade is more gun lobby fantasy and used for this kind of talking points. ALL gun sales need to be escrowed, whether that is through LEO, gun dealer, whatever..... making private sales illegal unless via a tracking and background check system is the first step at stemming the illegal trade of weapons.
  23. I always have an issue with the idea of 'illegal guns'. There is no such thing as an illegal gun. That's like saying there is an illegal car. It is another gun lobby/NRA talking point distraction. Remington, Winchester, S&W do not have an assembly line that creates illegal guns for criminals to use. We have guns that are obtained, trafficked, or owned illegally BECAUSE we do not have any laws to track guns. If we tracked every gun from its manufacture until its disposal, we would go a long way to finding out how guns get into the hands of criminals. But we don't do that, nor do we even try to.
  24. Comparing any gun law to 'the rest of the country' is meaningless given that the rest of the country has ineffective guns laws as well. If the country wants to reduce gun violence, then we need to model gun laws on the countries that have less gun violence and stop pretending that the causes are judges, or mental health, or open carry, or good-guy-bad-guy, or suicides or whatever. The reason we have so much gun violence is that guns are readily accessible to pretty much anyone in the country and there are no laws worth talking about. Look at what it took to get two parents convicted of manslaughter when they bought their mentally ill kid a semi-auto rifle and then he shot up his school. In any other civilized country, that original purchase would never have happened.