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Everything posted by tkhayes

  1. for starters, there are several more.
  2. Which is called 'weather' not 'climate' So I expect he will post about the same time you post your CV/ability to be a climate researcher worthy of listening to.
  3. I believe I spoke to you yesterday - feel free to stay in touch if you have any questions, thanks TK
  4. from Governor Herbert's office: Apparently does not understand the checks and balances in the Constitution that help keep those states in line when they fuck up. Looks to me like the system worked exactly as designed. They just did not like the ruling of course.
  5. I get that - but the assumption from the gun lobby seems to indicate (and certainly drives the hype) that there is 'no' process or very little process. And I restate that to get on the terrorist watch list that the FBI maintains, there IS a process. And the assumption that the process is not, could not, or would not be modified to be in line with the Constitution is simply ludicrous. We trust the FBI to do 10's of thousands of tasks every single day, every right winger is certainly rooting for them to indict Hillary - no violation of due process there......why is suddenly it seems that the FBI could not manage a list of people that should not have guns because we (they) have credible reason to think they might commit an act of terrorism? You can get taken of an airplane for showing up accidentally with a pocket knife in your bag and then yelling at the security guard for taking it away from you...... Were you a threat? Probably not. Did they get to take your knife and eject you? yes they did. Were your Constitutional rights violated by taking you off that flight? arguably either way. Does anyone give a shit? Only you. It goes right back to the penis size argument. People's guns are more precious than the lives of fellow americans because people have small dicks.
  6. I love the fake debate about due process. What do you think due process is? Do you think the FBI is simply pulling names out of a hat for any sort of watch list? The list was created FROM due process, not by evading it. What it really means to most Americans that oppose it is "As long as it that 'other guy' and not me, I am fine with it". An certainly we cannot have any restrictions for white people that own guns. But brown people that want to vote/drive/register/buy guns/pray/exist, yep let's make sure we have a 'list' for them.
  7. I am pretty sure those mugshots will be shown to the judge at the time he/she considers sentencing. Judges love that shit.
  8. untrue and not reflected in reality. Not supported by any statistical data. How many mail bombs have we seen and how many people have died from mail bombs? Components to make bombs are hard to get and mostly regulated, especially SINCE the unabomber. Go ahead, try and make one. See who notices. Yes he did, and now fertilizer is regulated and we have not seen any fertilizer bombs since then. Do you have any idea how many hundreds and hundreds of pounds it took to make that bomb? Go ahead and look it up. Now tell me how a lone wolf commits that same crime again in the USA without being noticed. (and manages to bring it into a gay bar) Also heavily regulated and has not been seen since we changed the PRODUCT....yes we changed the ASPIRINS and there are no more aspirin bottle poisonings.... aspirin does kill people, people kill people, but we fixed that when we changed the aspirin. Even the pressure cooker bomb only killed 3 people. hardly a weapon of 'mass destruction' compared to the SIG MRx The gun is in fact part of the problem, and yes we need to restrict who can get them, but also how they are gotten, how they are bought and sold, what kinds are sold what magazines are used, the life of the gun from end to end, and yes, the GUN is in fact going to have to be part of that solution. Yes it is, just like the fertilizer and aspirin. but
  9. and that is an anecdotal story on one occurrence and doesn't make the case for statistical analysis In fact it supports gun control when compared to the USA, but sure, go ahead and make our case for us. thanks
  10. misdemeanor charge dismissed, felony charges stand.....I guess that is a victory? wtf?
  11. which is fine and is his experience and that is called an anecdotal story, not statistical evidence. Anecdotal stories should not be used to make policy. Lots of people as well have chased away armed intruders by doing nothing more that getting out of bed and confronting them.
