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Everything posted by napvid

  1. I'd like to get back all the taxes I've paid all these years. “As you know, these are open forums, you’re able to come and listen to what I have to say.” –George W. Bush, 10.28.03.
  2. Wow! A lot of sky gods shitting on your parade Listen man, that was an awesome 100th jump. Whether it was an 8 point or one point. As far as the pie, anytime is good for pie 100 jumps is a great milestone that many never reach. Congratulations and stay safe! “As you know, these are open forums, you’re able to come and listen to what I have to say.” –George W. Bush, 10.28.03.
  3. Not a movie but still a great fight seen. LOL “As you know, these are open forums, you’re able to come and listen to what I have to say.” –George W. Bush, 10.28.03.
  4. I know right! Through the whole interview I'm like, I want to do that now! I have over 200 jumps, I can do that, but then I'm like not only should you have at least 200 jumps or more, but you need to be extremely current to even put put one on. “As you know, these are open forums, you’re able to come and listen to what I have to say.” –George W. Bush, 10.28.03.
  5. Jeb is on ESPN now “As you know, these are open forums, you’re able to come and listen to what I have to say.” –George W. Bush, 10.28.03.
  6. Just curious as to why the scamer insists on you sending your full name and address. “As you know, these are open forums, you’re able to come and listen to what I have to say.” –George W. Bush, 10.28.03.
  7. Some pics of Velo (male) and Reese (female), my Foxhound/Pointer mix. “As you know, these are open forums, you’re able to come and listen to what I have to say.” –George W. Bush, 10.28.03.
  8. The left lane is for faster traffic. If you stay in the left lane and are blocking traffic you are breaking the law. please be be polite and keep right. if you slam on your breaks and cause a crash, thats considered road rage and you don't belong on the road. “As you know, these are open forums, you’re able to come and listen to what I have to say.” –George W. Bush, 10.28.03.
  9. Here is a link to there site. “As you know, these are open forums, you’re able to come and listen to what I have to say.” –George W. Bush, 10.28.03.
  10. Thanks for the reply. Yes it is a Saber 2 190. I was hoping to get $4,000 but $3,500 for the quick sale may have to do. I'm trying my best to make ends meet and don't want to sell but I may not have a choice. “As you know, these are open forums, you’re able to come and listen to what I have to say.” –George W. Bush, 10.28.03.
  11. Due to unavoidable circumstances (broken clavicle)I will need to sell my rig. I'm out of work and need money to pay bills. I need help some experience help to apprise my rig and equipment for quick sale but don't want to take to much of a beating. Container: Jav. J4.5K DOM 7/06 pristine condition with all the options. 120 jumps Main: Saber 2 190 Dom 06/03 200 jumps, like new condition, line set still bright white. Reserve: PISA Tempo 210 DOM 06/00 1 ride. Cypres 2 DOM 08/00 4 years left, will need 8 year next repack. Thanks for any help, Nap “As you know, these are open forums, you’re able to come and listen to what I have to say.” –George W. Bush, 10.28.03.
  12. Could not find on but these should help. “As you know, these are open forums, you’re able to come and listen to what I have to say.” –George W. Bush, 10.28.03.
  13. "When you die on your deathbed you will receive total consciousness. So I got that goin' for me, which is nice." -Bill Murray “As you know, these are open forums, you’re able to come and listen to what I have to say.” –George W. Bush, 10.28.03.
  14. For about the same price as a tandem w/video, you could do AFF level 1 With that you get to hang out at the DZ all day, go thru ground school, jump from the plane on your own count with two instructors, free fall, solo canopy decent and all the bragging rights you can imagine. And then if you decide that skydiving is your calling you will already be on your way to AFF level 2. Good luck,have fun and be safe. “As you know, these are open forums, you’re able to come and listen to what I have to say.” –George W. Bush, 10.28.03.
  15. napvid

