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Everything posted by tkhayes

  1. It is not his job to offer solutions, nor mine, nor yours. Sure if you have something to offer, then there is something to offer. But to dismiss the idea that if 'we' cannot come up with the perfect solution then there is none, is as defective an argument as saying we have no solution available. There are plenty of people out there, far smarter than you or I, that do have solutions that could be implemented. And there are plenty of countries and societies out there that already have better solutions in place that could be transported here. But again, we simply refuse to. As an American society, we simply REFUSE to do anything, and therefore nothing will change. And no one is saying we have to 'stop all mass shootings'. Most people are just looking at moving the bar in a more favorable directions somewhat. Reducing the numbers of gun murders, mass shootings and overall gun violence. This can easily be done. But we simply refuse to.
  2. John LeBlanc told me, stop running and fly the machine. Just when you are ready to give up, plop down and start running....instead, pick your feet up out of the way, and push the toggles another 4-6 inches and fly the machine further. it will slow down. This is not an easy exercise and I had to retrain myself from a bad habit over 30 years to a new habit that I have to consciously walk thru now on every jump so practice it. Also be sure that your canopy is trimmed properly and brakes set properly. You cannot flare to full flare if you steering lines are not set properly.
  3. rubbish. there have been a bunch of investigations, all conducted by her sworn enemies in the Republican Party. If she was going to be found guilty of something, then they would have dug it up. Unless of course your Republicans are just as corrupt as you accuse her of being. rubbish. absolute rubbish. As far as the timeline goes....more rubbish. coulda shoulda woulda. risk is assessed every day in many situations and sometime people die because of it. shit happens. still tragic but a far cry from 'negligent homicide' Great country we live in, where after 4 years of investigations, and more to come, you can still stand on a soapbox and spout lies and rhetoric as truth. good thing we can stand up and call it the rubbish that it is. fiction. i expect the GOP is simply keeping it under wraps until closer to the 2016 election where they can then ramp up 'yet another investigation' and start beating that drum. after-all, that is probably the only chance they have.
  4. I stopped listening at 1:30 when he basically dismissed all the attacks on embassies where no Americans were killed' embassy attack as not relevant to the overall point he is trying to make. Embassies are in fact attacked with fairly historical relevance. he is cherry picking already what he likes and dislikes. more rhetoric. How's that 9th or 10th congressional investigation going anyway? yawn.
  5. Bingo....the gun lobby demands a perfect first solution or nothing at all. There is no such thing and no one is going to stop all murders nor all gun violence. I have said it many times....we simply refuse to accept that we can do better.
  6. Second step would be to admit that we have a gun problem that other countries do not have. And that we simply refuse to act on it.
  7. because people have empathy for people dying needlessly. and 'needlessly' is a subjective line-in-the-sand that varies from person to person. Even you have 'biases' about what you think is stupid and what you think is not. I am tired of watching friends die, and I will continue to speak up about what I think is safe and not. And I will act when i can make things safer that I am involved in. Because I can, not because I am necessarily right.
  8. I would have less of an issue if there was insurance required by the gun owners to cover the cost to society. I always wondered about how much it really costs and whether or not anyone had ever studied it. I expect this is not the only source to ever investigate it. That might be considered part of the 'personal responsibility' touted by the gun lobby and the right wing in general. Is Mother Jones dead on with their numbers? Who gives a shit, no one can dispute that it costs society billions every year. and $200B sounds pretty reasonable. Even if it was half that, it still should be considered obscene by any reasonable society.
  9. and some of that shit will happen regardless of whether society has 300M guns in the hands of idiots, or even if society has massive restrictions on guns and most guns are in the hands of responsible gun owners. Yet to see the evidence that there has been a massive reduction in crime due to the number of guns in the USA. It should be the safest place on earth given the stories that the gun lobby like to spin out there. sadly it is not. A greater threat to the country than any 'muslim terrorist' has ever been.
  10. 11000-12000 every year in Homicide, according to CDC and pretty much every other source out there. another 21000 in suicides by gun (I know... they 'do not count' but thanks for making my original point) 73000 to 100,000 firearm injuries each year. (that's right, THEY do not count either...I mean the cost to society is minimal I am sure.) other data, although older. CDC somewhat newer. But my whole point is that we then pick it apart and say...oh well, we are talking about mass shooting after all....oh well we are talking about suicides after all.....oh well we are talking about mental health after all....oh well we are talking about....whatever. we react to car deaths, drownings, airplane deaths, fire deaths, drug overdoses, and do everything we can to reduce that....but we do nothing when it comes to gun deaths.
