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Everything posted by tkhayes

  1. why bother, I mean if the world is actually coming to an end. what's the point?
  2. wow, looks like 'God's' choice will be Obama.....imagine that.
  3. GWB after winning again in 2004 "I earned some political capital today and I intend to spend it". Same shit, different words.
  4. glass half empty. The end of times is not actually here, nor will it be. The country will go on as it has for 200 years. ups and downs. good times and bad.
  5. I love it. change the voter ID laws. Then change the poll-watching laws so that no one can oversee anything. Then you claim it's OK to ban the overservers because it is 'illegal'. Next step will be to make it illegal to object to the new laws. One step closer to totalitarian police state.
  6. Roe v Wade is not actually about contraception. It is about women's rights to abortion. And reversing Roe v Wade will not allow women to 'pay' for their own abortions or pay for their own contraception, it will open the door to making abortion illegal and likely at a federal level. And THAT is removing women's rights. Get your facts straight. The Republican party has published in their own manifesto, that they want to ban abortions. ALL abortions. All circumstances. Black and white. It's not just "making people pay for them." So yes, in fact, the Republican platform IS about taking away women's rights. ANd that is OK as long as you think rights are not important in this country.
  7. Bingo - well done Mr. Kallend. Says it all right there. So you are either for women's rights to their bodies or you are not. It is clear that the Republican Party is standing against decades of women's rights gains. And for that reason alone - until they get out of the homes and bedrooms of Americans, I cannot vote for any Republican candidate, not ever, regardless of perceived economic policies, war policies, or whatever. This social issue is far too important.
  8. no need to end the 'season' yet - ours is just beginning. Head south and keep jumping, a mid-winter vacation is always a good idea.
  9. call it whatever you want I guess. But don't call it an 'apology tour' because that piece of tripe has been debunked time and time again and is now only resurfacing 2 weeks before an election as a desperate attempt by the right to grasp something that is slipping away fromt hem We hear it now louder than ever before. stating it again and again might work for some people, but all it really does is annoy the fuck out of people that have half a brain. So here's a question for you? Should the USA NEVER apologize for any actions we take? i.e. 1. imprisoning Japanese citizens during WWII 2. starting a war in Iraq on a lie thus killing 100,000 civilians and 4000 US troops and destroying a country that had no part in 9/11 (or terrorism apparently) 3. supporting Israel despite their genocidal tendencies towards Palestinians? 4. slaughtering native americans after the arrival of the Europeans? 5. shooting down Iran flight 655? there are plenty of things that we need to and probably should apologize for. some of these we have apologized for. I do not remember anyone going after Reagan for apologizing to the Japanese, yet no one apologized for flight 655 - and we wonder why they fucking hate us? give your head a shake. If you are going to be a bully and then be arrogant on top of that, well a $10T war and decades of it are what you can expect. I hope you are writing the checks to pay for the war, because I for one am tired of shelling out for it
  10. nice try, but whatever you want to call it, I call it rhetoric....
  11. What are 'traditional American values' anyway? Keeping slaves? Raping slaves? multiple wives like the Mormons? lynching? Shutting out all religions except Christianity? Keeping people of color at the back of the bus? back of the restaurant? back of the schools? Burning witches? banning the vote for people of color because they cannot read or write? Burning crosses? Traditions are like 'norms' as commented earlier - they are individual, cannot be legislated (nor should they be) and are guaranteed to be bullshit to one group of people over another. There are no 'traditional family values', especially if your 'family tradition' was for example, your Dad getting drunk and beating the shit out of your Mom. If that is what you grew up with - then THAT is your 'family tradition' (or at the very least part of it)
  12. that is only the democrats, not actually a reflection of 'their constituents'. If you want a sample of the constituents, then you better sample the constituents. (Everyone). BTW stating that most people do not support partial-birth abortions is like stating that most people do not like lobotomies. Of course they do not, but it is not really the issue. Lobotomies are still performed. rarely, but sometimes necessary. The issues with Akin and now Joe Walsh have nothing to do with popular social culture or constituents. What they have demonstrated is a complete lack of knowledge of any basis of fact and clearly demonstrated that they should NOT actually be commenting on the subject due to their ignorance. I am going to a picnic this afternoon with a bunch of Phd Anthropology types. I kind of doubt I will stand there and spout off bullshit that i just made up on the subject. I will most likely shut-up, listen and understand that I DO NOT know much about the subject - just eat the hamburger and enjoy the company. Akin, Walsh, and many others need to know their limits and shut the fuck up when they have other than divisive rhetoric to spout out.
