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    Skydive Airtight, Inc.
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  1. He was a great person who helped me anytime I asked for help no matter how busy he was.....and I had a lot of questions. He was the type of guy that if he happened to walk by and saw I was struggling with packing he'd stop, give advice/tips, and answered all my questions with patience and enthusiasm.
  2. The person talking about verbal abuse and the owner being unprofessional brought in an expired gift certificate (by 9 months!) and couldn't provide a drivers license (she was 31) to prove she was the recipient of the jump when the owner agreed to honor the EXPIRED certificate.
  3. I'm 31....don't know if that's young anymore! I was very surprised to hear 2 months as well. I was fearful of him saying never again. I will practice a lot of PLF's off chairs first and I'm sure our S & TA's will be very careful before giving me their ok to jump again.
  4. I jump at a small DZ also. I jumped my own pack job on my Level 7 AFF. I pulled high just in case!
  5. Great reminds of advice I got about flaring. When you think you're going to flare too low wait a couple more seconds. I have flare issues and was flaring high.
  6. I always tell people I didn't do it skydiving....I wasn't out of the plane! I liken it to someone getting out of their vehicle to go play golf and breaking a leg, only difference is my vehicle is a plane and I definitely wasn't going to play golf! I'm shooting for Memorial Weekend to jump again, but everyone at the DZ looks at me like I'm crazy. It'll be 9 weeks by then and the doctor said 2 months, so I'm thinking positive.....or I'm in severe denial.
  7. Plate w/ 6 screws in ankle of left leg after slipping on ice 3 years ago. One month ago, twisted wrong IN plane 3 seconds before exit (didn't go out), spiral fracture tib and fib. Titanium rod in tibia. Stretching and exercising leg everyday (after threat of 10# weight on knee to straighten leg). Ready to jump; 1 more month to wait at least.