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Everything posted by tkhayes

  1. revealed by who? And by strong liberal bias, you mean 'uncovering the facts' right? You should watch the new film 'Get me Roger Stone' for a better understanding of facts
  2. my stepfather went from diagnosis to dead in less than 3 months with glioblastoma. nasty cancer with pretty much 0 survival rate. At least McCain (and my stepfather) had full lives and lived to a ripe old age.
  3. I am not convinced that online versions of anything will save a considerable amount of money. Online design has its own requirements and people to do the work. This is not Mission Impossible or Minority Report. real people have to compile the same data into real platforms and code that actually works and is manageable online It has to be easy to use, legible, easy to maneuver and manipulate. If you think a PDF would be acceptable, i think you would be sadly mistaken that readers would even bother. web platforms, the software required to do it right (i.e. the NY Times) costs a shit ton of money and skills to use it well.
  4. hey, they learned from the accident here by wearing some sort of restraint it would seem.
  5. largely because even his base is realizing that he is the piece of shit they suspected he was, but hoped he would pull through for them
  6. ^^^ What he said.... We went through the same bullshit with IAD and BOC pilot chutes for students, everyone in the USA claiming they are dangerous even though they were being used all over the world. I remember someone claiming that somehow Canadians were just really good at hiding all the accidents related to a IADs .... wtf? Barry Chase (SEDirector at the time) would not support throw out pilot chutes for students because he couldn't find anything 'wrong' with We live in a world of rules based on evidence people. If small cameras were dangerous then there would be a litany of accidents to demonstrate that. The only issue I have is how to make a buck off a student wearing their own GoPro
  7. right, and none of those SRO descriptions include 'gun violence', which is the main point of this thread. I see the thread digressing into some sort of a diversion about gun violence and a 'see I told you so' issue comparing these SROs with ANYTHING to do with gun violence per se. It's like saying that the main purpose of having paramedics is because of gun violence, just because they once responded to a violent gun situation, when 99% of their time they are transporting drunks/addicts and homeless people to the hospital or dealing with simple accidents. I would hate to see the conversation get sidelined by some so NOT relevant to the conversation as an officer at a school that is talking to a bunch of kids about graffiti on the walls and why they should not bully that other kid.....
  8. That happened near here. Pilot got ripped over seat belt rules. It has been done MANY times over the years - I have heard of plenty of times people have done similar things. risky yes, with planning not necessarily dangerous but obvious there is some planning and things can go wrong. But yes, now a case of a seatbelt violation has been set as precedent that will get your pilot in trouble.
  9. The primary purpose(s) of the SRO programs in Canada is NOT armed guards protecting kids from crazy people with guns and any attempt to suggest that as the purpose is wildly inaccurate. These are resource officers and like so many things done differently in Canada, we (they) tend to focus on more important matters than worrying about getting shot every day and being obsessed with guns. We have real problems that we address, like drugs, alcohol, learning to drive, pregnancy and education, etc.
  10. I don't credit Trump with lying. I think he makes it up as he goes along, and whether or not what he says is 'factual' is rather an abstraction to him. He is not disingenuous so much as batshit crazy. agreed - also symptom #65 of a narcissistic sociopath.
  11. I am still waiting to see the list of them that makes video such a dangerous thing. Tom Noonan spoke at PIA about whether or not TI's should be wearing handcams due to the 'increasing number of incidents' related to that. I asked the question "Where are they and let's see them?" This is a pretty small industry.....if there were large numbers of dangerous things happening due to camera, then we would be seeing them, especially because they are being recorded. I put it to you that we are NOT seeing them, at least not to the extent being put forth and therefore perhaps not a statistical issue. USPA at the very least should be seeing and reporting on them. I expect the numbers of incidents are no more than any other distraction that we have in the sport.
