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Everything posted by tkhayes

  1. sure, just like universal registration of vehicles, airplanes and vessels has resulted in the government coming in to seize your vehicles, airplanes and vessels.
  2. tkhayes

    TI Q

    Plus the dive was in 1992 maybe- different gear, procedures and generally lower pull altitudes
  3. tkhayes

    TI Q

    Sure, I'll disconnect an RSL when I just accelerated from 120 to probably 160 with the collapsed drogue. I did everything right and within a reasonable time and I was under a reserve at 2700' after pulling the main at 5000'. I lost 2300' doing the procedures in a normal fashion. Not sure how much extra time you think I might have had.
  4. Yes many of these questions are facets of human nature, which is also why we should not be writing laws about them to force people into one line of action or the other.
  5. It's not a new concept. When the first really small Stilettos came out, 97's and such, you had to sign a specific waiver with PD to get one and if they did not know who you were or you did not come highly recommended by the dealer/sponsor/DZO/whomever, you were not actually going to get one. Canopies like this should in fact be considered elite and yes, only certain people should be able to get their hands on one.
  6. tkhayes

    TI Q

    Along with what Tom Noonan said, apparently you do not have a tandem rating, nor have you had to deal with a real serious malfunction with 200lbs strapped on the front of you. There is a lot of responsibility to any tandem jump and there is far more shit to go wrong than on any other 'normal' skydive out there. And we are expected to perform near flawlessly every jump because that is what the customer expects. So the pressure is, in fact, 'on'. I'd like to see you deal with the 150+MPH high-speed bag-lock on a Vector with a collapsed drogue that did not cutaway one side, but dumped the RSL and reserve into the trailing main resulting in the main-reserve entanglement and line knot the size of a football which then turned into the main starting to deploy with the already spinning reserve with a customer on the front who DOES actually know that something is wrong, and then flying that reserve with one brake at 75% and pulling off a stand-up landing in the peas under a malfunctioned reserve with half a main trailing behind it. Because that is what I did - and for maybe just a short moment in my life, I was in fact 'glorified'.
  7. And some DZ's make no promises to rehire anyone the next year, so they go through the hiring process and application process each year. You imply that 'promises are not kept'. I am sure that DZO's have the same issue with staff not keeping their promises. Not showing up for work, not calling in sick, etc, just the nature of humanity I think.
  8. like, I said, just because I cannot answer some ridiculous question that only YOU consider to be important, does not actually make any of your argument any more valid. It does not matter that I cannot answer you question. I want YOU to answer the question of what EXACT AGE the universe is because I am contending that the universe was made by a spaghetti monster. Whether or not you can answer that question has little or no bearing on my claim. Your augment is bunk. It always was bunk, and I will be stepping away from arguing once again with 'bunk-generators' so as to save myself some extra time in my life.
  9. We are advocating CHANGING those 'fundamental rights'. And I have no problem with that. The Constitution has been amended MANY times. A few more changes are in order, including your guns, Congress, health care, the electoral college, voter registration, I could go on. Surely there are some Constitutional amendments you would like to see. What is your argument then for changing those and not the 2nd?
  10. I never asked for a 'mythical dream database' nor do I believe that it is likely possible under many current structures of our healthcare or government systems. However that does not mean that a solution is not possible. We already have a system to vet 'security clearances' (just one example) for many parts of government or the military. I did not design those things, but I also have no trouble believing that they work at some level. To say that it cannot be done is simply denial. In all likelihood, MANY changes will have to be made to make effective gun control that really works and likely it will take 2-3 generations to see the effectiveness of that. I am not under any illusion that there is a 'magic bullet' that will fix it all. Why don't you and I stand aside and let smarter people figure that out?
  11. tit for tat. If I can go to a gun show, which I can, and buy a gun without a background check, which I can, then there is a gun show loophole. Be there, done that. That is the problem that 'we' want to see fixed. And that will likely be the first legislation passed. background checks for ALL gun sales, regardless of private or dealer or whatever. It is a start.
  12. those are only questions that once again YOU apparently consider to be relevant and require n further response from anyone just because you demand an answer. Sounds like a whole bunch of muddling up the issue with more of your own rantings.
  13. You make the assumption that an original birth certificate actually exists. If YOUR original birth certificate no longer exists in any form, then that makes you a non-citizen according to your own belief structure. Lots of original pieces of paper do not exist, yet the record of them does, which satisfies almost every legal argument. The county and govt offices might not have the originals (of anything), but they have microfiche, electronic scanned copies etc, which is this day and age actually suffice and regardless of your screaming does not change the fact that they are valid. That it why we have a process to reissue a birth certificate which has been done. authenticated and such by Hawaii. Not the President's job to do that, nor his staff. Not within his realm or ability to do that, but the State of Hawaii. It has been done, which you still then deny can be authentic, which displays a problem within your ability to grasp the subject, not ours.
  14. and hiding behind a pseudonym, with no identity is not a position from which you might hurl accusations that prove or disprove constitutional requirements. While hiding behind a blank name and bio is totally acceptable in many circles (even most circles), if you are going to accuse someone of false identity, you would in fact expect to have that person face you in court some day (also a constitutional requirement) to answer to your ridiculous claims So until you come up with some other than your gibberish, hidden behind your own lack of personal identity, I expect that you can then expect to get the kind of abuse dished out at you here. I have no idea why i am wasting my time with people like this. truly a problem I struggle with every day, but for some reason I cannot help but think that the public school system will eventually eradicate itself of such problems. and then I get pulled back into the reality again......people like this will always be. the one problem with free speech. you are in fact allowed to anonymously talk shit that causes nothing but harm to the community with no recourse.
  15. The same way I end up with a Florida issued SSN when i was born in Canada. SSN numbers have nothing to do with where you are born. The conspiracy theory is bunk and even if it was proven beyond ANY reasonable doubt, you would still not believe it.
  16. reason or force are not actually the only two options - the argument is flawed from the very first statement in it.
  17. I would ask that you substantiate that because i really doubt that she has much support outside of her immediate family or circle of friends. And in fact she IS reaping the benefits of her lack of responsibility. She is homeless and cannot feed her kids. Does that sound like some sort of free ride? Not to me.
  18. Funny how this is automatically an Obama problem. It's Florida.....We have Gov Rick Scott - elected on a hardcore right-wing Republican platform that was going to solve 'all these problems'. No one apparently noticed that apparently he did not solve this problem.
  19. No but BECAUSE of 10,000 people being killed every year, cars, driving and DUI is HEAVILY regulated, and so is alcohol. Drunk driving is a mere shadow of what it used to be 50 years ago and the results of that 'regulation', changes in the laws, and many other programs put into place HAVE in fact altered the statistics. So the fact is that multiple programs, working in unison to solve a problem, INCLUDING the regulation of the tool being used could in fact help to reduce gun violence and gun crime.
  20. the whole point of the article is that we are NOT cleaning it up. It is getting far worse than expected. Oilsands have been under development in Alberta since the late 70's, maybe earlier.
  21. The tarsands and oilsands of Alberta are finally a boom, and destined to be the future. Similar developments in the USA coming online. Pipelines and future oil independence. All good, we need oil. The downside: what to do what to do.....
  22. It is a Wings System and George is building the parachutes as I understand it. Been jumping at Z-Hills for many many months now in tests etc, have not seen it close up
  23. All the data supports banning of handguns. I do not see your support for that.... But you posted the data afterall.