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Everything posted by kipsix

  1. Should be part of the training, ok, that is your opinion. But it isn't. If an instructor informs me that They may or may not cause me to be unstable then I can accept or decline the risk. As for a bit dramatic? Have you sat and read fatality reports lately. Skydiving is a sport where mistakes can kill you or others. In SCUBA if my instructor wants to turns of my O2 to see if I'll enter the water with out checking it. I have no issues with that. I enter the water do my first check in the water and realize something is wrong and get in the boat to fix the problem. I can't get back in the plane if my instructor causes me to have issues. What is next they pack my Rig so that I have a malfunction so that I have to cut away? should thay be part of the training at 13K ft. I have already stated that the technic would be acceptable in a tunnel. Just not at altitude with so little experience. Death is kind of perminate, don't you think.
  2. I can not believe that you would intentionally try to cause issues with a student. I'm soon to complete my Level 5 AFF and if you were my instrustor and did that to me. I would happily stand on you neck until your became cyanotic. Then proceed to lift you by the stack and stivel, make a few adjustments then set you spinning about smartly. Instructors like you are the reason I have talked to numerous people that haven't completed AFF because they didn't feel comfortable with their instructors. I have used instructors that I plan to use again and again. What is your plan when you make a student unstable and they fail to recover and are injuried or killed? Any ideas? "I'm sorry", really doesn't cut it!! I can tell you that I will never jump with you and your name is now on the last page of my log book, listed as jumpers not to fly with.