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Everything posted by tkhayes

  1. Actually my suggestion is effectively, that you 'blow' off' the manufacturers. We do not have specific waivers when students jump regular gear, and I do not feel that we need them specifically for tandem. Of course the manufacturers want you to do that for them, it covers THEIR ass, but does nothing for you. (and especialy nothing for your students, which was the original problem in the thread) So add them to the existing waiver and forget about it. Will they pull your rating for it? I doubt it, but if they do, they why would you do business with a company like that anyway? All they want to be is covered. Tandem is now fully legal within the FAA rules and very little can be legally controlled by the manufacturers anymore. When it was experiemental, THEY owned the program, and they effectively ran it and were responsible for it, so of course, I agree with the waiver at that point. Now it is legal, and the laws define the gear, the ratings, and the instructors, etc. TK
  2. create your own waiver and use it, exclude the manufacturers int he paragraphs that list the gear supplies, manufacturers etc, and list trhem specifically. I am not sure that there is any legal requirement to use the tandem manufacturer's waiver anway. Half the waivers out there still talk about tandem being an experimental activity, which is has not been since 2001, so the tandem waiver from them is probably not even relevant anymore.
  3. Maybe Tyler sang it OK and YOU were high as a kite and missed it?
  4. What George Bush did in 4 years as President 1. Caused the largest deficit in US hostory 2. Lied to the world about WMD's and invaded a country anyway 3. Thus caused the deaths of 1000+ US soldiers (what are their names? - we do not hear that anymore) 4. Caused the deaths of 12000-15000 Iraq civilians (innocents) 5. Managed to keep his 50% of the vote by using terrorist scare tactics to suade the US people into thinking we are in constant danger. 6. Supports big oil and big business over ALL other considerations of the American people, of which he is sworn to protect and serve. But only if it makes more money for those in power. Admit any mistakes? No, not a chance Such arrogance needs to be dealt with by running his ass out of office. what a jerk
  5. yes and they ALL said that based on lies and bad intelligence, of which the current government is not taking any responsibility for. Which is why they should be removed from office and charged with war crimes. Let's say for example that Saddam justified his invasion of Kuwait in 1990 using the same logic. I invaded because I saw a threat - opps, I was wrong, but since we are already here, we will stay and finish the job. get real
  6. As i said in the other post - he apparently LEFT the committee long before 9/11 ever happened. so agin I state that he would NOT have access to the intelligence that supposedly supported a war in Iraq, thanks for helping with my arguement. Bush is a liar - a war criminal. He will bankrupt and isolate this country from the rest of the world. Your tax bill will eventually increase no matter WHO is running the country in order to pay for the war. And the only people who will get rich will be the CEO's of military and arms suppliers, the cronies that feed this government. Power breeds power, it is corrupt, and you are blind to it. The rich get richer, and the poor get poorer. History easily demonstrates that this will eventually rupture into civil strife and possibly internal wars. But the rich guys do not care, they will ship their money and assets overseas to protect it - Bush today accused Kerry of 'scare tactics' saying there will be a draft. I accuse Bush of 'scare tactics' by feeding the american public the biggest line of bullshit about terrorism the world as ever seen. "Keep 'em scared - they will let us do ANYTHING'. So far it is working.
  7. so he left the committee 9 months BEFORE 9/11? That makes TOTAL sense now - of course he would have had access to the 'bad intelligencee' thanks for proving my point for me, saved me the search work As I said earlier, he voted for the war because he had only what the government told him - lies, and more lies, just like the rest of us.
  8. I do not see an intelligence committee assignment in there anywhere TK
  9. I grounded myself for a month, did a bunch of remedial training for a tandem cypres fire.
  10. I found out after a divorce and bunch of counciling that the reason people cheat is that they do not get what they need/want at home. Many reasons for that, including the joke here. Also 1. They do not tell the partner what they need/want 2. they tell them,but do not get it anyway. 3. They no longer are in love, but do not want to discuss it, etc 4. commen thread is communications. We hate to talk about things, myself included.
  11. Woohoo I struck a nerve! - look at all that great discussion. The intellgignece was BUSH's responsibility. His and His ONLY. If you think Kerry as a senator had access to everything Bush supposedly knew, then you are fucking dreaming. At that time, he was a lowly senator, and like most of us, believed what he was told. I did too. But y'know what? It was WRONG. It was BUSH's responsisbility, if not totally his fault. And he was WRONG. And thousands of people are dead because of the decisions he made. And most of them, including American Soldiers, did not need to die. This is a 'cheap shot' war, run to make some texas fuckhead get his own way, with billions of dollars in cost, thousands of lives lost, and a reason to continue the war as a self-fulfilling prophecy. Today, they declared Muqtada al-Sadr and his organiztion 'terrorists' instead of 'insurgents'. Way to go! Change the rules so you can pursue what YOU started on a whole different set of rules. What a fucking joke! TK