  12. Which is a mere pittance insofar as any sort of 'professional' goes, in any industry, or similar sporting organization. No one is demanding that anyone becomes a professional skydiver. I already gave the best example of why your membership dues are worth every cent you will pay for the rest of your life. Keeping the govt off our backs.
  13. Its $14.00 increase to renew, not $10. ***How about a decision by the Feds 20 years ago to NOT tax skydiving at a federal level that saved you at least 10% of the cost of every skydive you ever made? Is that a question or a statement? I am just trying to figure out if this dues increase is for the museum, Ed Scott wanting a raise or what. I read the minutes and the agenda and it doesn't really give me the information I'm looking for. What are they hiding? It was a mathematical example, not a financial analysis of the reasons for a membership price increase - lighten the fuck up And NONE is going to the museum. USPA has given a grand total of something like $25K to the museum and the museum exists as a separate institution, financially, corporately, and wholly separate from USPA.
  14. what do you get for your dues? How about a decision by the Feds 20 years ago to NOT tax skydiving at a federal level that saved you at least 10% of the cost of every skydive you ever made? How about the assistance with the sales tax issue that allowed states to go after tandem skydives as amusement rides, which would have put sales tax on skydiving and quite possibly set a precedent to tax ALL skydives? If you are wondering about what your dues pay for, those two alone saved you enough money to make every due you ever paid worthwhile. And if you are wondering about why GM memberships may not be going up? 300 dropzones times say a $100 increase is $30,000 in revenue. a $10 increase in 30,000 membership dues is $300,000 in revenue. do the math.
  15. Ron has a belief structure....he needs no evidence, not does he need to reply. People with beliefs are always correct in their assumptions based upon those same beliefs....
  16. Other than this credible evidence: I know you probably don't watch Rachel Maddow, but to save you the pain of having to listen to her, you can just watch 15:30 to 16:53 and watch the evidence of the 'culture of dishonesty' for yourself. Every statement made in those clips was proven to be 100% false, misleading, or outright lies.
  17. If you compare shootings per capita, St. Louis (and I expect a load of other cities) did not fair any better, perhaps even worse. The common thread is that most people are shot with something called a 'gun'. But we do not talk about the other cities. Geez, if we could only get rid of all that criminal black element of society in Chicago that is causing all the trouble, the NRA narrative might actually have a leg to stand on.....
  18. "The world's most viewed site on global warming and climate change" 'nuff said. He's a weatherman by his very own description. He addresses climate change by arguing that Nye and Dole got the number of refugees that would be displaced wrong, but fails to address anything that actually talks about climate change itself.....yep, that is some objective science. You are actually reading the things you post right?
  19. President also unifies the racists elements and the KKK at every rally.....
  20. Best explanation I ever heard was from some Texas Representative, cannot remember his name, but it was a video tidbit from quite a few years ago, something like: "The founders had every chance to write Christianity into the Constitution, but they didn't"
  21. right, but the big 3 agencies were involved in that decision and assessment. So because someone reported that 17 agencies were involved, the determination of the FBI, the CIA, the NSA must therefore also be invalid. got it.
  22. I jumped the same canopy for 450 jumps, then jumped the next one for 500 jumps. There is a lot you can do with even a larger parachute.....getting 'bored' is not likely, especially if you decide not to and just continue to seek out new information, techniques, take Flight-1 classes and continue to progress.
  23. thin-skinned whiny little bitch....that's our 'leader'. A fucking child. a mutt. a moppet. NOT a leader. NOT able to take criticism. NOT able to deflect even the slightest bruise to his ego or his character. I wonder how many mirrors that orange haired fuck face has to look at every day to survive? whiny little bitch. And should be treated and called out as such at every opportunity.
  24. PD and Flight-1 talk about that. with the wind at your back - or the wind in your face, rear risers work better that toggles in one of those situations, I cannot remember which is which but I want to add it to my presentation as well.
  25. agreed, even the free market demands regulations, especially ones that work in their favor.... and that is called lobbying.