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  1. Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough and Chocolate Chip
  2. You've opened that right up for someone to suggest "drowning." - Only to decerebrate imbeciles who are sub-human.
  3. People don't deserve the death penalty just because they are, through no fault of their own, stricken with mental illness. When that illness causes them to be a tremendous danger to those around them, they need to be removed from society. Permanently. Whether that would be by imprisonment or execution is open for discussion. No? Seemed so to me, too. Everyone making such a hubbub about how unfair it is to treat a mentally ill murderer AS a murderer... - She killed her children. When was that ever debated here? Were her actions somehow influenced by a mental illness? Undeniable. Should she be removed from "normal" society because of her history? Absolutely. Is she a "cunt" who deserves a bullet in the head? No.
  4. Again, I hope you or ex never experience first hand the horror of mental illness. This isn't about forgetting about the children. None of us have forgotten the children. It just makes me sad that you can't see past your anger and instead stoop to using such abominable language.
  5. The depths of understanding in this post is just incredible. You will not see me begging the court for mercy on this woman and for what she's done, but really... she's mentally ill. Should she ever be outside an institution? Probably not. Is she a bitch because she's crazy? Your answer there saddens me deeply, as does reactionary response to heart-wrenching situation involving a very disturbed woman. I really hope your family is spared from mental illness. I don't think you'll handle it well.
  6. For the last time, i don't drink, and i don't do drugs. I have a wireless key board i'm just getting used to. It's hooked up to my HP lap top wit a 21" Viewable monitor. You'll find no misspelled words and no innapropriate grammer, so i can only be under the assumption your UTI, not me. Oh Richard, don't be so sensitive, I'm just messing with you. I'm not like that hussy, RL. See, just look at my nice tushie over here. Doesn't that make you feel better?
  7. Tim: I don't do caffiene, never have. I don't do sugar or salt. I'm au~ natural. Anyone who knows me knows this. What i can't stand is people who take other's positions for their own agenda. But have you been nipping at the bottle? It sounds like you're slurring your typing.
  8. *ahem* yoo hoo, Doctor, my ass is getting cold over here! Can you come examen my tushie, please?
  9. Be afraid, young man, they eat redheads! I say you need to squish it between your thumb and forefinger. Now.
  10. Well Doctor, thanks for the diagnosis. I'm assuming his prognosis is poor at best. Me, on the other hand, I'm ready for my ^cough^ exam... I'm um, ready, doctor.
  11. I don't know, it seems more like he's been drinking.
  12. Oh my gosh, doctor, what is wrong with that man? Can it be helped?
  13. My gas is FAR worse than my husbands. Just don't tell him I admitted it.
  14. Krispy Kremes make me want to throw up. I love Boston Creme's from Dunkin Donuts and any chocolate cake donut, like the man said, w/ or w/o frosting and w/ enough milk to wash it down. Yum. OMG, I think my ass in my avatar just got bigger thinking about this.
  15. Oh, I'm 'ing! Even if it's just 1/1000 of a mm, it still proves you're not dead AND I've still got it! Well, some of "it" anyway.