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Everything posted by bigcritch

  1. Pirate or superhero???? Pirate. All the way. Superheroes are always so stuffy and they only get the (ONE) girl. However, being a girly, I'd go for the superhero because they're well groomed.
  2. Klatovy is prbably the closest to you. Eisenach is also a nice DZ, and they accept USPA membership. I jump at Sprungparadies Muenster (aka Fallschirm Sportclub Muenster), but it's quite a ways northwest of Grafenwoehr.
  3. Oh, how I wish Andy and I could be there. Have a great time everyone! Jenny
  4. If you are in Sennelager, I can recommend a rigger a few miles south of Paderborn in a town called Borchen - not far from you. He jumps at FSC Soest, south of Bad Sassendorf and east of Soest. You can drop me a line if you want some more info.
  5. Done - for anyone interested, we've decided to take a few extra Euros (1 Euro = about 1.40 Dollars = about 11.4 Rand) and buy a dang tent and supplies and sleep on the ground. The plane tickets are bought, so no stopping us now.
  6. I am wondering if anyone has ever tried to wear their weight belt while travelling as a passenger on a commercial airline? Due to ever sinking weight limits on checked and carry-on baggage, I was pondering that option for a coming flight. Anyone tried?
  7. Can anyone that has been to past AFFC boogies tell me about the event? In particular: any tips on lodging?