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Everything posted by LeapingGnome

  1. Shit it took my 30 mins, to stop looking at this site. Falcon 74, Eagle 110, NFS 407, GW-2945, DW-1641, DDW-1151, "Inga... elevate me"
  2. Thanks i didn't know. I was just addressing what Gary73 saw. Falcon 74, Eagle 110, NFS 407, GW-2945, DW-1641, DDW-1151, "Inga... elevate me"
  3. I saw something completely different, while at the end of his left turn the horizon rises as if in a turn stall and the left end cells are collapsed. Just as it starts to go into the spin he has slack in the right riser group over the back of the left risers, then it starts to spin. If he started a turn to the left and while in the turn pulled the right toggle the canopy could try to "helicopter". And then throw slack in the line group.....know what I trying to say? Falcon 74, Eagle 110, NFS 407, GW-2945, DW-1641, DDW-1151, "Inga... elevate me"
  4. ***ones that caused (or could have caused) serious injury or death. QuoteHad he landed in the stands or on someone and caused injury or death (or could have caused) seems like an incident to me. Falcon 74, Eagle 110, NFS 407, GW-2945, DW-1641, DDW-1151, "Inga... elevate me"
  5. Dude that vid was awesome!!! Falcon 74, Eagle 110, NFS 407, GW-2945, DW-1641, DDW-1151, "Inga... elevate me"
  6. One other note: There was only a fleet of DC-3s flying. Wasn't until later we had turbine aircraft. Falcon 74, Eagle 110, NFS 407, GW-2945, DW-1641, DDW-1151, "Inga... elevate me"
  7. In the early mid 80's it was like a state fair, complete with your dwarf throwing contest on a rainy day. I think over the the ten days there were 5000 skydivers that came thru and one year when Roger N. was still in the works they had a C-130 from South Africa flying jumpers. Ahh those were the days! We were all young, Kate Cooper and Roger Ponce and even Tom Pires was around yelling at people to sell their gear and get out of skydiving. It was a time when you screwed up on a dive and you bought "green bottles" of beer. The organizers were well stocked. It was a blast!!! Yes I would like to see it like that. Falcon 74, Eagle 110, NFS 407, GW-2945, DW-1641, DDW-1151, "Inga... elevate me"
  8. Sound like your heads up! Stay with it, wonderful things are to come and never loose that feeling that something new gives you. Falcon 74, Eagle 110, NFS 407, GW-2945, DW-1641, DDW-1151, "Inga... elevate me"
  9. ***I looked at MO DZ sites and didn't find any comments such as what you posted but I did see many wildly incorrect statements on the web pages. QuoteRolla, under training link. Falcon 74, Eagle 110, NFS 407, GW-2945, DW-1641, DDW-1151, "Inga... elevate me"
  10. Because we started out from looking for a place to jump and found the absurd statement and then it just developed for there. But yes it doesnt belong here. Falcon 74, Eagle 110, NFS 407, GW-2945, DW-1641, DDW-1151, "Inga... elevate me"
  11. Noted. I just think we as skydivers need to pull out all the methods availible to promote our sport. There is no reason for me to get pissed off, I think if you look at the number of static line jumps versus aff jumps over the life of our sport the statistics will lean to static line progression for retention. If the economy is the reason for the decline in our members thats just all the more reason we need a more cost effective method of training and static line is the least labor entensive. One instructor can train an entire class and the same person can put them out. A tandem will take 3 slots (if you have a cameraman) and an aff jump can take 3 slots. Yes you are making more on each jump, but as a DZO I see more return on static line loads versus my tandems and aff jumps, once the instructors, fuel, and maintaince is paid. And the s/l jumps are less expensive for the student up front. I don't want to argue the one versus the other, my point is we need them all. BUT, I don't think that anyone should state publicly that if someone is offering static line jumps that we are doing any prospective students an injustice or anything under handed. If you think it is out dated, Great! We will just offer a more cost effective method of learning and give people an additional choice to fit their pocket book. The students will still learn to skydive just like they have for years. Falcon 74, Eagle 110, NFS 407, GW-2945, DW-1641, DDW-1151, "Inga... elevate me"
