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Everything posted by tkhayes

  1. And after I was corrected on that assumption, I further clarified and corrected my statement. You missed that apparently.
  2. I never said everything has to have a boss, and the rest of your post appears to be based upon that assumption.
  3. I do not remember being under any requirement to answer anyone's questions. This is not a legal forum, but is a discussion forum. I can choose to state an opinion or not, and I can choose to read, accept, ignore, or not read yours or anyone else's. But since you are pressing, the analogy is false. Moot. This is not what happened. We are talking about a bunch of people on the same bridge at the same location at the same time, within a few feet of each other. Not someone driving over the bridge and then jumping out of a car, off the bridge, unannounced. apples and oranges, hence why i did not answer it. to correct your analogy: And yes, I would most certainly bear 'some' responsibility for that. And I would review, alter, change, implement procedures to alleviate that situation if it ever occurred. It would not be 'my' fault. It would be 'my' responsibility in some way, as well as the responsibility of others as well. It would be a gross failure of multiple chains of events that lead to an accident, just like every accident is. That chain of events would need to be analyzed, the events that lead up to the accident detailed, decisions made whether or not any of these events could be altered and how, and then actions taken to change the sequence of events in the future, if at all possible. A great read on accident analysis not to mention the wealth of knowledge that is available already on this website, plus USPA, plus Bryan Burke, plus dozens of others. If we are still dying by the same methods that we were dying from yesterday, then there is obviously some work we can do to improve things.
  4. fixed that for you. nice rant, but truly meaningless and apparently you failed to read all of my comments. It's OK, we all make mistakes....
  5. definitely a gaffe when it comes to presidential elections. Trump would have said "I love Aleppo - hell I built it! They love me there!"
  6. Which applies to pretty much every post in this thread.....
  7. I never asked anyone to resign, and if you are suggesting that skydive City does not analyze fatalities and injuries and address or make changes to processes to help reduce that, you would be woefully mistaken
  8. which is exactly what I said - BASE obviously has a long way to go. we are actually in agreement here. I said we can do better. You are saying we can do better. I am not asking for 100%, but the record of BASE fatalities is not actually exemplary. It is improving, however it has a long way to go, and it is far more dangerous that 'regular' skydiving. One of those reasons is the lack of these standards, like gear checks. Where is the BASE SIM Manual anyway? Pretty sure there is not one. yet BASE has been around and popular since the 70's. At least the manufacturers are doing their bit page 46-47 - I am being criticized for comparing it to skydiving..... really? OK, then then compare it to aerobatic flying in high performance airplanes. They do gear checks. Compare it to re-breather scuba....because they do gear checks. compare it to whatever extreme sport you want that involves equipment....because they all do gear checks. And we do gear checks, and we have been doing it for 50+ years now. We are dying for the same reasons we died 30-40 years ago. And sometimes we invent creative new ways to die. I am not accepting this as a standard.
  9. It's an opinion piece, and the sub-headline suggests that the FBI thinks she is criminal - when in fact they have already determined that she is not. I have an opinion piece. I think Trump has a wife that worked illegally in the USA. I think Trump donated to the Clinton Foundation at the same time that he alleges wrongdoing by the Clinton Foundation. I think Trump is openly cheating on his taxes yet will not disclose his tax returns. That is my opinion.... ...maybe the headline therefore should read "Evidence of IRS criminal wrongdoing by Trump, FBI and IRS not doing anything about it" just as accurate and just as valid. All of it meaningless tripe.
  10. that's fucking funny...I did nto there were 'rules' for Darwin....i thought you just had to be dead to be nominated....
  11. So I am confused..... I am an arsehole ....does that mean you are ok with the message but you just don't like the way I delivered it? Well sorry you are butt hurt. Lives are at stake. And I never applied any particular standard, dropzone or skydiver... I was applying a 'higher' standard, using known examples that we are supposedly familiar that say, includes gear checks. I will tell you what, pretend for a minute that the Darwin candidate was your brother, friend, father, whatever, and they jumped and died.... I expect you would be having similar observations and questions. And I am certain your response would not be, " oh well, what a dick, well, personal responsibility, y'know..."
  12. So you are in fact OK with people's rights being infringed. ;-) 300M people and 300M interpretations of what it all means. But you are right, the SCOTUS has the final say until the legislature writes sensible rules and/or changes the Constitution. I am all for a re-write of the 2nd amendment, and others. we are woefully overdue.
  13. going to be a shit show for many i expect. Skydive City already making changes and reviewing the wok. I used to just need to see your medical and your ratings I need to find out when where and who did your rating course. Stupid shit like this creating extra work for all of us.
  14. 7711-2, there is a box where you list the FAR(s) to be waived, if that is your request. Good luck with that.
  15. I have no axe to grind with anyone and if read my posts, I said as much and then further clarified my position when so many decided to jump all over my shit. Let me be clear. i actually give a fuck about human life. I find it unacceptable when people die for stupid reasons. And I think we can all to better. And then I actually take actions to make things better when I see that it can make a difference to further those goals. In this case, a lot of people could have done better. If you want to jump on my shit because I give a fuck about human life - even the 'darwin award winners', well then explain to me how I am the one with a problem.....
  16. Whoa Whoa here...the Constitution EXPLICITLY says "...shall not be infringed..." So I assume that means even drunks and addicts should absolutely have access to guns any time they want. I am sure that is what those guys meant when they wrote...
  17. that makes a great mission statement, but the Constitution is a far more complex document. And even the Constitution is largely an 'overview' that has been changed many times (as it should be). So then that filters down to the actual laws and implementation plan. But the bottom line is that if you ask 300M people what exactly "freedom, liberty and justice for all" means, you will probably get 300M different answers. The reality is that we have to meet in the middle of a lot of issues and agree to make it work the best we can. and then do it again. and then do it again. And there will never be a final definite solution to anything.
  18. Which, when paraphrased is exactly what I said. No it's not, but if you are a BASE jumper on a bridge with a bunch of other BASE jumpers all doing the same thing, then there is no reason that YOU personally cannot treat it like it IS a DZ. And if everyone else had that ingrained... good for you and that is what I am talking about. Gear checks are "Skydiving 101" fer chrissake. This is not something new. This is part of the program from the first jump anyone every made. We are taught how to do them, when to do them and how important they are regardless of your experience level. They are supposed to be ritual and as important as 'not forgetting to pull'. To bypass that now just because BASE is somehow 'different', or the location is different or the circumstances are different is irresponsible. apparently not. So many facets of our sport still have a lot of growing up to do.
  19. So much for the base 'community' What you are saying basically is that it is ok for me to stand there and watch the guy g off a cliff, not my job. No empathy for fellow human being, accepting death as an ok outcome, disinterested in others, only responsible for myself. Sounds like an ego driven sport to me, but that pretty much defines a large part of skydiving and related sports anyway. EVERYONE on that bridge failed to some degree. And sure, that guy himself failed to the greatest degree of all, yes. And I agree he owes Douggie a shitload of whatever for saving his life. However it was a mass collective failure of complacency.... And we can all do better and we all should do better and I hope everyone learned something from it.
  20. fair enough.... But when someone gets on the airplane at the dropzone without their gear on, or worse, climbs out of the airplane without their gear does in fact reflect badly on the dropzone as well as the person who failed to do their gear up. And as an example at Skydive City, we would absolutely take action to ensure that thing did not happen again. Because it has happened, Keep in mind I never said it was your fault. i commented on what I saw in 1 minute of video. Lots of people doing things that are dangerous at best, yet apparently complacent all the same. Hopefully you learned something from it as well.
  21. well, it would seem from the audio that the guy chewing him out is 'in charge' of what is going on... "Go home, Get off this fucking bridge..." etc So if you are in charge of, or at least participating in, what looks like at least some semi-organized thing going on involving many it is that this guy managed to get over the railing without someone else (perhaps someone in charge) giving him a gear check on a base jump? Appears there were many 'brain dead' people there that day, not just that guy.
  22. tkhayes