  12. actually I WAS discussing it, as you suggested - appears YOU did not get it - it is still silly
  13. New Headline - "Replublican Government actually DID makes things up - Thousands DIE!" TK
  14. You are kidding yourself right? You are allowed to ask and/or discuss the hypothetical question and I am allowewd to say that it is silly. OBL had nothing to do with Iraqi insurgency, so beheading him would be irrelevant to the issue of beheadings in Iraq. As far as we know, OBL has not been linked to the beheading of anyone. George Bush would not for one, be the executioner. George Bush for two, would not televise an execution, that is for and, afterall we do have extreme right wing censors in this country. The world and the American Public for three would not condone one or two above either way. silly
  15. it's a silly hypothetical question since it would never happen, the answers do not really matter
  16. if you have never seen their site, it is pretty funny - the archives are a riot, much better than their later material
  17. YES - I am sick of this debate. RSL's save lives. Probably only a handful of people on started skydiving before the RSL was invented and we watched our friends go in time and time again. We put them there for a reason. If you are concerned about an unstable reserve deployment, then why have a Cypres? The Cypres is there in case you are unconcious in freefall and if you are unconcious, then i doubt you would be stable. But you have one anyway. The very instant that you chop from a spinning anything, your body will fly in a straight line due to centrifugal force. period. You are no longer spinning. Any wiggling or flailing that you do beyond that is your own creation. So don't wiggle and flail, pull your handles like you are supposed to. Back to earth or face to earth, your reserve pilot chute still launches and will likely clear anything and everything. Sure people have had RSL related fatalities. People have also died as the result of wearing a seatbelt in a car. HOWEVER, wearing the seatbelt is still the better option. Exceptions for RSL's include video, CReW, and a few other specialty jumps. But not for normal freefall skydiving. Connect your RSL and use it. Buy a Cypres as well. TK
  18. It was good fun, she was a great candidate for the jump, we had some special gear for her legs and Eric Hildebrand took her up with Tony Hathaway shooting the video. Lots of tears after the jump, her brother was pretty stoked that we could do it and it all went perfectly. thanks to them for coming out, and happy 65th TK
  19. hundreds of thousands of people saw the Virgin Mary in the side of fricking building here in Florida, still a daily place of refuge for hundreds of people people see what they want to see and I think there is a plausible explanation for pretty much everything
  20. Geez, Kerry would not have based that on 'american intelligence' fed from the reigning government would he? Or does the Senator have free access to all the CIA files to base his decision?
  21. Don't forget Colin Pwell's address to the UN, all now completely false about the weapons they found. Originally convinced even me that it might be OK to go it there. At least I can admit that I was wrong. I did really hope for the sake of the USA that they found something, but I was not really surprised when they did not. So the UN sanctions and inspections and the US threats actually DID work to disarm Saddam Hussein and he was NOT actually lying when he said he had none. Not that he is such a great guy or anything, just that we were WRONG. TK
  22. Hindsight? Hindsight? hindsight should be an 'oversight' that costs the country a few billion dollars maybe in the worst case, this is WAR, DEATH of 15000 people, the destruction of a country.....etc we are going to appease ourselves by calling it 'hindsight'? American needs to be ashamed. If terrorist attacks against the USA increase steadily for the next century, at least we will know why that is. Can the terrorists now call the World Trade Center Attack as "the ends justifies the means"? Or even 'hindsight' in their favor? ridiculous. TK
  23. tkhayes

    Dog Wisdom

    May I always be the kind of person my dog thinks I am.... TK
  24. I think it is a great victory against the 'right wing' censors that think everything must be so pure, when in fact most people are not so pure. At least Stern says what he means and means what he says and the great thing is, if you do not want to listen to it you do not have to. I am all for titties and SHIT on TV, turn it off if you do not like it, but do not limit my ability to see or hear it. TK
  25. So first he says there was no solid evidence to say there was a link between Hussein and Al-Qaeda. Then he says that Al-Qaeda members were in Iraq, perhaps even in Baghdad (geez what a surprise?) So that is justification in going to war? Al-Qaeda members were also in NY, and London, and the Phillipines and probably in most countries of the world. what an idiot. back to important news..... and TK