  11. i love how we redefine the argument every time it goes against our favor. we now only consider 'mass shootings' to be a problem. 30000 people die every year at the end of a gun. that is 'mass' in my definition. but of course to the gun lobby 'my definition' does not matter whereas 'theirs' does. Maybe we should ask the dead people what they think of it....
  12. some stats I found show 56M married couples. If 37M of them are cheating, then I would argue that cheating is 'normal'
  13. I wonder how many peer revised studies exist that show the real cost of oil and gas consumption? That include disease and deaths to wildlife? I mean if you are going to be objective and all that...
  14. What is bad is that 200 jumps is an arbitrary number pulled out of our asses with nothing to back that up as a demonstration of skill. There is a difference between A) a skydiver that has 75 jumps but did 3 hours of tunnel time and took 3 professional canopy courses and B)someone with 300 jumps who grew up at 'uncle fred's DZ' with little or no instruction after solo'ing and has done mostly 10 second delays out of a C172. The determination (at the very least) should probably include some demonstration of skills. What skills? I am all ears. I suggested as an example, tracking and ability to complete formations, demonstrating your flying skillset. I think canopy work should also be a minimum as well
  15. I am not denying the number one causes of death, I am denying the link you drew between that and the introduction of square parachutes for students. students under square parachutes are not the the number one or for that matter probably not the number 50 killer of skydivers. I am trying to have a realistic discussion about the limits of VIDEO, of which I have already stated that students probably should not be shooting video. you won that already. it's apples and oranges. drop it please and start your own thread about the dangers of canopy flight
  16. I agree with the follow-on post after yours. There is little or no difference between A) your tandem being distracted by their hand cam and geeking it. or B) your tandem being distracted by the outside video professional and geeking it. My experience in 34 years of jumping is that most people will do what you train/tell them to do. A few will be over the top overreacting and a few will simply not perform and the occasional one will try to kill you. and whatever other scenario you might dream up. Just because you have an occasional tandem that tries to kill you anyway, are we in fact adding more risk by letting them wear a tiny wrist cam? I doubt it. If you have a rigid training environment for your tandems, then fine, that is your program and hand cam should be excluded. someone please, write that down as one of the 'possible changes and improvements' in the decision making process that I am hoping to address.
  17. I am not suggesting that students wear cameras at all. I am suggesting that 200 jumps is an unreasonable limit given the ease of technology these days. everyone...please - try to stay within reasonable limits..... and I do not consider a tandem to be a 'student'. regardless of what the industry might want it to be, it is a ride for the most part. If the tandem at your dropzone is a training jump, then fine, your 'students' get lumped in within the AFF student group. but i am not under any illusion that tandems are anything more than people looking to experience a thrill.
  18. that is a ridiculous comparison. It's like saying that AIDs is caused by the reduction in the number of pirates in the world.....
