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  1. I heard that someone hooked it into the ground at Elsinore over the weekend. I jump their regularly and call a lot of people their my friends so when I hear something like this it really makes my stomach turn. If anyone know who the person is and if they are ok I would really appreciate. I would like to stop thinking the worst and I hope whoever was involved is not too badly injured.
  2. Randy! Good to hear from you. Those 1000ft openings are still there and I am actually working on shortening them up a little though. Doing some coaching jumps tomorrow so I can keep up with you next time we jump together. ;-) When will I see you at the DZ?
  3. Slider Pocket!!! I have a sabre 170 loaded around 1.2 and have not yet had a hard opening. (knock on wood). My canop has a slider pocket and I role the nose 4 times each side of the center cell. I also roll the tail but not so tightly. I now have 1000ft+ openings. I am actually going to roll the nose less because the openings at the moment are too soft. All in all the slider pocket really helps. You could also try to go a size smaller on your pilot chute. Just my thoughts.
  4. just made it to number 3 for January. On my second try I might add. Now I almost got fired for playing it at work. THANKS. fun stuff though
  5. beckrj

    new movie

    Stephen Baldwain AND Dennis Rodman. What more could you ask for. But then Dennis goes in. OOPS did I ruin it for anyone? The movie sucks major ass but I must admit that it did heighten my interest in the sport. I watched it just before I made my first jump.
  6. Anyone here heard anything about a fatality over at lake elsinore this past weekend. A friend said he heard something along those lines but I have found nothing to confirm his stories. I hope this isn't true.
  7. now I know what they are and how they work do you think they are a good idea?
  8. I have seen numerous ads for used Sabres that have a 'slider pocket' to help slow down the opening. Excuse my ignorance but what is a slider pocket and how does it work? Any help would be greatly appreciated. THANKS
  9. We all know how expensive buying a new rig is and don't really want to sell my car so here is my question: What do you all think of buying a complete rig from somewhere other than your home DZ's gear store. Mine is Lake Elsinore and the gear store there is great but I have found prices that are much better at SkyKat for example. Should I go for the much lower price or stick with dealing with someone who I know and respect. I have heard great things about SkyKat though. Advice is needed and appreciated.
  10. wow. That report just made my stomach turn. All y'all have done a superb job of drilling home the fact that one should never overestimate their skill level. Learn to fly one canopy well before moving to the next smaller one. Just because you can land a canopy doesn't mean you can go to the next smaller one. I always knew this but was merely thinking out aloud in response to the ad for the cobalt in the magazine. I know my thresholds and I know what I can or cannot do. Why push it I ask? This also has nothing to do with my DZ pushing more dangerous gear on me. THey know how well I fly at the moment and they would never let me jump a stiletto 120. They would probably ground someone for even thinking that.
  11. Thanks, I will definately look into it. The 170 is not slow by any means so I know what you are talking about. It is great fun and to be honest I am perfectly happy staying with it. Canopy coaching is definately something I want to do in the near future. It is not that I am in a hurry to downsize it is just that no one has told me otherwise regarding moving to 150 and that is why this forum is great.
  12. It has just been the natural progression at my DZ. I would never dream of going smaller than a 150 for a long long time. It has been told to me that a 150 Sabre2 would be a good canopy that I can have fun with for many jumps while also learning as much as I can. I would hope that my DZ would not let me rent gear that would be dangerous and I do trust them. I hope I am not being misled in any way as I am new to this sport. I feel pretty safe at the moment with my current situation. Once again I appreciate the advice.
  13. Thanks for all the honest responses. I agree with what you all have said. I did however read in the advertisement for the Cobalt in Parachutist magazine that it is suitable for beginners and those who are considering a Sabre. That is why I had to ask the question. Perhaps Atair shouldn't be targeting beginners for their eliptical canopies. Just a thought. I will stick to my Sabre2.