    Cat Picture

    Cats are cool and so nimble “As you know, these are open forums, you’re able to come and listen to what I have to say.” –George W. Bush, 10.28.03.
  16. Oh never mind I think I found it thanks. Connecticut Parachutists inc. “As you know, these are open forums, you’re able to come and listen to what I have to say.” –George W. Bush, 10.28.03.
  17. I'm not familiar with the area. Who is CPI? “As you know, these are open forums, you’re able to come and listen to what I have to say.” –George W. Bush, 10.28.03.
  18. Well, I will be traveling to the North East (MA & RI) visiting girlfriend's family for Thanksgiving this year and will be there from 11/25-11/30 and was wondering if there are any DZs in the area open year round? I really enjoy jumping new places when I travel (8 different DZs so far) and would hate to miss an opportunity. I'm sure it will be cold as hell but I guess I'll just have to "man up" Thanx Nap “As you know, these are open forums, you’re able to come and listen to what I have to say.” –George W. Bush, 10.28.03.
  19. Just a few that come to mind are... Tin Cup Fifth Element Armageddon Caddy Shack Water world The Post Man Grosse Point Blank Any Happy Madison Production Plus many of the movies already mentioned “As you know, these are open forums, you’re able to come and listen to what I have to say.” –George W. Bush, 10.28.03.
  20. Question are the best way to learn. As far as this question goes lets think about it for a minute. If you just pull the cutaway handle nothing will happen because there is nothing to pull the closing pin and pull the D-bag out of the container. If you pull the PC as you leave the AC there will be a longer delay because the PC will nee to catch clean air to inflate enough to pull the pin and D-bag out of the container. Then more time for your main to inflate enough for a cutaway. Then more time for the skyhook to extract the reserve and then inflate the reserve. Wow now that seems like a lot of wasted time and precious altitude. You may as well just let the main inflate, ride it down and swoop the pond. Just think about it this way, don't you think it would be silly to cutaway a non-malfunctioning canopy? What happens IF you do it your way and the reserve fails (and they do) you just let a perfectly good canopy float away from you with out giving it a chance. I recently bought some gear and hung out with my rigger while he gave me a complete equipment check and repack. I learned so much about my own gear that day.Also, I was able to pull my reserve handle for the first time and I'll tell you what, that PC shot out of the container like a bat outa hell and flew about 20 feet. What I learned from that was the reserve PC is designed to shot out to clean air for quick extraction. It is also a good idea to have a plan for every aspect of the dive from the time you walk in the door at the DZ. In this situation my hard deck is 2000ft reserve pull. Anything below 2000ft and assuming the pilot says get the hell out my hand is on the reserve handle out the door clear the AC and pull and THATS THAT “As you know, these are open forums, you’re able to come and listen to what I have to say.” –George W. Bush, 10.28.03.
  21. Exactly!! I just took my girl for her first tandem on her birthday last week. I would have loved to fly with them but this is just not safe for the tandem pair or me (a low experience jumper). What I did do is talk to the TM and Videographer and set it up so they were the first tandem pair to exit and I exited just before them. The Videographer slipped me in a couple cameos on the ground and the ride up along with my exit, were I blew her a kiss out the door. It was a very memorable jump for me as well as a kick ass ride for her A big thanks to Chris-TM and Ki-Video and (Skydive Space Center) for a very memorable jump from the both of us “As you know, these are open forums, you’re able to come and listen to what I have to say.” –George W. Bush, 10.28.03.
  22. Your right that was a silly question. Plan the jump, jump the plan and nothing different. I did know that AAD's are not required for licenced jumpers. It's just that I have never jumped with out one so it never crossed my mind. And now with having to send it out for service, I have this uneasy feeling that I'm removing a important safety feature from my rig. Why wouldnt I want every possible safety feature on every jump I make? I mean should I just think of it as spare parts that I dont really need? One thing I hear constantly hear is that you can do every thing right and still meet your maker. I can't think of the saying right now, I think it's Murrphy's Law or somthing but it refers to that one time you change something and it comes back to bite you in the ass. Nap “As you know, these are open forums, you’re able to come and listen to what I have to say.” –George W. Bush, 10.28.03.
  23. Yes this is exactly what is going on in the back my mind. I definitely do not rely on my AAD or RSL to save me. When it comes that time I better have both my handles in my hand or watching them float away or I need to reevaluate my choice of sports. I have not had a malfunction of any kind in my short career but I'm confident that I will be able to handle it when it eventually happens.(hell I better be or I have no business in the air). Thank you for all the input and I have made the decision not to jump my rig without an AAD. I just don't want to be (That One) when they say if he had an ADD he my have lived. I hope that 70+% that voted yes will still respect me in the morning Nap “As you know, these are open forums, you’re able to come and listen to what I have to say.” –George W. Bush, 10.28.03.
  24. Cypress out for maintenance? Ok so, on my next repack my Cypress is due for it's 8 year. (first time for me) When talking to my rigger I asked how long will it take and he said it could take a few weeks. With a disappointed look I was like really He then said he would set me back up to jump while we were waiting for the Cypress to come back.This never even crossed my mind. I just figured (no Cypress no jumping) Along with the poll question, my other question is if you do jump without the cypress is there anything you would do different while jumping. Thanks for any input, Nap “As you know, these are open forums, you’re able to come and listen to what I have to say.” –George W. Bush, 10.28.03.
  25. napvid

    Friday the 13th

    Will your plans change today because of this historically unlucky day? “As you know, these are open forums, you’re able to come and listen to what I have to say.” –George W. Bush, 10.28.03.