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Everything posted by MrBounce

  1. Hey I love New Order My iPod runs from Rob Zombie and Rammstein to Hendrix, Blondie and the Blues Brothers soundtrack album. I've got got *cough* *mutter* Pink *cough*
  2. Mmmm, beat me, beat me, I'm all yours Gavin Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. If you don't take it out and use it, its going to rust.
  3. Mmmmm beer and hugs from the girlies Gavin Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. If you don't take it out and use it, its going to rust.
  4. And on those really slow days, you can have great arguments over in Speakers Corner - lol / Welcome and keep posting.
  5. Good luck. I can't wait to hear how it goes. Jump safe 'n happy mate. Gavin Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. If you don't take it out and use it, its going to rust.
  6. Lol! Its when you start cutting back on food, laundry and worse, BEER!! That you know that this sport is becoming an obsession. Gavin Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. If you don't take it out and use it, its going to rust.
  7. Hi John, welcome to As the others said talk to the experienced guys about buying gear. Jump safe 'n happy Gavin Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. If you don't take it out and use it, its going to rust.
  8. Greetings and welcome to nutball heaven. this is definitely the place to talk skydiving and pretty much anything else that grabs your fancy. Gavin Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. If you don't take it out and use it, its going to rust.
  9. Ah....sarcasm! Gavin Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. If you don't take it out and use it, its going to rust.
  10. Personally, one keeps one's Rolls in the garage where one's chauffeur can polish it.
  11. Who limits it to just the bedroom? There are loads of opportunities to place all over the place - indoors and out Gavin Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. If you don't take it out and use it, its going to rust.
  12. First, show me where I've said we were attacked for no reason - good luck finding it, however. What I said (and I'll repeat it since you didn't get it) is that we were physically attacked by terrorists over and over and made no substantial response. OK. You joined in on JKM2500's comment about america following a "live and let live" policy. I see now that you are interpreting that comment to mean that you've taken no action against terrorist attacks pre-Sept 11. I took in it the larger context of all US actions in the Middle East in recent history. Fair enough, yes, you took no immediate military action over the embassy bombings and USS Cole, but I still disagree that that constitutes a "live and let live" policy. The US has always intereferred in the Middle East whether diplomatically, economically or covertly. These actions are a matter of record. I also wouldn't be surprised if actions were taken over those incidents that aren't a matter of record. It seems extremely unlikely that the US would no action at all over an attack against its troops or interests. Gavin Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. If you don't take it out and use it, its going to rust.
  13. I'm back in london tomorrow, so I'll be there. Yay me!!! Gavin Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. If you don't take it out and use it, its going to rust.
  14. [reply Sure they could. They'd just have to bang older women. I don't think anyone will complain. That's what happened and is why I raised this thread Gavin Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. If you don't take it out and use it, its going to rust.
  15. That is not true. At least in the middle east. Read some history - we suffered attack after attack and did nothing substantial in return. 9/11 was the straw that broke the camel's back, so to speak. Yea, we're victims. All of our medling in Israel and even going back to the 1947ish Palastinian War weren't our efforts, no. We are always right and never offend, huh? We just take it and take it until we can't take in no mo. Instead of looking at this through the eyes of an American, look at this thriugh the eyes of the world and you might have another conclusion. Don't put words in my mouth. Dispute my words, not your fantasies of what you THINK I said. Can you dispute the fact that we have been physically attacked over and over without a substantial response? The point is that the reason you were attacked is because of US actions and policies. You can't just state that you were attacked for no reason and that you've been letting it go by, when in fact you've been provoking the attack in the first place. Gavin Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. If you don't take it out and use it, its going to rust.
  16. I know, its strange isn't it, that on one hand we almost encourage boys to go out and have sex earlier. While on the other, we try to prevent girls doing the same. These two views are completely at odds with each other because if all girls were virgins until they got married, then no boys would be able to have sex.
