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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7R6XG0iltlA sure go big, what could possibly go wrong in 125MPH hurricane force turbulent winds?
Erik Prince is a very very dangerous person IMO. And should be summarily drummed out of anything to do with the US govt or contracting.
On a positive note, Boston had right wing protests, and some reports said they were outnumbered by the 'anti' by 800 to one. no violence, no confrontation at all, the right basically fucked off. Vancouver had similar results. Huge crowds telling these assholes to crawl back under their rocks. But no or little confrontation of any kind. Maybe they will do just that, as they should. And maybe VA was just an outlier event that got out of hand. And instead of emboldening the right, actually put them in jeopardy. Even racist, secret neo-nazis have mortgages to pay, and have to put food on the table, so they need to keep their jobs, friends, social connections, etc. We might just see a reduction in the ranks. Maybe, just maybe we see a reduction in their activities because people go about their lives and simply remain 'racists' on the inside, but shut the fuck up when they are going about their daily lives. Which is perhaps about the best we can hope for, since there will always be some racism out there.
Bannon is certainly not stupid, he just has a twisted ideology that he hopes to experiment with for America. Given so few in the world share his views, he is unlikely to succeed at even trying it, but that doesn't mean that he will not be successful in doing a lot of damage along the way. And his other anti-global views may very well get his ass thrown out, he is certainly part of the reason Trump ends up being more and more isolated. Everyone wants to protect the economy, American jobs etc., and everyone thinks they know the solution. I wish I understood more about the global economy and understood what are the positive things about shipping jobs and technology overseas - it is hard to see the positive things. But I am equally sure that Americans are not willing to pay $1200 for a smartphone that was built in the USA either.
Reverse the races and the same can be said. Black Lives Matter is every bit as racist as is the Klan, and both are odious. Perhaps the differing opinions on the matter are reflective of the quote falsely attributed to Churchill to the effect that one's own farts smell the sweetest. bullshit. my essay today: Want to know why the BLM movement is different from the extreme right movement? Especially when you claim they are both 'violent' and therefore somehow the same? Here is some background to highlight the basis for a large difference. World War II veterans all received a G.I. Bill. The white soldiers that receive the G.I. Bill got to invest their money into better schools because there were better schools for white people than colored people. They got to buy real estate in better neighborhoods. Banks would not loan money to colored people even though the loans were backed by the GI Bill, and as a result, home ownership for whites soared and did almost nothing for people of color. If whites stayed in that house for 40 or 50 years, as middle class families did, AND because it was in a better neighborhood, the value of that real estate gained by several hundred percent over decades in most cases. As a result their total net worth was increased substantially, giving them, their children, and even grandchildren a far better boost and opportunity in life. This is fundamentally what built a strong a robust American middle class and the strongest economy in the world, i.e. “the greatest generation” we called them. The black man received the same G.I. Bill, however they could not get loans, they could not get into good schools either, just because of the regular discrimination that existed until the civil rights movement in the 60’s. As a result, the people of color realized almost NO gain in net worth over the same period of time, impacting their children and grandchildren, and effectively keeping them poor, disenfranchised and suffering from discrimination. But remember that the same GI Bill was offered to everyone, so most everyone has the perception that white and colored people actually had the same opportunities, which is a common falsehood believed by the vast majority of Americans. The colored man couldn't get into the same schools as a white man because it was not allowed. He couldn't buy a house in the same neighborhood as the white man because it was not allowed. He couldn't therefore get a better job than the white man because there's no argument that the black man was paid less, had lower skills, and generally was more financially disenfranchised than the white man Move forward to the 60s and the Civil Rights movement. The white children still did better, they got a better education, and lived in a better house, went to better schools, and therefore got better jobs. So now you have white veteran adults building families, and their white children getting a better economic and educational upbringing. The black family raised their black children in a much poorer environment, still through the 60s had less access to better schooling and better jobs. Therefore we now have a second generation that is barely better off than the first