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Everything posted by tkhayes

  1. Ok sure, that makes sense....not. you label people in a negative way, for what they are, what they do, for something that has ABSOLUTELY ZERO EFFECT on your life, your traditions, your day, your job, your family. nothing.. that is hate-mongering. I respond to you by telling you to grow up. that is hate mongering? you must be high.
  2. Since the dawn of time, same sex has been observed across hundreds/thousands of species on the planet, making it arguably 'natural' and most certainly normal. Which means that since the dawn of time, YOUR definition of what is 'sin' is actually what the problem is. I cannot even begin to start to say what a complete fucking asinine argument you have. Hate mongering - nothing else.
  3. And the anti-climate change crowd is also a well funded eligion. Your point is? Al Gore is not a scientist, he was a messenger. He has gone away but the science behind it has not. And just because some of the arguments are not 100% true to proven fact, then all of it is bunk? You sound like a creationist. Given that logic, just because Aristotle, Socrates, Pythagoras, and Euclid did not get it right 100% on their first try, THEREFORE calculus does not exist and is false. Darwin wrote a book, not 100% correct but laid the foundation for evolution science that we all rely on today, EVERY DAY, to help run our lives. But because he missed or could not explain a few things perfectly, THEREFORE every word that ever came out of his mouth is a lie. We know how much carbon we are putting into the atmosphere, pretty damn close. We see the changes related to the atmosphere. We have a pretty good idea how much carbon can be naturally absorbed into the earth every year by organics, not 100% but a pretty good guess and the atmosphere at any given moment of time is a static volume/mass of gases. Put 1 ugram of arsenic in a glass of water and drink it, probably not a problem. put 2 grams of arsenic in a glass of water, maybe a problem. put 2 oz of arsenic in a glass of water - definitely a problem. DO I have 100% science to back that claim up? Probably not, but just like gravity, we know it to be true. knock it off already.
  4. wow, the guy that disputes scientifically-backed reasons for climate change is concerned that Americans do not know enough about science? That's rich.
  5. well at least he will get 50 + years likely for those charges. In Florida it's Ok to kill them, you just can't 'try' to kill them.
  6. attached our info packet about our program.
  7. Our facilities link on the website lists all the hotels, and most, if not all have some skydiver rate. Tenting is free, no electric but wireless for free, hot showers, and like they said, trailers for rent, although often booked full this time of year.
  8. Become an instructor and then do 8 student AFF jumps in a day from a C182. By the end of the day you need a nap. I would tell my student "I'm not ignoring you, just chilling out - wake me up at 8500, and enjoy the view"
  9. I will wait for the investigation myself. Lots of people think he did, but real evidence will come out from the subpoenas etc.
  10. I think that things around the world are pretty consistent. Australia is an exception, not the rule.
  11. Dont jump off the deep end and say it IS happening. especially when there is no evidence to support your claim.
  12. I have learned not to put too much credence into headlines. The headline and picture is obviously trying to persuade the reader that people are getting free pot on the taxpayers tab. When in fact, no such thing is actually happening.
  13. $160/month is insurance at rates from 15-20 years ago. I really doubt that this coverage is that good or covers everything they say it does. I would like to see the comparison policies side-by-side.
  14. Sadly there are plenty more just like him. And not only that he built a university so he could continue to spread the good word
  15. "AIDS is not just God's punishment for homosexuals, it is God's punishment for the society that tolerates homosexuals" - Rev Jerry Falwell may he rot in hell, if there is one.
  16. "You're a heretic, and I KNOW you are a heretic, so I am going to torture you until you confess to being a heretic. And then I am going to kill you. For the good of your soul of course." Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!
  17. I am pretty sure that has been going on for hundreds of years now
  18. that may be, but it will still be the end result because it is the correct solution.
  19. I predicted it from the start f the ACA. It will fail, and it will be replace with Single Payer, or similar system, and I bet $100 that the Republican party is the one that brings it into being.
  20. Put a double pocket on your BOC so you can pack it left or right hand pull. I did it 10 years ago. very simple to do.
  21. It's not just Ron, but if we are talking about Ron, there is more wrong with him than his 'spiritual beliefs'. I can fill you in some day. He's a snake like the rest of the 'Christians' that stand on a pulpit and tell the world how great they are..... I even kept the emails.
  22. given how many houses and people there are in the world.....would you be surprised to find that someone died in a house or your house? JFC what kind of paranoid delusional research is that supposed to be?
  23. Sadly the drug testing is still being implemented in other states, and more legislation through ALEC and similar organizations being pushed, and using Florida as a 'success' example. The right wing cannot even admit that something is not working if that does not fit their agenda.
  24. It is actually a non-issue - mostly a procedural ruling to allow a small group some time. The greater ACA birth control mandates are still firmly intact. They did not really 'rule' on anything, and certainly not any final rulings. Yes there is a difference between 'choice' and 'mandate', but if you complain about something you allowed after it has been 'mandated', you are at the very least paradoxical.
  25. +1, what's the odds that the previous health care plans the 'order of nuns' had included contraceptive coverage for women?