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Everything posted by tkhayes

  1. Just curious if the consensus out there is that landing on your butt takes a toll over time. Or perhaps just tandems in general take their toll? Also considering a much larger pea gravel pit for tandem landings (huge) but interested if people think that would alter the wear and tear on TM's or other risks in any way, positive or negative?
  2. been there and done that. nothing happened. next question.
  3. You did not offer an alternative to collect taxes to pay the bills we agree on.... It is one thing to say the IRS is bad, annother to come up with a solution. It is kind of like "I hate USPA, money sucking bastards"..... another to come up with an equivalent org that can do whatever it is that YOU want it to do. So a more fundamental does the country pay for the things that it needs (yes include the things that YOU think it needs) and then how do we collect those funds, if any?
  4. And we use gmail for Skydive City's company email using our own domain. emails in fact disappear and reappear as Google sees fit it would seem. I have an open case with them right now with a re-creatable scenario where I can search for an email, never find it, yet can also use a slightly different and rather obtuse search and find the email in question. Google is pretty tight lipped about this and has offered no solution nor acknowledged that it is even a problem. It would seem that the IT world is a rather complex one, and even the way emails are stored in and on various systems can probably change. imagine that. No one in the IRS said that every single email disappeared or was gone, just a particular set of them. Fishy? yes. Unbelievable? not really. Part of perceived Obama dictatorial-socialist-marxist-commie-conspiracy....sure, if you are the GOP
  5. some emails still get lost, sure they do. Apparently you have never had a crash of your computer. However, sure the larger servers likely had backups, but as administrations change, procedures change and such over time (IT dept) then I expect other things get lost as well. Or they simply get misplaced, or departments change and the new people have no idea where the stuf is. Not sure why they are asking the top brass to testify.....I would ask the IT people in charge the email system to testify instead....oh wait, they are doing it because they like to grandstand.....that's why. The larger issue here is that right after the 'scandal' broke, it was revealed already that the IRS also targeted suspicious left wing groups as well as right wing groups and that was clearly stated and demonstrated, which means this is not really a scandal at all, but the GOP will continue to use it as another 'Benghazi' instead of getting any real work done. Now here's a question. Do you want an IRS that investigates suspicious groups, using tax law as a shelter to do things that are really not tax-free if the evidence leads them there? Or do you want an IRS that allows pretty much anyone to start up a sham organization that milks the system for your public tax dollars? Or do you not want an IRS at all, I mean the country should have no taxes right? I man if we eliminated all taxes, the country would simply prosper on its own magically, right?
  6. you never 'lost' any of those freedoms because you never actually 'had' any of those freedoms. Cannot lose something that you never had or were never actually subject to. you forgot "Having to stop at red lights while driving' Again you just made my case that you are simply paranoid. And I again say... 'go ahead, be paranoid'. and....... the thread was on about 50,000 supposed armed insurgents/immigrants/whatever taking over the country, which you failed to address at all.
  7. we were talking about armed immigrants invading the country and you replied about a corrupt govt et al. two different subjects. Go ahead and be paranoid. Your life will likely be far more miserable than mine. But at least it is your misery. Just like your religion, your politics, your faith, your paranoia. go ahead, but keep it over there and to yourself. I am not interested nor will I buy into it. These theories have been around since we had govt and had immigrants, and we are still here. and doing pretty well I think. Name a personal freedom that you have lost due to the perceived government 'overtaking' the people..... none? I thought not. But you still believe it to be true. that is pretty much the definition of paranoia.
  8. bullshit Hoover rounded up 6000 people in one day. in the 20's. we rounded up over 100K Japanese in weeks during WWII. 1. the 50,000 number is some worst case scenario dreamed up by whom exactly? and with what supporting data? that is right, none. 2. even if that was the case we would deal with it like we deal with everything else. paranoia is going to be the end of this country. And the terrorists continue to win because we are now afraid of the bogey man and ourselves it would seem. Way to go America. Go listen to the intro of Pale Blue Dot again. it will do you good.
  9. the only thing stopping the govt from saving money is he govt itself.
  10. Wrong - he most definitely stood up recently with the Bergdahl controversy, took ownership of it and made no apology for doing what he did. You claim he's not a leader? Sounds like leading to me. I would provide a dozen other examples, however I expect you are not listening apparently. Not because you do not know the difference, you just simply are wired o disagree and find fault with whatever is going on in the white house despite the presence of reality in front of you.