  19. I predicted it years ago...what will we do when the cameras become so small that they cannot be used as an excuse for a snag hazard anymore? When will we stop telling people that they do not have enough experience to fly a camera when the camera is the size of a quarter and sits on a glove just like an altimeter does? I realize that there is more to it that just the physical camera, but we are running out of flimsy excuses to say 'no' to people and sooner than later, we will has to better address what it is to 'do video' and how we are going to deal with it - else we will just be seen as dicks by our customers and will become a dinosaur in the society that has technology changing by the minute. I think we need to discuss the types of cameras/mounts and the 'types of filming' being done as well as the experience level. I see no issue with a tandem passenger wearing a glove camera the size of this new gopro. I have no problem with a 50 jump guy wearing a small camera but perhaps not being allowed to film others. I would have a problem with a 100 jump wonder with a full rack of video and still cameras filming a 40 Way (obviously). We need better guidelines of what is acceptable and maybe even what simply does not need to be regulated at all. Once the camera gets small enough it is no more a snag hazard than the helmet that it is mounted on. Suggestions for training coming from the industry. Suggestions for cameras and mounts and perhaps an A, B, C, D guideline for license levels and what they can and cannot fly with or the types of filming that should be considered. I would consider (for example) the ability to fly 4 points on a 4 way and tracking more important that many of the technical issues with the actual filming.. I had a hockey helmet with homemade mount and a hand switch to an Olympus motor drive in 1984 or 85 when I had barely 150 jumps (probably less). never did me any harm. Distractions come in all kinds of shapes and forms on any given skydive. I think video has been unduly singled out for undue/specific scrutiny when we still have people out there than cannot fly a parachute after 500 jumps. A License holders buy full-face helmets that restrict their peripheral vision and reduce their hearing under canopy, but we have nothing to say about that. interested in the discussion for sure
  20. FUNERAL ARRANGEMENTS The funeral for Max Miensopust will be held Monday July, 6, 2015 at the Hodges Family Funeral Home, 36327 State Route 54 in Zephyrhills Florida Schedule 10 AM : Visitation at the Funeral Home 11 AM : Service officiated by Father Michael. 1 PM: Grave side service with military honors at Busnell National Cemetery . The Hodges Funeral home is 2 miles west of Gall Blvd ( Route 301) on Route 54 on right side just past Dean Dairy Road, Sunoco station at intersection If any one out there has pictures of Max especially in his younger days if you could attach them as a JPEG in an e-mail to me and I have a friend that is more technically competent than me and could print them up for display at the visiting period before service and if you have no access to a scanner and plan to attend the service just bring them and collect them up at end of service. Again as I mentioned in previous e-mail I have a limited address book so feel free to forward this e-mail to people who knew Max and may want to know. John Cullen
  21. Skydiving friends of Max Miensopust. Sad news to report folks, Max Miensopust D # 2339, POPS # 541 today passed away today 30 June 2015 at 3:12 PM in the Gulfside Hospice in Zephyrhills, Florida and is climbing to altitude on his way to Valhalla. Max being the stoic German that he was and not wanting to burden people, suffered silently and never let anyone know just how seriously ill he was in the last few years of his life until the end when it was too late. Gulfside Hospice is beautiful facility and the staff were very caring both to Max and visitors during his short stay there. As most of you know Max was a very private person as far as his personal life, you would almost have to water board him to find out anything. I had known Max since the early 1970s when I started jumping at the Lakewood Sport Parachute Center of Parachutes Incorporated. These are some of the highlights that I had been able to have revealed to me over 40 plus years. Max was born in 1931 in the town of Neisse ( Nysa in present day Poland) in Upper Silesia a province of Germany. At some time during World War 2 the family moved to Bremerhaven, if I would venture a guess it was because of the approach of the Soviet Red Army. He mentioned one time he was witness to and being on receiving end of the allied bombings of Bremerhaven, I'm sure events like this would have an effect on shaping the future personality of a young adolescent. Max one time mentioned he worked in a coal mine in Germany but I would guess it was after the war based on his age. Max initially immigrated to Canada via Halifax, Nova Scotia some time I guess in early 50s. and then on to the United States. Max served in the U.S Army from July 1956 to July 1958 and attained the rank of E-3 Private First Class and was awarded Good Conduct Medal and if my memory serves me and was stationed at Ft Knox , Kentucky. Max's jumping career started at some DZ whose name I forget in N.J in 1968. Max made a lot of jumps at Lakewood, N.J but would also travel to the Herd DZ at New Hanover in eastern Pennsylvania. When Lakewood DZ closed in 1985 he like most of us sort of migrated to the Ranch in Gardiner N.Y. Max moved to Florida I think in 1993 