    Oh Canada!

    Gander had tons of Aeroflot flights between USSR to Cuba refuelling there. Fidel's plane broke down so he got some time in Gander and got an impromptu tour of town by the mayor and entourage. Part of that was the hospital, pitched on a hill that we used to toboggan on, it was steep and great. While in the hospital Fidel saw the kids and everyone sliding down the hill and came out to give it a whirl. My friend, Randy Walsh and I were there and Fidel rode our toboggan on the hill, wiped out pretty good I seem to remember, but I was maybe 10 or 11, I do not even know the date. I did not know there were pictures taken and I did not know who Fidel was, just some big hairy guy that wanted to ride the sled.... but yes, when everyone is sitting around the campfire telling their bullshit stories....I have a 'bullshit story' that tops most
  23. contains too many facts - I expect no one on will be interested in any of that.
  24. well the judge received a reprimand...but did not go to jail nor received a reduction in pay or removed from the bench as far as I can see. So while it is positive outcome- at least they are doing something...the lady she belittled DID in fact go to jail and there was not much information about how the judge may very well have damaged her life by making her spend 3 days in jail with a young child to take care of. Is there recourse to sue the court? Did she lose her child? What happened with the domestic abuse thingy in the end etc? They report that she had every right to put that woman in jail, but the issue was with 'being mean', not the actual jailing. So are the people reading the articles thinking that the judge was reprimanded for putting the women in jail? Or being mean? I think most people think it was wrong to put her in jail in the first place - but apparently that part was in fact OK. The judge was just expected to do it with a please and thank you.