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Everything posted by tkhayes

  1. These is only a definition of what morality is, which is a belief structure. What is and is not 'moral' varies widely from person to person, society to society, culture to culture and varies greatly over time, as it should.
  2. Trump will lose, badly. The Party will reject him. He will be done within the GOP and that will be that. He will write a book and tell the world how it was all rigged against him and how he never wanted it anyway. Opportunity for the Party to rebuild, and rid themselves of the radicals that got them to where they are today, which is disarray and losing election after election due to the inability of putting someone out front who can actually win. It is an opportunity for the party to rebuild, refocus and perhaps come out a million miles ahead on the next cycle. OR Double and triple down on the anti-immigrant, anti-women, anti-everything rhetoric they said they would fix after that last loss in 2008. I see an opportunity to rebuild, but I expect many of the party inside elite also see it as "Obviously we did not go far enough or we would have won".
  3. ahh yes, flying the Christian morality colors higher than ever I see....
  4. that is pretty brilliant sir - well done.
  5. As I have said in other forums, if Trump today, announced that his first task in office would be to tattoo numbers on Jewish children so he could keep track of them, Trump voters would still vote for him. There is no level of distaste that Trump can demonstrate that will change the minds of his 'electorate'.
  6. I expect that it is cherry-picked data, like so many things are.
  7. I am reading that the debt is $56K per person, not $200K Energy Squandered? I thought we were more energy independent than ever? Most energy sources are finite anyway, so at some point, arguably, we will 'squander' it all by burning every bit of it. Manufacturing gone? Agreed, but that is the basis of capitalism, which we embrace. The moment that I find a cheaper way to do something, capitalism REQUIRES me to pursue that path. Trade agreements? See previous paragraph. If taking care of your own people is considered institutionalization, then so be it. Most countries at least attempt to take care of their own citizens. American citizens seem to gladly despise each other. Net importer of food? My search shows many surplus stores of food everywhere and lower prices because of it. Fun while it lasted? More 'end of the world rhetoric' like Ron keeps pumping out except he has a bible in his hand and you do not. The USA is doing fine and is still ahead of much of the world as a place for unlimited opportunity and wealth. Long after you and I are dead, people like you and I will still be debating the 'end of America'. I am planning my retirement and how happy I am going to be doing it.
  8. we already had the discussion of Christian moral standards....and they are not all that they claim to be....even yours.
  9. Ron, your 'Christian brethren' are equally despicable.
  10. Trump: "It was rigged!" Clinton: "A victory for society and America!" Johnson: "Aleppo!" but seriously...hard to argue with a unanimous decision....the system working the way it was intended. Good for that.
  11. we survived 8 years of GWB, and all those 'haters' survived 8 years of BHO. We will be just fine, the numbers are good, people are working for the most part. We have things to improve on, and you still have your guns. get over it, vote and participate in the fucking process rather that hang onto your bible and bitch about it.
  12. we are a country of laws, so we have to follow the law, even when dealing with a criminal. You are either here on a visa, permanent residency (or awaiting permanent residency) or citizenship. If you are here on a visa, you are convicted first, and then deported. If you are a permanent resident, you are 'ours' but it can be revoked. I expect you are convicted and then someone has to start the process of revoking your residency and then deporting you. If you are a citizen, then you are an American and it cannot really be revoked (yes there are exceptions). Would probably require extraordinary circumstances and I expect be a long process. There is no process to force other countries to repatriate former residents and citizens and entertaining the idea of 'dropping them off' puts us into the company of third world countries and regimes. We are supposed to be better than that. You pays yer money and you takes yer chances once in a while. Citizenship for me was a 10 year long and drawn out, difficult process. I have faith that for the most part, it works well and that the USA does a reasonably decent job of screening its applicants, refugees, and residents seeking to be here.
  13. sure, because when i am deciding for myself who the best candidate is to lead the free world, 'bobble head mode' is the first thing on my list..... bravo for your standards.....I guess?
  14. We only make it a racist issue BECAUSE it is a racist issue. And largely why it was shut down, given that the Constitution that you so dearly uphold was being violated by the people that you so proudly trust to uphold your rights.
  15. So clarifying once are Ok with violating the Constitutional right to arm yourself by 'infringing' through permits? got it.
  16. Fox Oreilly Hannity and Rush will all claim Trump won. Trump will claim that Trump won of course because he is all that. "I'm the best debater, I have the greatest one debates better than me..." MSNBC, Rachel, CNN, PP and Hillary will claim that she won because she was calm cool collected and stuck to the facts and the debate points. And I doubt that anyone will change their vote at this point based on a presidential debate. She is still going to win the election by a large margin and Trump is still going to claim that 3700 county election offices in 50 states rigged the election. I am not watching the debates, not any speeches, as they all just talk and talk and pontificate, and none of it really means anything IMO
  17. Mixed experiences. For most Craftsman model parts, they seem to have their shit together, and you get stuff like any normal online ordering place. But they advertise pretty much every part in the world for everything...and when you order something like that, I have had quick deliveries, no deliveries, backorders. etc. backordering with no notification, they cannot even tell you when it might arrive. Sears was at this long before Amazon came along and yet somehow managed to fuck it up beyond all recognition. And that is why they are dying. They should have completely owned the world in this area, but sold off the company piece by piece and what was left is being run by idiots. tools and appliances are all that is left.
  18. I would expect nothing less from you Ron. $100 says Trump loses the election and the spread is minimum 10% of the popular vote. And the reason he will lose has already been stated in this thread. He's a pig, and not worthy of the presidency.
  19. It is simple, but interpretation of it is not, my point, apparently you missed
  20. sure no one on the right is pushing it, except for the guy on the right..... Trump absolutely owned this issue. I could give a shit if he started it or not, that actually doesn't matter, but he sure as hell carried it. and carried it and carried it, non stop for years. That is because he is a racist fuck....and is completely out of touch with reality. He does not represent America, he represents himself and his ego. And he is going to lose the election by a landslide because of all that and every other 100 things that are wrong with him.
  21. I jumped out of Roger Nelson's Islander in 1985 at Sandwich IL
  22. I remember jumping PC's at Claresholm in 1982, but pretty sure in 1983 they had gone to the LR288 mains, predecessor to the Manta.
  23. No, it's not. It's actually pretty straight forward, as are the 27 amendments that have passed to date. The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States of America Product Dimensions: 4.9 x 3.4 x 0.5 inches This will fit into your shirt pocket. Takes less than an hour to read through it. Sure it is really simple I guess....that is why we have an entire court system in place to interpret it with a staff of nearly 500 people....because it is soooooo simple and straightforward.
  24. A great article and things you should be able to do prior to changing the size of the canopy you are flying. Also has exercises to go practice and demonstrate these things. The first 4 are essential. Number 6 is good as well. 5 and 7 in my opinion are for more advanced flying and certainly not something you should be doing at 30 jumps. But there is a lot going into the decision of what size and type of parachute you want to buy. size is only one factor. I think a 230 is fine for you, and yes you will probably get bored with it prior to 180 jumps. But you probably will also not be laying on the ground with a bone sticking out of your leg either.