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Everything posted by tkhayes

  1. There is nothing that would suggest what you said is true Actually, there is evidence that indicates otherwise Except for your statement "while this is true, ..."
  2. It is not likely a direct proportional scale, no. But obviously, it is a factor.
  3. One of the least factors is whether or not there are gun 'bans' in place. The factor most contributing I think is the fact that there are simply far more guns in Chicago than in London, 'banned' or otherwise. More guns simply means more instances where guns might and can be used. Go find out how many guns of each type (long/handgun/etc) exist in each City and that will probably be telling.
  4. Two party system is a problem. 1. get money out of politics. All political donations should be individual, not corporate. All donations regardless of who they came from should be public record. 2. remove any and ALL voter registration that has anything to do with party affiliations. Our tax dollars should not be funding what party you are affiliated with, nor should anyone care. 3. If political parties want to have their own registrations systems, primaries, etc, then they are funded by those political parties. It's a private club, you can join and they can decide whether they want you to join or not. A few simple changes would do the country and the political systems a world of good. The elected people would actually have to represent the people that put them into office and not some outside interest
  5. I was 10. I asked my Mom if I could go to the movie. It was 25 cents. Mom had no idea what movie was on, and neither did I. It was R rated, so not sure how I got in, but it was a small town and a small theater. And at 10, I watched Straw Dogs. I have never been the same since....
  6. I got that part - you are claiming that the Secret Service is 'not' involved, and I am claiming that they most definitely are. It is their job. But feel free to find something in the Secret Service job descriptions, their archives, some law or presidential decree that proves me wrong other than your cherry-picked 'article'. Go ahead, I am waiting.
  7. The level of security existed prior to the President, yes, and I DID read the story and I again state that if you think the Secret Service s not involved then you must be high. They would most definitely be overseeing the security plan for the President's family as that is their job, required and authorized by law. Just because the security is or was in place has nothing to do with whether or not YOU think that the SS is or is not involved. I will bet you $100 that the Secret Service is ONSITE at that school every moment that the President's daughters are there. And I will also bet that the Secret Service is actively involved with the security plan at the school, whether or not it is a private security force at a private school. Comprehension seems to be a dual problem and again you are cherry picking data to suit your argument. From the SS website:
  8. I did read the story and if you think that the Secret Service is not involved with the security of the President's daughters at this school then you must be a sad example of the American Public School system..... nice cherry picking of the information that you want to portray....
  9. Because he's the President and his detail is provided by the Secret Service, not at his discretion, but at the discretion of Congress and the Secret Service. If you have a complaint about presidential security, complaining TO the President or ABOUT the President is not actually the way to go about getting it resolved. And 'your kids' are not under constant death threats whereas the President in fact, actually is.
  10. The obvious solution is to arm all firefighters.....
  11. Quite possibly. Rome lasted a very long time, but still disintegrated. The US is very divided right now, 50/50 split on a lot of issues. Some common sense stuff could help fix it. getting money out of politics would probably do more good towards settling thins down, because i do not believe that the 50/50's are really that far apart on the issues, but the money pushes the issues further and further out to the extremes.
  12. The story eludes to the raid being caused by people stealing - which is bullshit. Let me see. A crime is committed, and in the investigation of that crime, OTHER possible crimes and evidence are uncovered, and a raid takes place. Sounds like any 'Cops' episode or 'investigation TV show' I have ever seen when a drug raid occurred or similar crime. Why are we finding a problem with this? The investigation is still ongoing and none of you are privy to all the info.
  13. I think he has PLENTY of 'party support'. It is the outside influences that for whatever reason are holding all the cards for the GOP. Apparently they (the individual members of Congress and Senate together) are incapable of standing on their own as a political party, they are bowing to the demands of others. Koch, Grover, Sheldon etc. It kind of makes you wonder what these groups have over them.....oh yeah that's right - it's MONEY.
  14. the cost stated will be salaries alone. Not training, not body armor, not maintaining police practical training, not the liability of what happens when a gun accidentally goes off, or someone else gets a hold of that 'cops' gun or the cop is the first one shot, or whatever. There are hundreds of things wrong with it Gun people like to dream up fantasy scenarios of why they need a gun and why it is so important and 'just in case' and all that. I like to dream up scenarios where we DON'T actually need the guns, and they are just as valid. Putting more guns in schools is about the dumbest-ass idea ever proposed. Good the the NRA is not on the NYSE, I would not be betting on it.
