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Everything posted by tkhayes

  1. tkhayes


    Clearly demonstrating how little you know about me. I actually own 13 guns I have no hatred for them I have a problem with idiots owning guns and untrained idiots owning guns And given the number of military police forces security forces police tactical squads the argument that my personal safety is somehow in jeopardy because I have a problem with idiots owning guns is absurd
  2. tkhayes


    Maybe Oregon has a 'flee your ground' law?
  3. tkhayes

    Oregon Oregon is a concealed state right? Where were all the carrying people and why did they let this happen? I mean 147000 permits in Oregon and 2.8M people, that is just over 5%. If there was 1000 adults at the mall, then probably 50 of them had guns. I mean a well-trained individual exercising their constitutionally god-given rights to carry a gun in public should have had no trouble taking on a 'teenager in a hockey mask' I would think Or maybe they were all just running for their lives like everyone else. But I know, I know - we don't have a gun problem....
  4. The 'lazy cunt' is also the 'lazy prick' that was too lazy to stick a rubber on it. It case you missed basic 8th grade biology, it takes two people to make a baby, it only takes one of them to fuck it up and the other to end up in poverty and on welfare (potentially) To bad you cannot see .....
  5. not at all - I think the religious world (Christian in particular) would simply say, well God made those 'things' as well and just did not tell us about it.
  6. if 10,000 people every year were killed by axe-murder, you would expect a little more focus on axes....but that is not the reality. The reality is that 11000+ are killed by firearms every year, hence the focus on firearms and not axes.....or butter knives for that matter.
  7. It was going to be the 'end of times' when GM went under, but it was and is not. It was going to be the end of times when Obama got reelected, but it is and was not. This will also not be the end of times. I would prefer they spend their time on something more productive. If they did not want these tax cuts and spending cuts to happen, why did the original legislation have a time limit then? I'll tell you why - because it makes sense to do that, that's why.
  8. you forgot the 4th option, "Let it happen".
  9. They did it yesterday, a 16 way finalluy, now working on 18+ - pics to come. Great job people,
  10. Liberal Tyranny? How about right-wing rhetoric.....?
  11. That's funny. My argument is based on 'this' and only I know how to interpret 'this'; therefore any argument you have against 'this' is invalid because you don't understand 'this'. got it
  12. It is COMPLETELY acceptable for him to use it to refute YOUR argument, given that it is the basis for your claims.
  13. take the door off, install seatbelts, teach the pilot about flying a jumprun, and bring out your wallets, because they are no longer cheap to fly.
  14. Ahh, such kind words from the 'Christian' (again).
  15. The more he whines, the more West looks like Rush Limbaugh.... I hope he gets the bill for all this crap. so much for democracy.
  16. agreed, the system itself assists these people (our representatives) in becoming corrupt and power hungry, they start to live in the glass bubble and lose the perspective of why they are there. Not all of them, but the trend is there. free this and that for them while the people get bugger all of similar benefits. They surround themselves with cash and favors and the political system is built in such a way to perpetuate that process. It then becomes a twisted kind of power hungry and immune-to-reality situation.
  17. It's not - no one said it was. But it is funded part of society that we (as a people) have decided is 'scared' in some ways and will be preserved. and it has little to do with the 'economic problems' that the country has right now. The housing crisis was NOT caused by SSA. The wall st crashes of the past were not caused by any SSA. the unemployment rates are not caused by SSA, and the rich/poor divide is/was not caused by any SSA.
  18. how very condescending of you, thanks. I did not say that 'you said'. I said in fact that 'West said'. And my second post clarified the data with facts, such as how Mr West came to the incorrect conclusion that he did.
  19. The explanation. There are 2 cards to the ballot, the count of 141% was the cards submitted, not votes. divide by two, 70% is the voter turnout. For West to turn the 141% into a 'fact' is disgraceful. He lost. He lost on Tuesday, he has a partial recount and he lost again. The 141% is not true, and for him to take it to court would be a complete waste of taxpayers dollars.
  20. that says it all. I can find no other reference anywhere that agrees that ANYONE said there was a 141% turnout. And the partial recount it seems still has West behind.
  21. Allen West, whining c**t. Spend a bunch of taxpayers dollars asking courts to impound voting machines, recount votes.....whatever. He lost, he deserves to lose and the more he digs in, the bigger an asshole he is and the further away he will ever be from being in office ever again. Better for the country in the long run. Joins the ranks of Akin Mourdock, Walsh, and many others.....OUT!
  22. There are a whole bunch of them will be on the speaking circuit after yesterday I expect. Probably going cheap too.
  23. thank you, we revisit it quite often, the only changes I have made was to remove the pictures I had of pear-shaped people to hopefully not offend too many.