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Everything posted by tkhayes

  1. If you execute an innocent person, then you become what you are trying to 'filter' out of society, and therefore deserve the same punishment. Given that we HAVE executed innocent people, then the system is fallible. Fallible systems should not be used for such 'final conclusions' that have no chance or way to be 'corrected' in the future. I am shocked and dismayed by ROND's comment to execute immediately - such a Christian - I would expect no less. and BTW I used to be a strong upporter of capital punishment - but I was young and naive and I also believed that no innocent person has ever been executed.
  2. the thing isn this story is no information on how the kids are actually doing. He's black so everyone jumps to the conclusion that there are 30 poor black kids on welfare roles. The story was about HIS financial woes.....not theirs. For all anyone knows, they may be all the kids of working family moms with some future. I thought this was a free country. We should not base policy on extreme cases like this, and as far as forced vasectomies, much for a free country.....welcome to Nazi Germany.
  3. Dumbass Zimmerman got his bail revoked today. Seems he lied to the court about his passport(s) and lied about how much money he has/had. (Hence that makes him a dumbass. Problem is that dumbass people have the right to carry a gun, and dumbass people can then make life/death decisions in the streets regarding other people using that gun. can't fix dumbass, but too bad the gun lobby still does not see this as a problem.
  4. BINGO! and until we do - we should NOT be passing laws that affect any of it....
  5. DOMA ruled unconstitutional (at least parts of it) Judges blocking Florida's voter law House rejects gender-based abortion law Did the fucking sun come up in the west today or something? A massive rush of common sense? WTF? too bad so many laws end up in courtrooms - perhaps the people writing the laws should take a better read of the existing laws and the Constitution before they write bullshit that will not hold up. Wasting our time and money.
  7. Yes you did, and it does not show a problem worthy of consideration. 50 people ? wow...... certainly a marked percentage of AT LEAST 0.00003%
  8. I wonder how many men have dicks so small that the condoms keep coming off?
  9. one example of where it is going..... It's not that there is NO fraud. It is not worth spending millions and disenfranchising perhaps tens of thousands of voters in hopes of stopping a few hundred. For all the right wingers - just how much of your tax dollars are you willing to spend to make voter fraud go away? An unlimited amount of money? Billions? Trillions? It's a case of diminishing returns. SHOW ME THE FRAUD and I will show you the money. If you are still guessing, then I expect the problem is pretty fuckin' small.
  10. One of the greatest movies of all time,
  11. tkhayes

    AFF students

    hang on - focus on where you are and where the pilot chute is and honk that thing out and get the fuck out of the way. That is all the training that is needed. You cannot simulate all situations.
  12. another 'dead' nutter with teeth..... Zombie invasion has begun
  13. From the former TSA chief himself. Too bad no one is listening
  14. unfuckingbelievable..... this day and age. We have had two people fall out of harnesses and that ANY tandem instructor could possibly EVER let that happen or near-happen again is beyond my fucking comprehension. If this sport is regulated out of existence - it would be due to complete incompetence such as this.....IMO
  15. at about the 35second mark these govt. people are fucking tools. Only in America would you have to 'certify' that you are homeless.
  16. why would we waste tax dollars on clean-up when we already pretty much had BP confessing and agreeing to do it all? And I disagree that it would only cost fuel. It would cost room and board, transportation, hazmat suits and equipment and outsourcing of tons of supplies and needs/equipment that perhaps the military does not have on hand. The military & Coast Guard have weapons, not environmental clean-up supplies. And if they do have environmental cleanup supplies, then i expect that is a waste of money. Any involvement by the govt would have been seen as a HUGE waste of money by most people, especially the right-wing, which would have done nothing but bitch about the cost. Instead you bitch about the inaction. I did not see inaction - I saw thousands of people employed by BP to do clean-up. sounds about right to me. Since when do we have a dormant military? From what I hear in Congress, every last one of the branches of the military is an ABSOLUTE necessity and any budget that reduces their budget will be devastating..... As a taxpayer, if we have any dormant military, then we need to retire them out or lay them off.
  17. And maybe that is also partly because the issue is being handled in a 'reasonable' way in the opinion of the general public. BP paid for the coastal cleanup and they paid restitution to businesses that were affected. They will probably pay $20B in fines, and criminal charges against at least some people are likely coming down to pipe as well. Environmental groups are suing to stop future oil wells in the gulf, and pretty much every oceanic-related industry/business/university/etc in Florida and along the Gulf cost is monitoring the ongoing situation with new data arriving daily. They are also suing BP, and the EPA. Natural gas is being explored all over the continent, wind farms are being built, solar in getting investment.....what's the problem? Sounds to me like it is being 'handled'
  18. that's OK, republican candidates through their ideological donors like the Koch brothers and the Dobsons have spent tens of millions of dollars paying people to say ridiculous and untrue things.....and do it very loudly.....
  19. November, goes to 7 days a week, we have the German RW Camp, Thanksgiving Boogie and Turkey Meet and hundreds of skydivers roll in for the month to vacation and have fun. 3 Super Otters online and you can jump any day,
  20. That's certainly a time tested way of writing the 'word of god', and the accuracy, no doubt is/was nothing short of astounding.....
  21. Just because Reagan said it, does not make it right. Or even factually correct. Or even legal. A lot of people would like to see prayers back in schools. And a lot of people would not. Supreme Court has already ruled on that, so.... Which goes back to one of the points I constantly make - "that's great if you do not believe in the Supreme Court or laws....." And given that we do not follow the 'laws of Christianity' (Hell, Christians cannot even agree on what version is correct), but we follow the laws of the land and the Constitution in form of federal State, administrative code, etc, the YOUR religious beliefs do not actually interest me. Nor do the religious rantings of any former or current President.....
  22. Only a small percentage of narrow minded bigots find it 'a repulsive, perverted abomination'. The rest just simply disagree with it. Which also means that 50% support it, have no problem with it or do not care.
  23. Yes, but you you cannot call Xe and Halliburton employees 'government workers' just because you want to make a point on a graph. That is a system of growing spending, not growing government. A contractor is not an employee, at least not in any circle I have ever seen. The federal & state govt is shrinking. Yes we are contracting out way too much and spending way too much on stuff like that. But let's not pretend that the government is actually growing because it is not. Real government employees are being cut back around here. Police, firefighters, teachers, public servants, staff in offices, etc. I have NO PROBLEM with firing all those Halliburton, Xe, Blackwater, and all the 'secret' companies that the CIA hires to do our security work. Fire every fucking one of them. Time to hit the reset button and start over on a lot of that stuff.
  24. Sounds like the rig is probably too big for you. If the chest strap hits you in the neck, it could actually kill you, it has happened before in extreme cases. The harness should have some adjusters ont he lift webs to shorten the harness to fit you better. Or try a different rig if you can. spinning and flailing certainly are not factors that are going to help with a smooth deployment of any kind, they only make matters worse. Sitting up during the deployment also helps with the legs and comfort, but difficult to teach to someone with 3-4 jumps. If you start to bring your knees down during the deployment such that when you get to the opening shock (line-stretch), then you will be sitting upright for the deployment. The opening shock is then vertical on your spine/neck and your butt is already sitting in the harness. Better than the inside of your crotch taking it all from getting wailed around like you do if you just lay flat for the opening shock.