  11. it is complete bullshit. Donating blood is an individual thing with individual reactions to it, much the same as taking medicine and skydiving. Figure it out for yourself and then donate if you can. Obviously you should not donate right before jumping to be sure, but most blood volume is replaced within a day and most red cells are replaced in a few days. I have over 400 donations, platelets mostly, and have been donating longer than I have been skydiving. overreaching bureaucracy. Funny how a UK organization imposes a rule/suggestion that is seemingly conflicted by the UK authority in that subject:
  12. Maybe if congress was actually doings its job, then the perceived 'power grab' would not exist. Congress approval rating - not in the news lately. Obama's approval rating - headline this morning. And the right complains about a liberal media bias? yeah right....
  13. And you are asking normal people to have faith in your interpretation of a spiritual world, which is pretty silly to me. Perhaps you should try opening up your awareness to the reality that you live within. Of course, you have to be willing to try.
  14. That's fine too, but religion is specifically stated in the constitution as off limits for govt policies. Whereas 'my business' is not.
  15. No we don't read the scripture that you provide as proof that the scripture is somehow correct. That is because we have the ability to freely think outside of that box that you appear to be in. Shariah Law = Christian Law = David Koresh Law = Taliban Law = ....etc I'll have none of it in my public policy, thanks very much. What you do in you churches/homes/temples of worship/whatever is your business. Keep it out of my business.
  16. Sad to see that the thread quickly disintegrated into a bunch of useless nothingness instead of actually offering any advice.... If you know who this person is.....a visit from a couple or more friends to 'help him understand the errors of his ways' might be in order. I am sure that everyone has enough friends willing to do that. The other avenue and parallel to all attempts to make it stop should be precise and constant data-logging of all interactions, times, places, calls, notes, what was said etc. When you have your homework done and presented in a big pile, it is a lot easier to get law enforcement to listen to you. As opposed to just standing there saying you are scared or whatever. data overrides emotional responses every time.
  17. Are you sure you want to stick to that statement? Comparing the US to El Salvador? Ethiopia? sure that makes sense...
  18. kettle, meet pot Most guns in the USA are designed to kill things. the statement was correct in the start. 114M handguns. almost everyone one of them has a stated purpose of being a weapon. All guns made in the USA and then sold are 'legal' to start with. Part of the 'gun control' solution has little to do with 'taking your guns away' or 'banning them', but it certainly has a lot to do with following the chain of custody of guns and how they end up in the hands of criminals. Too bad the NRA tries to block any legislation that makes any attempt to improve that situation. And thus nothing changes. So you are equally correct when you state that criminals can easily get guns. Of course they can, because we make no effort to stop it.
  19. speaking of 'valuable contributions to the thread'..... wow.
  20. The second amendment is a barrier yes. and agreed it is a constitutional right. Funny how the right has no problem with dismantling the constitutional voting rights, but stands firm when gun rights are talked about. BTW, I am all for changing the second amendment. A bullshit amendment in this day and age. Needs an overhaul. Afterall, it was an 'amendment itself' ratified many years after the start of the country. Like so many other parts of the Constitution, it could use some work. Let's change it.
  21. New flash. TK Hayes owns guns. A lot of them, and has been shooting guns, hunting and enjoying gun sports since he was 6 years old. TK Hayes is not in favor of banning guns. Nice try though - rather than go address the arguments I have posted, you decide to go on a tangent and pretend something happened that actually did not. Please try to stick to reality. I absolutely advocate and always have that it is a complex issue. And I absolutley advocate and laways have advocated that guns and the availability of guns, the quantity of guns is part of the problem. 'Your side' advocates that 'good guys with guns' are a good thing, so I will continue to bash that down every chance I get. As I should. Because it is based in reality, not some ideology. good guys with guns are killing and murdering people very day in this country.
  22. Nowhere in there did I suggest we ban guns. I was pointing out the hypocrisy and the irony of the gun lobby argument about good guys with guns. there are so many of them after-all, it becomes easy on a daily basis. I apparently overestimated your comprehension of the English language.
  23. show where I have ever said we should ban guns. more rhetoric not based in reality. I would expect nothing less.
  24. No one is asking for prohibition. But sure, go ahead and be another conservative with no only no solution, but an extremist point of view not based in any reality.