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Everything posted by tkhayes

  1. the religious right's numbers are decreasing every year, and they see it. They are like a wild animal backed into a corner..... it is hard to guess what bullshit they will try to pull as they desperately try to hang onto power..... Contraception is next. The leak of the draft states that there is no liberty nor privacy in the constitution and is using that as the basis for overturning Roe v Wade. sadly they still have a lot of power but until the nones, the atheists and agnostics stand up and speak out against the religious running the country, well, the religious will continue to run the country. We still have dozens and dozens of congress, Senators, and governors that believe the world is 6000 years old. That alone is a problem.
  2. the religious right's numbers are decreasing every year, and they see it. They are like a wild animal backed into a corner..... it is hard to guess what bullshit they will try to pull as they desperately try to hang onto power..... Contraception is next. along with LGBTQ rights, and the more liberal states will be able to use it to track and seize guns, spy on radical right wing groups with impunity, etc The leak of the draft states that there is no objective or defined liberty nor privacy in the constitution and is using that as the basis for overturning Roe v Wade. that leaves an awful lot of things to go back to the states, including servitude, discrimination, religion in classrooms, Contraception, along with LGBTQ rights, and the more liberal states will be able to use it to track and seize guns, spy on radical right wing groups with impunity, etc, etc. Good that they used 13th century law as a basis for a 21st century argument.... not Sadly they still have a lot of power but until the nones, the atheists and agnostics stand up and speak out against the religious running the country, well, the religious will continue to run the country. We still have dozens and dozens of congress, Senators, and governors that believe the world is 6000 years old. That alone is a problem.
  3. an abject failure of government and policy at the most fundamental level. 4% of the world's population and something like 16-20% of the deaths. America is swarming in culture wars and division over ideology, not data nor facts. we stopped being the greatest country in the world a long time ago. We can still fix it but people cannot agree on the most basic set of facts, which makes the first steps to fixing it pretty much impossible.
  4. as already discussed, females and males are NOT always XY or XX... that is NOT actually a fact as you might see it. your view of the reality of the world is incorrect. there are people born with genitalia that do not match their XY or XX chromosomes. hence part of the discussion here. now try again to define a woman or a man that fits all members of society
  5. and the gotcha question pretty much backfired as a bunch of reporters started asking Republicans to define a woman, and as expected, that turned into an infantile shitshow of bullshit and nonsense and contradiction
  6. then you have to define 'female' Women are sometimes born with the wrong chromosomes. Men as well. People are both with some, parts of, parts of both, none or both sets of genitalia. For anyone to say that you are either 'one or the other' is a denial of the reality of the world. And rather narrow minded. So if you then attempt to write policy and legislation based on 'one or the other' then you will eventually exclude parts of society That only addresses the biology, i.e. 'sex'. Someone said earlier that it has nothing to do with 'gender', which I agree is societal. Perhaps government (nor society) should be in the business of defining sex or gender, or marriage, or a whole bunch of other things.... Oh that's right, then we would be insulting the christians, who I believe are the primary drivers behind all this bullshit anyway.
  7. blaming the object is already a false argument. Much of the proposed gun regulations DO IN FACT address the user. background checks, training, storage, I wish the gun lobby would stop pretending that they actually support ANY legislation - they are not willing to move 1 mm to make gun viol;ence stats improve. not a smidgen. So when they talk about not blaming the object I usually tell them to fuck off given that they are not willing to have a piece of legislation that would address people either. Florida military member kills three in Illinois bowling alley - you cannot even trust those well trained in arms to use them safely or appropriately - so even the people argument fails Nashville Bomber - 'anyone who really wants to build a bomb is going to build a bomb - so what's the point of having any bomb laws?' Bottom line is that America loves their guns, they love the gun violence, they love dirty harry and john wayne and they see the role of the gun as solving problems instead of creating them. America cannot wait for the opportunity to plug a fellow american for some perceived threat to their lives or property - they relish it.
  8. blaming the object is already a false argument. Moch of the proposed gun regulations DO IN FACT address the user. background checks, training, storage,
  9. contrary to the Forbes report/article earlier. And oddly, 3 CA cities are used as data in this article, also contradicting the Forbes story:
  10. geez, comments like these were mindless 10 years ago and still mindless today. good to see some have evolved. No one is asking for more guns laws that make it illegal to shoot someone... and you are actually smart enough to know that is not the issue but you deliberately choose to be obtuse and pretend to be dumb about the actual issues that on the table. I always wonder about that sort of behavior... are people who make mindless comments asking the rest of the forum to treat them as if they are dumb? Or is it just deliberate trolling? Or do they actually have no way to discuss the issues of say, background checks, who has guns (i.e.mental illness), how guns are stored, training requirements and needs, and the actual sampling of the issues and the laws that the majority of Americans are asking for? Just curious.... Did you wear your seatbelt today and did you stop at a red light? I mean such an overbearing government intrusion into your freedom and your rights.....
  11. - A lot. 2500 'child' deaths in 2014, and 13500 injuries. that's just 0-19 years of age As in any accidental death, like swimming pool drownings, setting fire to your house, driving a car, falling into a machine, having something fall on you.... we actually examine the causes, study the cause/effect/correlation and quite often take actions, often via legislation, to improve the safety of those things.... except for gun deaths. For them... we do absolutely fucking nothing. It's called 'regulation' when we do take actions and in almost every facet of other accidents it has resulted in a decrease in deaths and accidents. again, except with guns.... because we do not do that - or anything
  12. apparently yes, it is necessary. Assumptions that all people that are trans have their organs removed or altered to match their identity are simply inaccurate. There are a lot of factors in those decisions.... the most important one being an individuals choice to make decisions regarding their own bodies.... ...just as an example
  13. As if ANY of this banter will make any difference. We already know all this stuff. water off a ducks back. Mueller so far has had no effect on him. Being a sexual predator so far has had no effect on him. No tax returns thus far has had no effect on him. His charity was shut down as a corrupt organization and has had zero effect on him so far. Pointing out that he cannot talk or is a clueless buffoon are minor offenses compared to the stuff we already have. Trump wins in 2020 unless the democrats put someone up that can beat him. And that person will have to 'speak to the people' at least in part the way Trump does and address at least SOME of the issues that he is talking about Because 'murica....
  14. simple enough solution. Single Payer Universal healthcare for all. paid for through the tax base by everyone, and the govt controls the pricing, payments, drug prices. Legislated and done.
  15. simple enough solution. Single Payer Universal healthcare for all. paid for through the tax base by everyone, and the govt controls the pricing, payments, drug prices. Legislated and done.
  16. The right wing was all over Obama for the 'apology tours' as they are called. Of course, Trump wanting to suck every dictator's dick seems to be good policy.....
  17. No doubt... all at the direction of the President himself. I wonder how much longer Trump supporters can stand there and claim they are patriotic Americans when the election process was undoubtedly compromised by criminals... Oh that's right... it's their team, so it's OK..
  18. great timeline
  19. Trump is never going to resign. He is the very definition of the narcissistic sociopath. I have said it a dozen times before. He will not resign because that personality type has never done anything wrong in his lifetime according to his own dysfunctional internal brain-works. I am not sure that he would even leave if impeached and told to leave. Of course that is a pipe dream anyway since Congress abandoned their responsibilities to the country and the constitution a long time ago and we are only reaping the benefits of that now.
  20. that is true, but it will not be from some constitutional ideology differences or right versus left. It will be a French Revolution event based on wealth and opportunity inequality.
  21. More reflection of the teachings of jebus from Ron
  22. what men will do to get laid. what hookers will do for money