  12. not to mention the fact that we have no idea how many armed people were at some of these 'mass shootings' or any shooting for that matter around the country. Who is going to stand up and say "Yep, had a gun in my belt when that guy started shooting, but I shit my pants and ran, instead of using my gun to save lives". Given that we have more guns than ever before, more people carrying guns than ever before, I expect this is a relatively common occurrence. People with guns did nothing, - well that is unfair, what they did was run to save their own skin, just like everyone else did. (what might be called a normal reaction)
  13. I read the same Bible that you did, came to quite different conclusions. One of the dozens of reasons I am an atheist.
  14. Part 1 demonstrates the lunacy on how easy it is for any idiot to get and carry guns, even handguns which kill more people every year than any other weapon and (I think) are the primary instrument used in violent death in the USA. Part 2 you can watch after that which statistically destroys the notion that you are safer with a gun or that anyone carrying a gun is likely to make any difference in any given situation. Pretty much every 'criminal' involved in a shooting was a good guy right up to the point where they started killing people. Even Omar had nothing stopping him from buying assault rifles and no reason to limit his 2nd amendment rights. So any solution about keeping guns out of the hands of bad guys will therefore have to affect how 'good guys' buy, obtain, use, carry, and maintain their own access to weapons. it is that simple. Just like we do with thousands of other things in society every single day. airplanes, cars, alcohol, cigarettes, household cleaners, drugs, fertilizer, But will America change at all? No it will not because you average American is not willing to move one millimeter on the issue for the betterment of society.
  15. What that guy said as well ^^^ Why do we come up with excuses to remove gun deaths from the count like they are not actually gun deaths....? There are so few car accidents, I mean if you take out the ones that were not wearing seatbelts, or happened in bad weather, or were caused by distracted driving, or the ones where the car was white, black, red or blue....etc. Almost no car accidents....therefore cars are safe and we do not need to do anything about it.
  16. most do, the politicians will not move on it. Mostly penis size, because there is no other valid explanation. 'fighting the corrupt government' is pretty lame, no one has done that since the Civil War, nor has there been a threat that rises to that level. Oh, and the 2nd is my right, so therefore I will, even if that gun sits in my closet 364 days a year, and I never use it, and it is not at the ready, and no one is actually coming to my door to kill me, and even if every stat says I am not safer with that gun..... and seemingly even if it allows nut jobs to buy the same gun and kill innocent people.....I will not ever give one millimeter to improve things. There is no 'perfect solution' therefore I will support no solution until I see one. It is penis size, ego, stubbornness and ineptitude to be able to understand basic statistical evidence.
  17. I have mixed feelings about the 206, have seen successful operations and I have seen complete failures as well. That HP is traded for simply managing engine temperature all the time in a 206. Instead of flying the VSI, you are constantly flying for the right temp. And even then, the one we have was a dog - but we are also in Florida, so really hot to begin with. The true solution i think is lighter models with not-too-modified engines. Wing extensions are a must, the gain is worth every penny of investment, More HP for sure given your elevation, but my experience is that for that large engine upgrade, there is a lot of sacrifice on how it is managed.
  18. almost guaranteed than when i click on a link to anything and the first thing that pops up is a page-covering ad, or a banner complaining about my ad-blocker (and that I might not achieve the 'full experience' of their website because of it), generally means that this is the last time I will ever visit their website. When I have time and for sites I actually care about seeing, I do take the time to send them an email and tell them of my decision.
  19. I managed to drive 30 miles this morning with a slight hangover, tired and groggy, and did it with no intervention from any gods whatsoever.... all mine.
  20. I wrote this some time ago - still a work in progress, but still relevant and useful information
  21. both are happening for a lot of reasons, govt being one of them,
  22. good to know that the layoff of a few hundred employees is a sign that the business model is a failure and corrupt. Coal is laying off thousands.....does that count in your analysis? Oh of course not, how silly of me to think with any logic.....
  23. not to mention that all evidence is shared with all parties in any trial prior to any trial. And most of it is public record unless gag orders are in place. sharing evidence with an involved party to the case is 100% normal, and even required by law. Civil and criminal discovery have some big differences, but the concept of sharing evidence is still there.