  13. Largely because human nature is to live for the moment, not the future. government is structured to look 4 years ahead to the next election, not the next generation. Not the absolute rule, but generally the rule. We will respond when it is a crisis and hundreds of millions are dying and not before.
  14. Actually the NYCLU has monitored it for ages and has complained, as well, they even have an App to collect data out there. I was wondering why they have not sued the government out of office for it.
  15. Chapter 2 is quite disturbing, even if that is the only chapter of the entire book that you read.
  16. No but the stop and frisk policy encourages the type of incidents that you see here. If there were ZERO stop and frisks, then no one could be innocently stopped and therefore no one could be called a 'mutt' because the incident would not occur. Government has brought in a policy, 700K stops for little or no good reasons, cops have power, and power corrupts. I doubt there is just 'one bad cop' with an attitude and I expect as the policy continues, the incidents like this will increase, not suddenly go away. I have no idea why the ACLU, and other similar agencies and individuals have not sued the government out of existence of this. It should have been in front of the Supreme Court already - even though it already was in 1960-whenever, but what is happening is a gross over-statement of the rulings.
  17. A portion of all wealth is collective, but not all of it. Bill Gates got rich 'on his own', but he did not write all the code in all his products. WORKERS wrote the code. He helped to build the company and it was his idea. MANY MANY others helped him achieve that wealth. There is no magic number of what is collective and what is 'earned individually'. 85% of the country's wealth is held by 20% of the people. I would hope that AT LEAST 85% of the federal income is paid for by those 20% of the people. And BTW EVERYONE should be paying some level of taxes, federally as well as whatever other taxes are out there.
  18. I wrote this some time ago, as well, we even went so far as to put a chart on the website for older folks. It gives more of the ability to say 'no' in a lot of circumstances. Leo has done over 150 tandems, many with us. He is in his 70's or 80's, but his age is starting to show. We had the discussion last week that there will be a day when he has to hang this up. Everyone needs to be evaluated individually, and there are many factors, not a single test for the capability. Someone who is really frail may not go under any circumstances, but if they only weigh 120lbs and are 5'4", then the TI can easily handle them. Likewise a guy who is right at 220lbs, but is in good shape and tall, but then have 2 artificial knees poses a much bigger risk I think.
  19. and you want to check with the DZ to see if they are even transferrable - they may have a specific no-refund or partial refund policy. And I bet they have a policy about transferring tickets to a new owner.
  20. If the concept is leadership, then why do you bring up failed solar companies as an example when both sides apparently have done exactly the same gaff? Intelligent people might see that as some sort of bias.....
  21. A lot of coin, but if that is your dream. My experience in 30 years of skydiving is that pilots do not make a lot of money until you get to the top. And the pyramid is mighty tall and the base of it is really wide. You better be ready to travel around the world, work shit duty and bust a nut to make a living and get to a better place. And of course don;t make any mistakes on the way,
  22. Early voting is fine - I am for any and all opportunities to vote, regardless of the changes between dates - you vote, you take yer chances. Whatever the outcome is, I support ANY way of voting and anything that gets more people to vote.
  23. Reason number 62 why corporations and corporate interests should be cut completely out of politics. Republicans are just as bad. And it is not really voter fraud - nothing 'fraudulent' actually happened given that under the Constitution, i can stand on a street corner and tell you anything I want, regardless of how much of a lie it is. It's as annoying as fuck and serves no purpose. I am all for jail time for things like this, mandatory. Every time.
  24. My experiences were in 1995. I moved here and I did file for year in both Canada and the USA because my Cdn accountant said I had to. After that I said 'fuck that'....