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Everything posted by tkhayes

  1. you might get lucky and find a junkyard that has a gas tank for your car, - replace it. not worth the risk to yourself and others if you have a fire.
  2. there is no simple route. find an immigration attorney and get an opinion on what it is you are trying to accomplish. Most will give you the dirty - whether or not it can be done at all and how much it will cost. Anything to do with skydiving related business is pretty much impossible, except the usual "I cannot find anyone else to do this job so I need this guy", which is long, expensive and offers no guarantees. personally as a DZO, I am not really interested in being your sponsor, it often ends up being more work for me than it is worth. You would have be to be something magical to my dropzone to make the effort worthwhile.
  3. Dr Harry Van Loveren, Tampa General Hospital, Neurosurgeon, skydiver and good guy.
  4. Part of the problem is that for so many, there is NOT a process to become legal. Part of immigration reform is actually trying to create that process. I think people are blind to the reality that the process does not exist for many. Particularly for the undocumented children that were brought to the country illegally, lived here their whole lives, are now working adults, pay taxes, have jobs, have degrees and trades, know no other country other than America, but are not American citizens. For a lot of these people (probably millions of them), there is no 'application for citizenship" that addresses their situation. Question 2 of the worksheet derails it immediately. There is NO PATH to apply for citizenship for these people. Of course if you think that it is then OK to deport someone who say is 30 years old, came to the USA when they were 2 years old, lived and went to school here, got a degree, has a job, pays taxes, owns a house, car, contributes to society, then I guess that is your right. Or we could offer a plan for these people based upon their circumstances of arrival (i.e. the 2 year old did not make a conscious decision to move to the USA), their contribution to society, etc, then that might be considered as 'immigration reform' However immigration reform is often over-simplified by extremists to mean 'free everything for illegals that came here illegally' and words like 'amnesty' which does not describe the situation with any real justification. It is a massive oversimplification of what the real situation is. Real Immigration reform might actually address this problem and allow millions of people that are already here, are already and always have been contributing to American society, have fully assimilated into the America way of life, stand at attention to to the American flag and anthem, pay their taxes, own businesses, create jobs, wealth and GDP. Or you can chose to deport them back to a country that they no absolutely nothing about.
  5. I never had much experience with booths and malls, trade shows etc. Gotta target the right ones and pretty much at every venue, you have to talk to 1000 people to convince one to skydive. It is still a part of branding and marketing, but for $1000/month, I doubt you would ever see any return on that.
  6. One of the reasons that Arpaio is in trouble is that he consistently went after people that WERE NOT illegal in any way. Those are the constitutional violations. I guess then you support a country where LE can sweep up an enormous dragnet hoping to catch a few criminals. and screw the innocents, if they were doing nothing wrong they they should be thrilled with the outcome right? Sure I bet that is what you want. You are simply cherry picking the illegals he found out of the hundreds if not thousands of people that got detained, searched, arrested etc and were perfectly legal citizens and permanent residents of the USA. Difference is that these are people of color, so that sort of behavior by LE is acceptable, and the whit population is blind to it because of course. it never actually happens to them.
  7. by the definition of average, I would think that exactly 50% of the people are above average intelligence and 50% are
  8. nice distraction. You are making the claims of unconstitutionality. It is your job to then substantiate them. I simply asked you to do so. but sure, go ahead and attack the poster with 'temper tantrum'. I guess that is fair since I basically called you a whiny bitch with no evidence to back your claim. And like I said, you may care about things other than yourself. Pretty arrogant of you to think the rest of us perhaps do not, or just because we disagree, we must obviously be wrong. There is a process for your grievances. I simply pointed that out to you. Go ahead and follow up on it. I am not the one with anger. Like I said, things are pretty fucking good compared to Jan 2009. I make no claim that things are awful. i make no claim of unconstitutionality. I make no claim that someone needs to go to jail for Benghazi. i make no claim that life is terrible. The only anger that i have is towards rhetoric-hate-filled people that continue to claim that this is not actually so. And do so without providing anything other than their own personal 'great-American-patriotic-feelings'. But of course, this is America and you are entitled to your unsubstantiated opinion.
  9. your 'unconstitutional' is another mans 'taking action' Go ahead, call for impeachment.....let me know how that works out for you. Go ahead, sue the president in federal court......there surely are enopugh people behind you to fund it. Let me know how that works out. The problem with people screaming 'unconstitutional' when there are no proceedings and lawsuits behind it is just that - it has no balls. If the president could have been impeached, then he would have been already - BENGHAZI BENGHAZI BENGHAZI....enough already. Arpraio is doing just that. He is taking the case to court, as he should. He will lose. He does not even have the backing of the GOP who clamor as you do for impeachment. Get over it already. And now he is up on contempt charges, as he should be. those are real charges, not allegations. real charges. unlike all the 'unconstitutional' bullshit rhetoric that continues to swirl in light of the President's OBVIOUS success at turning so much of the country around over the past 6 years from the previous shitstorm. So yes, in light of the other choices we had, and the previous administration and despite the fact that I did not actually vote for Obama, i am still reasonably pleased with the outcome over the past 6 years. You still get up in the morning, go to work, eat three squares a day, pay your mortgage drive a car, get health care.....yep your life is a complete fucking disaster since BHO got into office...I have no idea how you managed all this time..... what a train wreck your life and the country must be......poor poor pitiful you.
