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    Frontier Skydivers
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  1. Never noticed the 'Claim this Listing' link before. Thank you
  2. I sent two emails to last month about updating our DZ information. I haven't heard anything back, nor have the changes haven't been made. Am I contacting the correct address?
  3. My DZ requires two tandems before progressing to AFF, but if you have the choice I would go straight to AFF...but I don't have enough experience nor any instruction experience so don't listen to me Your reaction sounds perfectly normal to me. Me and the friends I started with all had the same reaction...Spending hours reading at work and listening to Skydive Radio podcasts. One other tool you can look into if you haven't already is Go to their Students section and you can watch what AFF jumps look like. Also, if you have to weigh another tandem vs waiting a long time for AFF you may want to look into trying a tunnel in the mean time. But again, I'm no instructor
  4. No but you can impeach a president for violating the Constitution and committing war crimes. We didn't buy him, we hired him and I wish we could just fire him and open a help wanted ad Edit to add, only 248 days 8hrs and 41min to go!
  5. Partially responsible how? Just because he started needless wars, borrowed billions of dollars to fund it and printed whatever he didn't have. How could that affect the value of the dollar!?!? I don't think the president should have anything to do with the value of gasoline...but he does have an affect of the value of the US Dollar that you use to purchase such gasoline.
  6. Yea, customs wouldn't mind too much! Grats on the plane, tell House Boy we said hi
  7. I think as more time passes people are realizing that McCain is the wrong choice for this country. Paul's campaign is still picking up speed and he still has 4-5MM in the bank. Though it's too late for the republican nomination, unless something happens to McCain, I don't see any reason why he couldn't go independent except the fact that he would be shunned by the media and not invited into debates....Which has already happened! He's often asked if he's going independent when interviewed. If Ron Paul were to announce he was going independent it may actually get him a burst of media coverage, and most likely a money bomb would be coordinated that would dwarf that of the 'Tea Party'. I'm very interested to see how it plays out, even though he has said time and time again that there is almost no chance he will do it.
  8. I don't see how anyone can call themselves a libertarian after voting for the 'Patriot' act. Republican, Libertarian, Democrat...Doesn't matter to me, Dr Paul will have my vote. I think we over emphasis the party titles, hell even Dr Paul said out of the three front runners he would vote for Obama before McCain
  9. Zarkon

    More Excel help

    Can't get a soft copy of the data? You can import delimited or fixed width files.
  10. Zarkon

    More Excel help

    Aggregate button is on the toolbar. Tools/sort to sort by multiple fields(alpha or numeric).
  11. Hey Jimmy, I suggest setting your homepage to Justin
  12. A couple friends and I were looking into the Niagara Falls tunnel and heard from everyone it wasn't 'skydiver friendly'. I called and was told there was a mandatory 45 min class for $75 regardless of skydiving or other tunnel experience. So that coupled with the slower speeds, and 'non-skydiver' buzz we decided to make the 7hr trip back to NH. We hope to get a small group to go over and actually see the tunnel for ourselves this summer, would be great to have one closer than NH...We're from WNY so Niagara Falls, Canada is only an hour or so away depending on border traffic.
  13. Went through AFF ok, didn't have to repeat any due to performance. During coach progression swoop & dock was my nemesis. Can't even tell you how many times I had to re-do that jump, though I think it was 5-6.