where Skydive City became his DZ until he finished off his jumping career in 2006 with about 7800 jumps. Max lived in the Bronx and later in Rockland county north of NYC and worked in NYC repairing the big industrial boilers doing welding etc of the various tubing inside them, I don't know the exact trade it would be called. He got a rather serious burn one time on his chest and upper right arm from an accident at work and had to wear a special mesh undershirt until the skin healed although there was some residual scarring. Max's shorter left leg was initially caused when he fell off one of the boilers and injured his left hip but knowing Max he probably ignored it and did not get proper treatment eventually the hip displaced and he solved the problem by going to a shoe maker and having them make about a 5 inch sole for his shoes or sneakers. Despite the pain his left hip and leg must have caused him , he insisted on getting a manual transmission when he finally got his new Toyota Corolla in 2005. I guess if there was one thing all of us associate with Max was his white 1974 Volkswagen Beetle which he kept until 2005 , replacing about 3 engines along the way so I imagine the car probably had north of 600 K miles on it. Max had removed the right passenger seat and installed a wooden platform from the front to the back seat area which served as his bed when he traveled to different drop zones. In about 1994 he would come up to the Ranch in Gardiner from Zephyrhills to jump in cooler weather. Anyway I got up to the Ranch midday on a Friday to jump for the weekend and Max is tinkering with his VW. He had a rebuilt engine shipped via UPS to the DZ and I got talked into helping him install it using only the car jack and a bunch of wooden blocks. The standard greeting for a jumper who may not have seen him in a few years was " Max how are you doing, do you still have that white VW". At the end Max's WV was only running on 3 cylinders and the putt putt sound would announce Max's arrival when he was still a half mile from Skydive City. Max would occasionally repaint the car using boat paint and a brush. The car after 31 years was in such bad shape I personally thought it was worth about $25 but Max drove it up to the annual "Bug Fest" in Dade City and said he got about $300 from some VW enthusiast who wanted it for some body parts no longer available. Max did mention one time that he had a VW camper van before he had the VW Beetle. Here is an image to consider Max in his VW camper van with a peace symbol on the side and him in bell bottoms and tie dyed tee shirt with a big floppy hat up at Woodstock in N.Y. you never know, did anyone actually ever see Max before 1968 LOL. Max made an impression on everyone who met him over the years even if only shortly. I remember on more than one occasion a jumper would show up at some DZ and come up to Max saying the usual " Max how are you, do you still have that white VW" and relate how they jumped with him back maybe 15 years ago at some DZ and Max would have no clue who the jumper was but go along and engage in a lively conversation with the person. I'm sure there are a million funny stories involving Max so I'll briefly relate 2 of them from the 1998 WFC in Quincy, Ill. The specialty aircraft usually had their own landing area sometime miles from Quincy airport. Max due to his bum left hip used to jump a big PD-260 F-111. Max ,myself and 2 friends from the Ranch got on a Ford Tri-Motor load along with whatever number it took to fill the plane. Mike McGowan from Eloy filmed our 4 way exit at 7500 feet and we did a normal RW jump and break-off. After landing and talking about the jump for about 5 minutes every one slowly starts to walk toward the transport truck to take us back to the airport when we notice Max is missing. A panic sets in and discussion goes back and forth, did you see him track off, did you see him open, did you see his canopy etc. Mind you we are on the ground about 10 minutes at this point before someone thought to look up and there is Max happily floating at about 2500 feet in a thermal. In case you think I exaggerate I also have a PD-260 and about 10 years ago I got in a thermal column over Chancey road and had some fun staying in the column and was 1/2 hour under canopy before my crotch started to hurt too much from the leg straps. The thermal column was well away from the jump run opening area. Another Quincy story, the Bell 412 helicopter landing area was about 6 miles from the airport and I guess Max forgot that we were supposed to land in the special landing area and started to head towards the main airport 6 miles away, he almost made it the entire way after opening at 2500 feet. Max had done some mountaineering during his younger days of peaks in Europe including the Matterhorn in Switzerland. While at the 1998 WFC in Quincy,Illinois I mentioned to him as long as he was halfway across the country he should take a drive and visit some places like Yellowstone National Park or the Grand Canyon. After the Convention was over he said he would indeed head out west and I headed back to Florida. After about 2 weeks I decided to call Max and see how his trip was, no answer, week 3 no answer, week 4 no answer, finally about week 6 I got him at home and found out he had visited Yellowstone National Park, Grand Teton National Park where he climbed on a guided climb to the top of Grand Teton Peak elevation 13,775 feet above seal level with his bum left hip and at age 67. He also visited Grand Canyon and maybe a few other places I forget. He