generation. But after the civil rights movement somehow we all thought they were now equal, which fed the notion that somehow everything is now equal, therefore if people of color are ‘not making it’ that it must be their fault. After-all, they had the same GI Bill and they now have all the same opportunities. So when colored people demand ‘justice’ and equality, the fact is that they are several generations behind financially due to societal structures that PREVENTED them from using the equal opportunity that may very well have been there on paper, but never was realized in the real world. When Civil Rights activists protest for these ‘equal rights’, they are not being violent because they are demanding BETTER than everyone else. They are not being violent because they want it all for themselves. They were being violent because they cannot and had not EVER realized ‘equal’ rights. They were not demanding ‘special’ treatment for people of color, they were asking for equality with whites, as guaranteed by the law. And BTW, most of the movements were peaceful, the violence was initiated by law enforcement. But of course anytime there is violence in a protest, the protesters themselves will be the ones accused at some level. Now fast forward to all the other social issues facing people of color for generations, like higher rate of incarceration, longer penalties in jail terms for the same crimes, etc. People of color are even further upset and feel that they are not being treated equally. Which is true. They never achieved the equality that most of us enjoy. The same thing happened with the gay movement throughout the 60s. Law enforcement would arrest you for being gay. Law enforcement would raid gay bars, and oppress gay people. The gay people of the time we're not asking for an ‘all gay’ America. They were not asking for the oppression of people that were not gay. They were just asking for equal standing. They did not in anyway advocate for the overthrow of the country in favor of gay people. Many violent protests broke out and once again, the gay people involved were the ones accused of being 'violent'. These are just a couple of examples where equality has been sought by a group, and both groups have been denounced as ‘violent’ or otherwise discredited, when in fact, all they ask for is equality. So jump forward to Black Lives Matter. The black lives matter movement is a response to the direct killing of black people by law-enforcement. No one in the black lives movement has asked for an all black society. No one in the black lives movement has asked for the oppression of other races, religions, or cultures. All they have asked for is it equal footing, which is due (in part and for example) to the historical explanation I have already given. White people and the majority of Americans already believe that black people do in fact have equal rights. And in the letter of the law, they do have equal rights, but in the practical reality of society and the application of our laws that simply is not true. And sometimes violence ensues because they have NOT achieved equality and they are in fact generations behind, financially, educationally, and we continue to think they are ‘equal’. Now jump to the Neo-Nazis, the KKK, the White nationalists and similar far-right groups. They absolutely advocate for an all white nation. An all Christian nation. They advocate for the ELIMINATION and OPPRESSION of people of color. They advocate for the elimination and oppression of Jews, gays and others. And they directly advocate for violence to achieve those goals. So the difference with Black Lives Matter is they're asking for equality. The extreme right is asking for superiority. And if you don't understand the difference, then you're misinformed, uneducated, and quite likely part of the problem. There is a radical difference between a group that is advocating violence to oppress others versus using violence to stand up for your equal rights. David TK Hayes
Pipistrel introduces electric trainer
tkhayes replied to riggerrob's topic in General Skydiving Discussions
true. There is not much more efficient way to get work done today than burning fossil fuels inside large cubic-inch-displacement engines, at least in the mere HP versus size.... I learned that a long time ago building cars, trying to make small engines do things they were never designed to do and wondering why they constantly burn up and wear out. Nothing like simple cubic displacement to increase power.... yes we will come up with new technologies. I doubt batteries will be flying airplanes en masse anytime soon, -
Ask Rush, the Manafort raid never happened, it's all part of the bigger conspiracy of fake news, fake evidence, fake Russia, Hell I don't even think Russia is actually a country anymore. Yep, nothing to see here, move along...
I guess it's a fake grand jury to review the fake crimes that never happened....
Patrick, dead Rob Harris, Dead That other lady, dead That guy at Quincy, dead etc pretty much all the great skysurfers died skysurfing. hence my comment It could just be that going 150MPH with a long piece of rigid material strapped to your feet is in fact....dangerous. I mean we are debating handcams fer chrissake as if people are going in left and right because of them, which they are not.
Skysurfing did not die. All the skysurfers did.