  10. contempt of court is not a political motivation. Contempt is usually exactly what it is. Judges decide on contempt of court charges generally, not politicians. You think that is political bullshit? I think a sheriff that has no respect for the law is equally political bullshit. If his case and his arguments are so fucking solid and obviously the correct thing to do, then he should run for office and change the laws. Oh Wait, the governor already tried that, and then lost in the courts. Seemingly you yourself have little respect for the separation of powers and the design of the system that you staunchly claim to uphold as a patriotic American. Apparently only if everything falls line with your own political ideals I guess. Just like Arpraio. Until such time as the laws or the court rulings change, he is expected to uphold them. When he fails to do that after direct orders from multiple judges on multiple court platforms, then that is called contempt. There is a forum for him to file his grievances, which he is doing through the courts already. good for him. That does not preclude him from obeying the system. Sadly he is an arrogant fucking prick who thinks that he is better than the law, as do so many in powerful political positions.
  11. you are assuming that because Al Sharpton deems himself a liberal (and so do you) that therefore he has the support of all liberals. Kinda like someone saying that all white people are white supremacists simply because the white supremacists themselves are white. Al Shaprton is hardly a threat to any right wing agenda. If you don't like him, then fine, move on. But don;t dare lump us all into one basket here. Every time he opens his mouth, someone has to jump all over it particularly in this forum....which does kind of make me wonder why you all find him so threatening that you must address it very time.... He's the Bill O'Reilly entertainer of the 'race side' whatever that is.....and makes a living doing just that. being an entertainer.
  12. Arpraio has his won set of concerns that he will have to address yet or probably go to jail. I always like lawmen that have so little respect of the precess of law.
  13. there is also no real scientific proof that anything you write is actually language, English or comprehensible by any human being. There is plenty of evidence to support that it is, but there's no scientific proof. And when I want to know what is going on with the world's is usually the first place I check out.....not
  14. Who is "we"what percentage of the populace? Not actually relevant. the majority of the population does not get to force religion or many other aspects of their beliefs onto any minority of the population. nice try though. One of the weakest arguments that ever existed for the injection of religion into government and our ways of life. But continuously attempted by a struggling religion that apparently has such small penis syndrome that it must continuously wag its penis in everyone's face to justify how awesome it is. if it were so awesome, it would have no problem standing on its own. but for what it's worth, more than 20% of the population now identifies as non-religious. The sacred 'Christianity' is still in the lead as far as popular goes, but back to the original points i made - one does not get to force their religious policies on me or anyone else. It's in the Constitution. People can try if you like, because that is free speech, but that very attempt is also a demonstration of how little respect people have for the Constitution.
  15. because some of those that want to interpret are trying to write public policy and law based on it. Which does not fall in line with the fundamentals of the country. Rational thought is required, not irrational thought. the Bible is filled with irrational thought and rational thought, hence why we are going in circles here. The Bible says it is so. Well here's a contradiction. well ignore the contradiction, it's not an exact science. but we still want to use it as a guideline. why would you use it as a guideline if it has contradictions? so on and so on. "Is a little blind faith too much to ask?" yes it is when you are writing public policy. No one is asking for an 'exact how-to book', but we sure as fuck are asking for better than the bible.....
  16. we dropped our block prices for the season and hoping fuel stays down. However most DZ's have been eating the regular increases in everything else for years, including fuel, so most a also reluctant to drop prices.
  17. Just like there are fringes on the police forces that are racist, biased, bullying or whatever way you want to describe it, there are idiots out there polishing their guns and watching the bad police press, hoping to use it as an excuse to start their own guerrilla war by taking out a couple of cops. the world has plenty of nutjobs with guns. The difference is that there are millions of people of color in the justice system that has a systematic bias against them, where there are NOT cemeteries filled with police officers taken out by systematic police-hunters. The entire justice system is biased against people of color, and needs some attention. Police take the brunt of the blame for the issue, but they are only part of the systemic problem.
  18. Rorschach cards do not dictate peoples lives nor are they used to set public policy. No person was ever persecuted because of the results of a Rorschach card. No child was ever molested because of a the interpretation of a Rorschach card No countries Constitution, Pledge of Allegiance or laws were ever changed, or Supreme Court ever ruled on something that came out of a Rorschach card Government was never lobbied by a group asking for changes to its laws based on the interpretation of a Rorschach card There are at least a dozen orders of magnitude of difference between the interpretation of the bible and its effects on society and the use of a Rorschach card and its effects on society.
  19. BECAUSE you have to 'learn' how to read is therefore defective as a source for anything and most certainly misleading. The 'message' should be obvious. of course it should. if the message has to be interpreted to gain anything from it, then the message simply ain't that great, and certainly not worthy of my attention or anyone else for that matter. The interpretations therefore will vary and so will the message, hence the conflict that religion itself creates in the name of 'god' It should be able to stand on its own. By stating that you have to learn 'how' to read it, you are in fact supporting the original post of just how flawed it is. Adolf Hitler...."I just have to learn how to understand him." got it.
  20. Rich Winstock holds a commercial single engine land rating. therefore he is rated to fly the airplane with or without jumpers.
  21.[/url] Skydive City/Z-Hills
  22. we regulate pools and every year the standards get higher. The argument against gun control using other things like swimming pools and automobiles I find to be comical really. I am all for regulating guns IN THE SAME WAY we regulate so many other things that the gun lobby likes to use as an example of how people die. We regulate almost everything that causes human deaths. medicine, hospitals, cars, swimming pools, drugs, alcohol, lawn darts, etc etc you are simply making our point for us. yes swimming pools are dangerous to children, and every year we CHANGE the way we do things to improve their safety. no so with the gun lobby. not one iota. not even the slightest smidgen of improvement of any kind. ever.
  23. yes, but the senseless death has already happened at that point, which was a large part of the former point. The fist fight (or whatever) ended with someone popping someone else with a gun for example. people are still dead. the death did not actually need to occur, nor was the 'incident' worthy of death as an outcome. you are simply reinforcing what he said, that American lives are not worth that much and for that matter lives of non-Americans are worth slightly less IMO.