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Everything posted by tkhayes

  1. But has EVERTHING to do with republican policy How DO you manage to split those hairs when you are shaking so badly?
  2. I did - personhood rights for zygotes excludes all abortions for all reasons- that's yer boys stand....
  3. From Ryan's website: But fails to say anything about whether or not the pregnancy might have been CAUSED by abusive boyfriends.....and further restricts abortion rights. long read but basically he disagrees with the courts even though the Courts, doing their job, decided that unborn fetuses do not attain the same rights as other people. More damaging beliefs that will fundamentally hurt society if enacted.
  4. No I'm not being spun by the 'Obama ads" that you posted. I did my homework. I read the bills. Did you? If you have not, then you have not much more to say. Or did you just google search the bills for the words "Legitimate rape" and come up empty.... Loads of bills have massive consequences that are not written into them. The GOP wants the sanctity of life bill passed. It grants personhood civil rights to a sperm and an egg, even though 30+% of those will never result in a pregnancy. There are massive dire social and economic consequences to granting such rights, the cost which will be staggering. Attorneys appointed by the courts to defend said zygote. prosecutions of anyone who causes or even tries to cause harm to said zygote. defining the 'harm' is NOT in the bill, since it is really only meant to cover abortion, but could also include miscarriage, x-rays, drugs (including prescription) again, shall I go on? You wanted evidence of the Republicans supporting the radical stances of an idiot named Akin, and I provided it.
  5. So if Katrina is God's punishment, then Isaac coming in on the RNC is.....?
  6. I'm not getting my opinions from the Obama ads, I do not even remember seeing one. I reading the frikkin' bills.... Oh look, MORE evidence supporting my claim....whaddya know?
  7. The Sanctity of human life act would make it a crime for ANY abortion. period. It would arguably make it a crime to have a miscarriage. Not, the words 'rape' aree not in the bill, but taking ANY fetal life, is in the bill, by granting personhood rights to a single cell sperm/egg combo.
  8. Ryan co-sponsored this and many other bills. The Sanctity of Human Life act which would make any abortion illegal as the 'life' would have to be preserved. A bill further limiting Women's rights extreme enough for you - shall i go on?
  9. I am having the same discussion on Facebook - my response there..... yes they are throwing him under the bus - but that does nto mean they do not actually stand with his views. He's the scapegoat right now due to his comments. The legislation that they propose is exactly in line with what Akin said.....
  10. percentages do not matter - the people that count (legislator sand especially leadership heavily funded by outside influences) share his views, including the vice-presidential nominee.
  11. I beg to differ, he is doing fine - and with comments like Todd Akin, whose views are actually shared by a larger part of the GOP than they are willing to admit, the election is already won barring some Democratic disaster. Akin was just the only one who was actually stupid enough to stand up and say what he really believes in. It will probably undo the election for the GOP. Ryan shares the same view, along with many others. Mitt is incapable of making a comment without consulting his Koch brothers and whoever else is pulling his strings. As we get closer, the extreme views will be seen, people will choose moderate over extreme when they get into the booth.
  12. Call and ask for your money back and tell them why. If and when they refuse, then call your credit card company and complain. They will look into it and get back to you. Then complain more if they do not credit your account. As a merchant, I have NEVER won a dispute against a customer, even when I was 100% right. The customer wins every time unless it was merchandise with a signed receipt. And even then, most of the time the customer still wins.
  13. I wrote my letter already - un-fucking-believable that ANYONE could be this stupid and on top of that - state it on National television....
  14. Truly a legend and an icon of our times and our sport. Everyone at Skydive City I know is sending their condolences and vibes to the family and friends in Raeford. Miss you dude, having a glass of wine in your honor....Hello to Miss Billie
  15. I did not set the 'norm' of tax returns being made available. Given that it has been done for decades, it would be the norm. So to not release them is 'not the norm'. You have you opinions and I have mine - but there is not a 'right answer' in this scenario. How do you then 'screen the candidate. at which point does their personal life 'not matter'? If he was a Klansman, that would make a difference right? If he has a facebook page with pictures of teenager girls in skimpy bikinis on it, that woud be different right? If he owned companies that invested providing chemicals for biological weapons somewhere, that would make a difference right? That goes for any candidate whether he is the 'successful businessman' or just a black guy from Hawaii/Chicago - he had his minister/church criticized, his heritage, whether or not he ate dog, what he did int he Philippines, etc So the line is there, just do not agree on where that line is. Follow the money they always say - it will tell you a lot about what a person is REALLY about.