!!! got some more exclamation marks there? !!!! I mean after all those....you are right, I concede.... I am convinced. it was those dots and lines that did me in.... Maybe the Republicans should have used more of them in the countless investigations that turned up nothing....she would have been put to death by now.
motorola bag phone - not shown there.... https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/51YGMyV5G-L._SX355_.jpg
"We will tax those Mexican goods that are stealing our jobs!!" "YEAH!! screw them!!" and not a fucking clue who actually pay the taxes on those goods. Yes, America is that fucking stupid. So fucking stupid that they deserve exactly what they have in the White House.
Fox reported that Trump was going to NJ to accept the unconditional surrender of MS-13..... whew, I am exhausted from all the winning!!
we did listen to what he said and what he said was EXACTLY what he said. Which is not what you say he said. Yes, listen to what he said. He never ever said a crime was committed, he never ever said anything that you concluded that was said. Not ever...not even once, nil zilch, zip zero. But of course, you and others seem to have the authority to reinterpret what was said into what you wanted to be said even though is was not said or never said.
I was not saying let's do it because everyone is doing it....I SPECIFICALLY asked to see the data. And I still state there is little or none. so again, if you want to prove me wrong, show me the data. there are 15 cameras on every load today, if video was a distraction or dangerous, we would know about it and there would be a ton of evidence to support that claim. still waiting. especially waiting from the folks at UPT that specifically made the claims they made during PIA. i support the data. but there appears to be none. or little
you apparently have absolutely no clue how the American justice system actually works or even the slightest grasp of the processed, definitions or procedures involved in calling something a 'crime'. BTW, Hillary is not in office nor is she under investigation. So not actually sure what your rant is hoping to accomplish, or whatever thread of your sanity you might be attempting to hang onto with some rhetorical diversion that carries no weight despite your claims, and will never carry any weight despite your claims. But good luck with all that wasting your breath. I am sure the world will be a better place because Rush thinks that Hillary is a criminal. However, your President most certainly is under investigation, as is his campaign, as is his family and close business associates.
I went as passenger for a big guy getting his ratings 20 years ago. he was a big guy and so am I. we hit exactly 200mph flat no drogue indicated on the Protrack....
http://www.cnn.com/2016/11/22/politics/conway-no-clinton-charges-donald-trump/index.html what happened to the campaign promise of prosecuting Hillary anyway? Just another failed policy of the current administration. Or more likely, he knew they would vote for him, even though he fed them bullshit and continues to follow through with nothing but empty bullshit promises..... Carrier - http://www.chicagotribune.com/business/ct-carrier-plant-layoffs-20170720-story.html immigration blocked by most courts. no healthcare repeal OR replace. No wall, or even a mention of a wall in any budget
BillyVance's "You Can't Make This Up" News Stories Thread
tkhayes replied to BillyVance's topic in The Bonfire
It's Florida.... of course -
https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/888724194820857857 love the reply. thin-skinned whiny little bitch.
http://www.commoncause.org/press/press-releases/doj-fec-complaints-filed-against-donald-trump-jr-and-trump-campaign-for-illegal-solicitation-of-contribution-from-foreign-national.pdf the lawsuit will certainly have traction, the crime may not be prosecuted. If Hillary is a criminal because she deleted emails EVEN IF the FBI decided to not charge or prosecute, then Jr is also a criminal even if he is never charged or prosecuted, using exactly the same logic and standard. But of course you would object to any double standards because the only standards that matter are the ones you enjoy.....
the 'act' of attempting is called conspiracy and it is a crime. so whether or not they got any info does not matter. Kind of like saying "I tried to kill my wife, but she survived, so therefore I am not guilty of anything." Was it the gov providing? Time will tell, but Jr went to the meeting EXPECTING it to be that information from that source. Also a crime. not 'collusion'....'conspiracy'. It's a crime. even you know that.
especially the parts where he openly admits to using fake media, stories and disinformation to get his ways. Right up the alley with Christianity - no wonder it works in politics, since it's been working for religion for centuries. Roger Stone is a slimeball, but very good at it. It's those dirty tricks that work to undermine democracy as we know it.