For July and after, the jump's price of Tarade Aero Service at Gap Tallard is decreasing
Before the 1st July: jump price 26euros
After: 20 euros!!!!
More info:
Skydive Deland seems to be attactive to come and jump in February
I have 3 questions but they don't aswers to all my email:
What is the jump's price? (by unit or 100 jumps)
what's the weather in february?
In France, we need to pack our reserve 1 time per year. I know that it's tolerated at Eloy; is it the same at Deland?
Thanks for answering
I want to go & jump at skydivelodi but it's not easy to join them.
They don't answer to email.
Does someone know the cheapest way to sleep near the DZ (camping, hotel...) and the price?
How is it possible to come from San Francisco Airport? (Bus...)
This DZ looks very attractive (low price, good weather...) ... Someone know bad point of these location?
I have found their internet adress
But they tell nothing about price, plane, opening, feet...
I have send a mail
I have found Skydive sufolk, but isn't it a bit cold in february?
We are two people of France. We arrive to Caracas on February 03 to 15h30.
If somebody arrives the same day, perhaps it's possible to divide the price of the drop zone's car or the cessna to reduce the cost.
To join me
I would like to go and jump in argentina where the jump isn't expensive at all (8-10$); but i'm seraching for a DZ which is open every day, and if it's possible with a good plane (12000 feet)
I send an email to all the dz from "place to skydive" but i have only one answer.
Does anybody knows somebody in Argentina who jump? Does anybody have some informations on Argentina's DZ?