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Everything posted by tkhayes

  1. tkhayes


    My letter to Congress yesterday (and copied the White House): Date: August 29, 2013 Senator Bill Nelson Senator Marco Rubio Congressman Gus Bilirakis Dear Congress and Senate: Once again we find ourselves on the verge of yet another war, invasion, military action or whatever face you might want to put on it. Yes I am talking about Syria. I am vehemently against any military action there regardless of what atrocities might be happening. I am sure that the Syrian people take comfort in knowing that the USA will wait until 100,000 people are killed and then only act when 1000 are killed by chemical weapons. I will remind you that some 30000-40000 children starve to death in the world every day, yet the USA does NOT spend hundreds of billions of dollars trying to resolve THAT atrocity, yet has not problem with pumping billions or even trillions into failed military globe-trotting. Bottom line? We are not the world’s police department. We do not have an interest in Syria that makes this worthwhile. We do not have the money or the lives to spare, and I expect that 80-90% of Americans agree with me on NOT going in there for any reason or at any expense. For the US government to act in this manner shows an incredibly negligent neglect of the American people and their wishes. I got an email today from Congressman Bilirakis regarding the issue of going in there without the approval of Congress. He failed to actually state what his own stance was on Syria and whether or not he would even support such a move IF and WHEN it came before Congress. A call to his office today confirmed what I expected. Mr. Bilirakis is really only interested in (hopefully) finding some way to make the President look bad, and not really addressing the issue of the potential action itself. Once again, I state: DO NOT go into Syria, DO NOT. Not for any reason, Not ever. And make that a publicly stated policy so that other neighbors and countries of Syria (which are actually affected by the conflict) can then get involved and fix their own problems. They are sitting back, more than happy to let the USA spend its money to try to fix a problem for them. Not on my dime please. Sincerely, J. David Hayes “Really irritated constituent” And as for Quade - read the part about the 30,000-40,000 children that starve to death every day int he world and then talk to me about how going into Syria makes us 'human' instead of 'watching our neighbors kill their dogs' as you put it. If we are so fucking human, then we would do something about the ongoing genocides in Africa. I make no such claim that humans in general, or especially Americans give a shit about human life. We just pretend that we do. We really only care about what directly affects us, family and friends and beyond that, we have little regard, if any, for human life.
  2. start where you are, then plan a winter vacation in Florida and finish it there if needed.
  3. already debunked, which does not say much for the daily mail in the UK. please ask the moderator to remove your thread, given how blatantly incorrect it is.
  4. noble thought but that cannot be legislated. And the Constitution defines a government, so we WILL have a government, no matter what. people agree and disagree on what the 'line' is on their government on many issues. extremist? probably not, any more than I am. but ideological to an impractical end? I could buy that description of you. i.e. eliminating the EPA simply means we go back to the days of industry dumping PCB's into waterways, and you hoping that they will be 'responsible' when they are driven by only money. again, a noble thought, but I want someone monitoring dangerous chemicals in our lives and I am willing to pay for that service (by the government, not another privately contracted for-profit corporation)
  5. lots of governments do that. Right before the 1988 Olympics in Calgary, the City bought one-way bus tickets for the homeless; Vancouver, Winnipeg, where do you want to go? Some pocket money and a ticket. That's the kind of govt leaders I like, the ones that face the real issues by dumping them on someone else.....true leadership...
  6. Watergate actually had something called 'evidence' that led to the conclusion that it did. The whole process from the break-in to the resignation took 2 years. However the FBI established the link to Nixon in less than 4 months. I'll see you in another year when all that 'evidence that is hidden' surfaces. Then maybe you can gloat. until then I will put my tin foil at in a box for another day. Lack of evidence sometimes is exactly what it is. The truth has been found, you just refuse to believe it. It's a great country and you can pursue your fantasies for as long as you want, regardless of how futile the efforts might be. You are not alone - people spend their entire lives pursuing UFOs, and the 9/11 conspirators are still out there despite the 'answers' being there, again, like you, they just refuse to believe them. But hell, people still believe that a bearded guy in the sky made the universe..... so stating that dangerous jobs have higher risks is not living in the real world? got it.
  7. have not dodged anything, you simply do not like the answers I gave because they do not feed into YOUR agenda. Maybe you should try politics yourself. move along, nothing to find here. If there was, it would be out. From what you say, no American in an operational role in the field was ever killed after 'asking for help' because messages did not get through or whatever operational deficiency occurred in that given scenario. I restate my case. Working in an embassy in Libya is dangerous. people actually get killed. sometimes. despite everyone's bet efforts. If this was GWB, I would not have heard a peep about it. rolling my eyes again......