  12. I was just browsing the US DZ's advertising and web sites and came across the most absurd statement I have ever seen on a web site, Quote: Static Line Skydiving We do not recommend the static line method of Skydiving. The simple fact is the sport has evolved to provide students the ability to learn and progress safer and quicker, using the Accelerated Freefall method. Dropzones that offer or "steer" you to the static line method are doing a disservice to the new student. However it may be that they don't have the qualified instructors to provide AFF. In which case you should keep shopping for another location. End of Quote. EVERY method has it's place in our sport. The very reason we have a decline in our members is the marketing of Tandems and attitudes like this. Yes, AFF is quicker but no, it's not any more safe than any other method. Plus for the argument, the Static Line student is more an accomplished canopy pilot and a more mature jumper by the time they reach their A license. Any method that can retain a student and possibly get them to return and become an active skydiver is a method we need. To "steer" a student into a method that will be economical is NOT doing a disservice but rather providing a service and is just another avenue to encourage this jumper to continue jumping. I guess someone that has not been in the sport long enough to know, this is the method very many of the worlds finest skydivers used for their first jumps and they are still here. A good article about revisiting the Static Line Training method was in one of last months publications. I would recommend this reading for this Missouri DZ. Falcon 74, Eagle 110, NFS 407, GW-2945, DW-1641, DDW-1151, "Inga... elevate me"
  13. Midland, Texas. Midland College has a good A&P school and Affordable too. Might check that one out. Falcon 74, Eagle 110, NFS 407, GW-2945, DW-1641, DDW-1151, "Inga... elevate me"
  14. Thanks!!! I will check it out. Falcon 74, Eagle 110, NFS 407, GW-2945, DW-1641, DDW-1151, "Inga... elevate me"
  15. Thats a good one but I need the one thats all serious. Thanks Falcon 74, Eagle 110, NFS 407, GW-2945, DW-1641, DDW-1151, "Inga... elevate me"
  16. Does anyone know where I can get one of the warning sheets that a lot of DZ's make you sign with your waivers??? You know the orange with black chevrons on the borders. If so, please e-mail me a copy at leapgnome@gmail.com. Thanks in advance! Falcon 74, Eagle 110, NFS 407, GW-2945, DW-1641, DDW-1151, "Inga... elevate me"
  17. Sorry folks! We are closed!! 32 years was a good run and thank you for the good times!!
  18. He He , hey Jim, I just happened to be on the tailgate on that spot job. Wasn't me! You'll have to talk to the other five. Falcon 74, Eagle 110, NFS 407, GW-2945, DW-1641, DDW-1151, "Inga... elevate me"
  19. It was a beautiful formation, had good weather until Sunday. we made all attempts from 18000 ft and went to 21000 late Saturday to have some more time for the second point. All the jumps planned for Sunday would have been from 21000, and with the team we had most likely would have had it. Completed 2 150's on Saturday. Just a great bunch of jumpers, captians and organizers, also super DZ staff and support. Falcon 74, Eagle 110, NFS 407, GW-2945, DW-1641, DDW-1151, "Inga... elevate me"
  20. It was a beautiful formation, had good weather until Sunday. we made all attempts from 18000 ft and went to 21000 late Saturday to have some more time for the second point. All the jumps planned for Sunday would have been from 21000, and with the team we had most likely would have had it. Completed 2 150's on Saturday. Just a great bunch of jumpers, captians and organizers, also super DZ staff and support. Falcon 74, Eagle 110, NFS 407, GW-2945, DW-1641, DDW-1151, "Inga... elevate me"
  21. TSR what an awesome time!!! Great team, Great dives and a beautiful formation.Texas 150 rocks!!! Falcon 74, Eagle 110, NFS 407, GW-2945, DW-1641, DDW-1151, "Inga... elevate me"
  22. yeah you know me!! Falcon 74, Eagle 110, NFS 407, GW-2945, DW-1641, DDW-1151, "Inga... elevate me"
  23. Any pops out there going to the Texas POPs world record? Falcon 74, Eagle 110, NFS 407, GW-2945, DW-1641, DDW-1151, "Inga... elevate me"