  17. Forced sex with a child, irrespective of gender is clearly repulsive and sickening. If a child is 14 years old though, they are beginning to experiment with sex and sexual roles. At that age, I think that quite a few children could be very easily talked into a sexual relationship with an older adult. That fact that they want to be in a relationship does not make the crime any less. The adult clearly knows what is going on and is taking advantage of ignorance and curiosity for their own ends. I think that she should stand trial and receive punishment for her crime as a deterrent to others attempting the same. I understand that the boy in question is traumatised, but then so are those children who are attacked and/or abused unwillingly. The system already exists to protect children testifying at court. If she is allowed to go unpunished, then others will attempt the same believing that they too can get away with it. Possibly they may even go as far as to attack a child. Also punishing her will hopefully deter her from even considering such a relationship again. Gavin Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. If you don't take it out and use it, its going to rust.
  18. That is not true. At least in the middle east. Read some history - we suffered attack after attack and did nothing substantial in return. 9/11 was the straw that broke the camel's back, so to speak. Ummm, what version of history is being studied in your schools mate? The US has had a constant policy of interference in all areas of the middle and far east as a result of the cold war and its policy or resisting the spread of communism. Deposing the Shah of Iran Arming Iraq in the 70's & 80's Covertly arming Iran too during the Iraq/Iran war Arming the mudjahideen in Afghanistan Troop deployments to Lebanon Constant support for Israel Troop deployment and training in Saudi Arabia ... I could go on. Gavin Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. If you don't take it out and use it, its going to rust.
  19. I think that that's exactly what has happened though. Economically, N.K. is about as strong as Chad or Mongolia, but by having nukes its got the US, S.Korea, China and Japan all interested in talking to it and making economic concessions. Has anyone noticed that by threatening to develop nukes, Iran has now got the US to agree to sit down with it and negotiate over the future of Iraq? After all, Iraq is Iran's biggest concern, having nukes is only secondary to not having a strong and antagonistic Iraq next door. Like it or not, nuclear weapons or their potential are a very strong negotiating point. Gavin Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. If you don't take it out and use it, its going to rust.
  20. OK, I came across this article about teacher Debra Lafave having sex with a 14 year old boy. Apparently prosecutors are dropping charges against her. So, I've got to ask the question, is it more allowable/less offensive for an adult woman to have sex with a 14 year old boy, than for an adult man to have sex with a 14 year old girl. Please understand that I'm not intending to cross the rules about posting here, so please keep your replies within the rules. Now I have to confess that when I was 14 year old boy, the concept of having sex with a gorgeous teacher like that would have been amazing. But now I'm an adult, intellectually I have to say its wrong, even though emotionally it doesn't feel as bad as if the sexes had been reversed. Why is that? Are we just brought up to believe that male children are better able to cope for themselves and protect themselves? Even though most studies point out that girls at 14 years old are more mature than boys of a similar age? (and no I don't have sources to prove that to hand). So I'm going to have to decide that she was wrong and the charges should not have been dropped, otherwise its going to send the wrong message to other potential offenders. But I still find myself having mixed feelings about it. Gavin Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. If you don't take it out and use it, its going to rust.
  21. I WANT THAT JOB!!!!! lol
  22. Greetings and welcome to Pretty soon you'll be pricing everything in jump tickets and telling yhour relatives to just give you money for birthdays and xmas's Gavin Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. If you don't take it out and use it, its going to rust.
  23. diet coke works too, works for you on her as well Gavin Gavin Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. If you don't take it out and use it, its going to rust.
  24. I have 4 guardian angels working full time to protect my a$$. I've survived 5 motorbike accidents without injury. 2 years ago I owned a 993 cabriolet that I rolled, nearly took the head rest off and crawled from underneath without a scratch. I sing abysmally. I give very good footrubs, but only to people I know really well. My girlfriend owns me heart 'n soul. I'm a lot more cautious now! Gavin Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. If you don't take it out and use it, its going to rust.
  25. Thats a trick question isn't it, you've never been to college my list is pretty boring IT bod IT bod IT bod barman mackyD burger pusher slave to my parents - clean the house, clean the car, walk the dog