  8. Moving on now..... Which happens to be the point of my recent post. Good luck. You'll need it. If you directed this kind of energy to feeding hungry children, the world would but a better place
  9. (A) who cares / it's not relevant (B) refer to my original reply - shit happens in dangerous places that are under attack. You apparently expect a zero casualty rate in any attack situation. Just because people died does not mean anything was done wrong My stepfather just died of brain cancer- should I sue the doctors because I assume that someone must held held accountable? Questions answered - now knock it off
  10. By all means, honor the dead, but as far as 'my' attitude goes.....ditto buddy. like I said- tin foil hat time
  11. It i not about who disagrees with 'me', it is about who disagrees with the outcomes of all the investigations, the information, the data, and everything that has already been done, and yet CONTINUES to rant about what has been 'hidden', when in fact nothing has been hidden because there was nothing to find. I will send you my tin foil hat, yours apparently is not of sufficient quality....
  12. 4 people got killed in a raid on an embassy in a dangerous part of the world and we should turn the world upside down to find out why and heads should roll. 4000 soldiers die in a war in Iraq (and we spend $1T), which was based on a one is asking anything about that. you people truly are fucked in your belief structures..... and THAT is what I am saying. calling it like I see it. Which is pretty much the way that it is.
  13. wow are we still talking about Benghazi? You people really need some serious help. And I do not mean with typing......
  14. bullshit. sorry, but that is bullshit. If the people you elect decide to change the country to a secret police state with no way to address the concerns that this causes, then the absolute moral choice is to do what he did. nothing to do with the 'oath' or whatever you want to call it. If you ask me to do immoral things, you can expect me to act in my version of 'moral', not yours.
  15. I hope another 1000 NSA insiders come out and do the same thing he did and rat out he government for the corrupt paranoid idiots that they are., it might be what stops this madness.
  16. they already do. I am forced to pay taxes to buy billions and billions of dollars in military equipment from all kinds of companies. I have to buy car insurance to drive. My business is mandated to buy all kinds of insurance coverage in order to operate. you sound surprised.
  17. Instead of posting your 'least expensive coverage option', which supports your argument against the plan, how about you post your REAL LIFE option that you will actually buy compared to what you have now. That would mean something.
  18. arguably you do not stand out in a crowd because you are white. having rims and bouncing does not sound to me like 'suspicious activity, anymore than carrying a sidearm is. If you got stopped frisked and questioned about carrying your sidearm, you would be screaming bloody hell. If you got questioned because your car 'looked funny' you would also be screaming bloody hell. have a car with rims is not a crime, nor should it be treated as such. I am more conservative than you think.
  19. Turn the DEA into a revenue taxation and management wing. Sell their guns armored personnel carriers and tanks and train them to be accountants
  20. You are enjoying regular conservative folks getting used by the Koch Brothers? it's tit for tat. I get why black people are pissed off - it's that simple. They should be. The systems in this country are fucked. greatest country in the world my ass. We were are we could be but we can't help ourselves....
  21. End the drug wars, legalize everything and tax it. (pot at least for a start), empty the prisons of all possession/use convictions, remove mandatory sentencing, and similar 3-strike rules, end stop and frisk, that might be a start. note that NONE of those things have anything to do with race, but the end result would.....
  22. I probably watch more Fox than MSNBC, FYI. Sharpton is like listening to fingernails down a chalkboard. I can actually formulate my own opinions based on real information. Jesse Jackson - what? you must be kidding. I might watch 10 minutes of Rachel Maddow once in a while because she has a PhD and is a Rhodes Scholar. And she generally calls it like it is and gives it to both sides pretty equally (albeit giving it to the right is far easier these days with all the loonies they have at the top) And yes they ARE in fact fanning the flames of racism. You get they are. And if I was black, I would be there with them. But I am white and enjoying it.
  23. in your opinion. The statistics about racial divide, as I have already pointed out, show a real disparagement between the races. crime poverty education etc, It is not something that can necessarily be fixed solely with legislation, but smart legislation makes it a starting point. If you think that people deliberately churn up the masses to get votes....well wow! - I am amazed that you noticed that. (sheesh) You mean fear to start a war in Iraq to drive the military establishment? people lie and twist things all time to get their point across....I mean look at your own posts....
  24. I have no idea specifically. That's does not negate the problem. I know that malaria is a big problem in parts of the world. I know that 30000-40000 children die from starvation in the world every day. I know there are a lot of problems. Does not mean I have solutions for them. There are people out there that can solve these problems. We should probably let them have a go at it. However, continuing doing what we are doing is not likely going to solve the problems, no.