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Everything posted by tkhayes

  1. The GOP is ok with rapists and rape but draw the line at child rape I guess that is a plus?
  2. I only have two warnings. Geez I feel inadequate maybe I should have said cunt more often
  3. The mere fact that Trump has to address the notion that Elon Musk has' taken the presidency' in his recent speech is a sign that people believe that, and a sign that Trump is a puppet to that guy.... although puppet is not actually a good term. I think like everything, trump is 100% transactional, that Elon will placate and enrich trump and trump will let him do anything he wants BECAUSE Musk is placating and eneiching him, which pretty much means Musk is 'taking the presidency'. I mean after all, presidenting is hard and if someone else can do it and keep sucking trumps dick, then trump would be Ok with that. He has someone else to blame for everything, while being cheered on by his base for not doing his job.
  4. He’s not even the fucking President yet but we already have the daily dumpster fire america deserves everything they get. Fuck this place.
  5. oh the horror. 'I can't taste the cedar in my cedar planked salmon!' Best Countries for Quality of Life | U.S. News been in the top ten for decades now. the suffering must be immeasurable
  6. helping reduce death and destruction is controlling people? Laws are not effective unless they are 100% effective? Which good laws did you speak of earlier that are 100% effective? Providea specific example? If something works 99.9% of the time, it is still not good enough in yhour book? Does that speak of your life and your own accomplishments? A failure because you have never achieved 100% at anything? This is the problem with trying to have a rational discussion with irrational people. Denying rights? Do kids in school have a right to not get shot in the face by a 15 year old with a 9mm? Or is the 15 year olds gun right superior to the right to life? You are in fact being deliberately obtuse and simply trolling at this point. I am out. Le me know when you gain some common sense and when you decide to stop changing the meanings of words or moving the goalposts
  7. what if we add religion to the above list of atrocities committed? Would that be woke? It’s not like it has not been a regular thing or once again does this only apply if it is a trans pedo lgbtq+ type?
  8. Geez let me think, to reduce murder, death, injury, destruction, damage and the related costs on my fellow Americans, their lives, the medical system, the judicial system, the cost to society, the damage to families and relationships and the general burden that excessive gun violence brings to any society care to respond? Or it is all about you?what about ‘them’?
  9. So you are not going addresses the claim YOU made about laws not working while you simultaneously state that some laws work? thanks for confirming what I said about how you work and the things you do are there effective laws on the books? Yes or no are there effective gun laws in other countries? Yes or no is there a specific reason that some similar laws could not be enacted in the USA to improve gun violence? still waiting for you to answer how we are safer in the USA with all the guns and current gun laws here. I notice that you had to go to the trouble of starting a completely new thread to move the goalposts and avoid that altogether
  10. I never said that. YOU did. You said gun laws are not effective and ignore every other country where they are effective YOUR CLAIM, not mine. We are just trying to get past you contradictions goalpost moving distractions and ignorance of obvious data
  11. Which would then assume that you AGREE that some car laws are effective thus contradicting yourself?
  12. Let’s not given that it is just another distraction mass shootings happen everywhere. Individual shootings happen everywhere. Husbands and boyfriends kill their wives and girlfriends everywhere. Children shoot other children everywhere but ONLY in America at the rates that American see
  13. It is paradoxically silly of you to claim that laws don’t work and then claim that you like some laws…. I assume because you think they work? once again, not sure if you realize that we can hear you….?
  14. I would be pretty comfortable with people that own guns being regulated in similar ways to people owning cars sound like you are onboard as well?
  15. Hmm, I thought the government worked for the people. Sounds like you are happy that Trump will see unyielding and unchecked power how very constitutional and American of you
  16. Innocent people die in civil wars too. I no longer care. In fact I am at the point that I want Trump to burn it down. Remove all freedoms, give every nickel of wealth to himself and cronies, tank the economy, destroy the government and stop everything from working, overt secrecy, alliances with our enemies, totalitarianism and rule by edict fuck it, the quicker we get to that, the quicker it would right itself. Better than dragging out for another 50 years which is now long Bannon says the GOP will rule and I have every reason to believe that to be true
  17. Now now. Don’t be being facts and data into an ideology discussion!
  18. Not anti car. Not anti gun either but you keep parroting the same bullshit making claims about things that don’t exist which laws again do you support? or do you only disagree with laws that you disagree with and then claim that laws don’t work in only those cases? at least you are consistently inconsistent
  19. You understand how lame a statement that is right? You’re too lazy to back up your own claims? either you have something to back up your claims (but seemingly cannot find it) or you have nothing to back up your claims Go ahead. Pick one.
  20. So back to woke…. Let me see, rapist husband drugged his wife and raped and pumped her out for decades in France. texas police chief rapes and abuses and terrorizes his town using his position of power to intimidate people after working in 8 different police agencies in 11 years. all crimes. All adjudicated. All convicted but let’s say for a minute, that it would appear in most of modern history that no female cop used her power to rape teenagers and no women ever drugged her husband to be gang raped by all her friends, and maybe…. just maybe these cases become the subject of some education institutions, sociology classes or studies,or the statistics used in a policy think tank to further public policy, safety or legislative treatment/punishment/safety options and then we actually CHANGE early education for children or other public outreach to help everyone in society understand how wrong these things are and ways to deal with sexual issues before they become rapists and abusers? is that woke? Does that fall under the auspices of say Florida education where men should be dominant and we can’t talk about that because afteralll all the sex crimes are the result it pedo trans folks in little girls bathrooms? asking for a friend. Dare any institution discuss the overwhelming evidence to support the study of sex crimes and dominance demanded and executed by the male half of our species? is that woke? And thus taboo?
  21. Yeah I mean what’s the use of having laws in a country that has a constitution, the supreme law. another weak frail pathetic attempt at justifying abhorrent gun violence and refusing to lift a fucking finger or move one millimeter to improve the situation for your fellow americans how very pathetic of you so there are no laws that you support because what’s the use? No one follows them anyway? Got it
  22. Actually I made no claim that guns are the problem. Nor have I ever made that claim. you have failed to answer the question. As usual. Explain to us how the gun culture, how people with guns, how America with 400 millions guns in the hands of people is safer. or dodge the questions again of course if you cannot answer, well, that is what I would expect.
  23. The very definition of cherry picking. Still waiting for you to show us that guns make us safer but yeah, keep dancing and shouting ‘squirrel!’
  24. And that demonstrates guns make us safer? How exactly?