  16. I also think it is reasonable to know who we are dealing with. I have to pee test to fly an airplane - he gets to run the country - there is actually a higher standard, not clearly defined, no. Tax returns are pretty normal for candidates, I bet those tax returns have been FULLY vetted within the party itself. He has something to hide and I think the voters need to take that into account. I expect he is/has probably taken advantage of a lot of loopholes/reg/rules, albeit legal, but certainly things that would make him look bad. As I expect he is also promoting legislation to plug those loopholes/regs/rules, which would be paradoxical at the least - (offshore accounts in particular) Joe Average does not want to find out that he has been paying 18% taxes and the filthy rich guy has been paying 13%. Romney does not want Joe Average to know that either I expect. Success is fine, no one ever said anyone has a problem with that. The problem lies when the 'successful' people rig the system for their own means while ignoring the possible 'success' of the rest of the country - which is pretty much where it stands today. The rich get to write the laws, the rich have the most influence, the rich control their own salaries within the corporations that they run (and the workers as well), so the rich keep getting richer, and the no one would complain if the wages of the average man increased over the years at the same rate as the average Corporate officer....that would be even 'fair', but it is not really the case. "We the people" is a joke and that is what people want to know and see as 'fair'. Bottom line, if he had nothing to hide, then he would have nothing to hide. The innocent man seldom 'lawyers up'.
  17. regardless what reason he states, the government is justified in taxing us at will. But they are not so stop fretting about it. Right now, everyone is basing a political campaign on what was probably nothing more than gaff-level. It's not the real issues Romney will not tell us his plans because he does not have any. Ryan objects to bailouts, yet he requested bailout money because he says it would create jobs. these are all bullshit issues and have little to do with the problems we face. spending cuts aligned with increased taxes will help bring the deficit in line over time. More money for education/infrastructure will secure our future generations. The US is already in a better place than many European countries for a lot of reasons. Obama saying what he said in whatever speech he said it in, is NOT one of those reasons, nor is it a deterrent to those reasons. It's a non-issue. If you think telling the President to kiss your ass is going to help the USA, then have at it. I will spend my time writing my Congressman and participating in the processes that affect the policies that I would like to see implemented. Again, I am sure that they are quite happy to see the distractions out there.
  18. I got a whole roll at Sam's Club baby - 250'+
  19. No, but it is morally and socially reprehensible and does damage to the country as a whole. When YOUR stupidity starts to affect the way MY LIFE is run (i.e. creationism being injected into education and government, then I have a problem with that. No I do not have a solution (to your stupidity) but it is still a problem. These are the same people that used to burn witches.....
  20. guarantees millions of small business loan every year, totaling hundreds of BILLIONS of dollars. to say that every person 'built their business on their own' is complete bunk. And to hang the President on a single line about whether or not you ever received any help in your business, is nothing less than short-sighted partisan bullshit and a rather weak argument for any supposed end-purpose. But I am sure the politicians are all VERY HAPPY with yet another distraction from the real issues we have (on both sides of the left/right). and you guppies continue to eat the fish food that is sprinkled down on top of you.....
  21. I like how the group is made up of 'former' Spec Ops people. So they actually were not involved in ANY WAY in the actual taking down of OBL - that's good to know, they somehow then are experts on the subject? I do not remember the President taking all the credit....when did that happen exactly? He sure would have taken the blame if it had gone to shit. If everyone in the room thinks that somehow this is an operation carried out by one person, then everyone is truly as ignorant as I think they are....and the credit has been handed out to all, exactly when and where it was due. maybe everyone missed that - oh yes, that's because it was reported on an INTERNATIONAL news feed instead of biased and politically motivated AMERICAN news feeds.
  22. I got my tinfoil hat and I'M READY!!
  23. It likely will be a scam, and if you call Western Union, they will explain to you how the scam will work.....
  24. THAT, I am disappointed in, and the wars. But he got handed a pile of shit with two wars and Gitmo. I expect it is not easy. I expect Congress still had a hand in it. Romney:" I'm gonna repeal this and repeal that on my first day".....he's gonna be pretty busy that first day don't you think? Wonder when he will have time to take a shit.... If you do not think Congress has no effect on all of these things, then wait until day 2 of Romney's Office (if he gets elected, at this point it is a toss-up) and see if 'his slogans' were kept or not. My point is, if you are basing your presidency on slogans - then you need to have your head examined.