  15. 911 is a 'non-starter' in the situation that you describe. 911 is completely appropriate in many cases and is demonstrated as such tens of thousands of times every single day. The poll is still biased and leaves out other scenarios, which i have described because I was in them and these things have happened to me. You situations are valid because they happened to you. My situations are valid because they happened to me. If you want the whole picture, you have to look at all the possibilities, not just yours.
  16. 2 weeks in Skydive City, Zephyrhills, FL will get you an A license easily.
  17. your 'personal scenario' has no place in a general poll that seeks information from many people. my options are in fact valid options in a 'poll'. But my point of course was that dreamed-up polls like this simply have no value whatsoever, given the unscientific, non-statistically-valid nature of them anyway. Instead of responding to me with a fantasy scenario of how you might use a gun, your response to the poll would have had more value (to you anyway), but does not make the poll itself any more valid. My answers would have been both: - yes, but I (or someone with me) put myself in a dumb-ass situation that was easily preventable - No, because I am smart enough to avoid 99.9% of the situations that might need one which were not available answers in the poll. Not fantasy like yours, but reality like mine.
  18. We will be making sure that everyone on the City Council, the Airport Authority and the City Management gets to see the comments and the signatures. So far, we brought it all to the airport authority, 2700 signatures, no one even batted an eye, which is a sad commentary. As someone said, federal/state money involved and no one seems to care that someone is getting the shaft.
  19. and a bunch of other choices you did not offer up: - yes, but I (or someone with me) put myself in a dumb-ass situation that was easily preventable - No, because I am smart enough to avoid 99.9% of the situations that might need one - I called 911 and that sufficed - etc. Your poll kind of makes the assumption that everyone will be in that situation at some point in their lives and that is hardly the case.
  20. again you are extrapolating your own made up scenarios. I prefer facts. For example, a fact would be something like.....countries with tighter guns restrictions and fewer gun have less death by guns. imagine that.... a fact!
  21. that's a sad commentary of the intelligence of the American people. If nothing changes, then nothing will change. The cost to society is immense, quite possibly staggering. Ever wonder why the country is broke? If nothing changes, then nothing will change. that is for sure.
  22. I am too. name something. Because being emotional has nothing to do with the issue right? I mean why should I be emotional when my child is shot to death and it destroys the lives of an extended family and costs society hundreds of thousands of dollars each in societal cost. Sure, emotion should never enter into it. We all should be robots. Governments are broke right? Everyone wants smaller govt and cuts in spending. We have seen local police affected by budget cuts all the way down to the local level here in FL. You want more prosecutions and more 'following the law'? Then get ready for bigger govt, more police, more prisons, more spending. Only partly relevant. Society is clearly demonstrating that we are fed up and want change, the stats may not matter anymore BECAUSE emotion does matter eventually. and we are not actually changing anything so people want something to change. We ignore the real problem all the time. We fought a trillion dollar war in Iraq that had no purpose and now we are floundering in another one in Afghanistan. The 'kid' was likely a law abiding citizen exercising gun rights until he shot his Mom. Australia's latest experiment seems to contradict that. And as I said, up to that point, he was a law abiding citizen. If they did not have a house full of guns, he might have just killed his Mom with a knife, but I doubt that he would have gotten into a school or gotten very far with just a knife, or a baseball bat, or a chain saw. We will CHANGE the laws and likely the Constitution. You will participate or likely lose many of the rights you hold so dear. I'm in a battle to save Skydive City because of security fence that WILL be built. It's a fact. The rationale is not there at all. They are going to build a fence. It makes no sense. They are going to do it anyway. And they are going to change your laws. You can participate and pretend that you case, or you can sit back and watch it come down around you. We choose to participate. all good points, but society is fed up.
  23. Instructions from the manufacturer on how to obtain a full auto version or conversion. I do not see those similar instructions on full auto conversions for the Browning BAR...... oh wait...... there is one in Class 3 configuration.... and whaddya know? It's an assault rifle!
  24. a well rounded description of the American psyche