did a couple of years worth of sight seeing in 6 weeks, sleeping in his VW beetle no doubt for most of trip. Skydive City jumpers ask Judy Redvers or myself the secret method developed by Max to avoid unnecessarily spending hundreds of dollars on relining when the canopy goes out of trim. Sally at Paragone Rigging may be especially interested in this innovative method. Max was part of the first POPS 8 way star back on August,18,1974 at Fort Bragg. He additionally was part of a POPs altitude record with Lew Sanborn D #1 of 35,200 feet set at Zephyrhills, Florida on April, 2, 1995. I mentioned in previous-mails that I have a limited address book so feel free to forward this to anyone you might think might have known Max especially you old farts out there in POPS/ SOS/JOS etc. Max not wanting to burden anyone prepaid his funeral arrangements over 10 years ago. There was some initial anxiety because the original contract was with a now defunct funeral home. Fortunately Hodges Family Funeral Home in Zephyrhills researched the location of the contract and will honor the terms of the previous funeral home. The funeral arrangement in broad terms are a service at Hodges followed by internment in Bushnell National Cemetery. I received a call from Germany at 06:15 hours 29 June 2010 and was able to notify Max's half brother of his situation while Max was still alive. Thanks to the Bundes Polizei and the Niedersachen Polizei in Schneverdigen for their help in making the notification to Max's half brother. Keep checking your e-mail for final funeral arrangements and location s. We are all going to miss Max, and although he is not Irish the link below is to an old Irish song called"The Parting Glass" sometimes sung by the mourners at grave side to give the departed a final send off. The lyrics which are poignant come about mid way through the short video. John Cullen
  22. Like I said, now to both of you.....sign up. go fight. knock yourself out. They are NOT coming across our borders in numbers that we need to even give a fuck about. they are not invading Saudi Arabia either, or Israel, or Qatar, or etc etc etc They are only reasonably successful in countries that have fallen in war ravaged much of that perpetrated by us. And if you think that murdering dictatorships have a history of surviving, then better read up on history again. because they do not. they all eventually go away. When countries in the middle east start falling en masse, I might pay attention. until then, not my or our problem. The middle east needs to sort out this, and decide what they want to be when they fucking grow up. there is NO solution for the USA here....therefore we attempt no fixes for things that have no solutions. The next school shooter is a greater threat to the USA right now.
  23. we do absolutely nothing but monitor it. send a drone in once in a while when we have a defined target. ISIL/ISIS is NOT coming to your doorstep anymore than the next guy who knife someone in a bar fight is coming to your doorstep and you have the same odds of ever experiencing it in your lifetime, slim. I expect tourism in Tunisia is dead now. people will go elsewhere or stay home. Even in the USA, we are freaking out when we find some other radicalized teen who happens to be a muslim, when we have tens of thousands gunned down every year by our own americans with no particular allegiance to any fictional character with a beard that lives in the sky. your fear is reasonable however I have a problem with activating the forces of the earth in military action....we already did that and it did not work. it actually made the problem worse, so throwing more gas on the fire is probably not going to solve that problem either and any assumption that it would is as delusional as the fear-mongering that is driving it. No one is stopping you from sending money and guns or signing up yourself for the various groups around the world that are fighting ISIL and ISIL. go ahead. knock yourself out. go ahead....DEFEND yourself. DO NOT make this my problem, because it is not. IMO
  24. If I could find reliable 'American' tandem instructors that showed up in the morning, did not look like they just crawled out of a cave, spoke comprehensible english to my customers and acted like professionals, then I would not ever need to look elsewhere. but this is the industry we have and this is what we have to work with. But seriously the very small handful of instructors I do have are great. I do not hire illegals because it is illegal. Instead I scale back my operation to what I can accommodate with the staff that I do have and that I can hire. If I could could pay my TI's more, I would but with 22 dropzones in Florida, all chewing away at a small tandem market and then Groupon on top of that, there is a lot of pressure on downward prices. We stopped chasing the almighty tandem dollar a long time ago - it simply is no longer a significant part of the revenue stream.
  25. I am not sure that the picture is 'to scale' in figure 7 and I am not suggesting that the distance past the target is that significant. And generally by the time they get to that stage of the exercises, they are already getting better at seeing the transition. they can also opt to 'widen' the pattern, i.e. the base leg is crosswind, so turn out a bit to increase the distance to the target, before you get to the wind line. But sure, all these are meant to be training and practice exercises, you have to be aware of other canopies in the air or get out on your own and go at it whatever way you want.