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Everything posted by matt1215

  1. matt1215

    No Bowl

    I'm going to a super-bowl party, mostly to be social and catch the commercials on a better TV. Honestly I have no idea who's playing (nor do I care), and I'll probably sleep thru most of the football.
  2. I'll be with you in spirit, but jumping Titusville.
  3. 2002 Mazda Protege5 Bought it last year with 45k, now has 60k miles
  4. I miss winter, and it kills me that there are no mountains in this fucking state .
  5. I've never done coke, so I really can't relate there. As one who's massively ADD/ADHD and suffers from major depression, the release of feel-good chemicals are a huge part of why I skydive. For me, it's one of several means to constructively self-medicate.
  6. Better hope it does. Jumping a pissed off rig could be extremely hazardous to your health .
  7. Matt: At age 79 you will pass in your sleep from undiscerned natural causes. Unfortunately you will be sleeping nude in a local shopping mall.
  8. :0:2 No jumpy this weekend, tho I did buy my downsize (Pilot 168) . Did Habitat for Humanity for the time with my ALS class .
  9. Most recent form of torture I forced upon myself was learning to skydive . I used to be acrophobic, but I turned that to a healthy respect and lots of fun . Now I need to address my glossophobia .
  10. Fun stuff!! What's alcolaohol??
  11. Holy shit!!! You're being eaten by a centipede!!!
  12. Yep, have the day off. I'm in ALS (Airman Leadership School) right now so I'll be studying for upcoming tests and writing my papers and briefs .
  13. Sweet!! Gotta love when they screw up like that . Personally I would've bought an SI for that $$, but to each his own. I still think buying a Civic period is being environmentally concious (ok, maybe not with how I'd drive an SI ).
  14. 2 months in this apartment, 15 months in Florida
  15. The thought of downsizing does cross my mind, both for an easier pack and to fly something a bit more zippy in the sky. My instructors told me I'd be fine with a 190, maybe even a 170, so I bought a 210 (@ .95:1 W/L). It feels like I'm driving a bus when i do pullups on the front risers, but I still have a lot to learn from it. The bottom line is having a big canopy's saved my bacon on some really hard landings. The difference between bruised and broken.
  16. Wow!! I hope the added mileage is worth the extra $$.
  17. Nice!! What did she set you back?
  18. For my usual light insomnia, I masturbate and take a shower. For heavier insomnia, I also throw in a little booze and set the a/c really cold. If that fails, I sit awake on the internet.
  19. matt1215

    New rig!!!

    Looks like your closing loop is too long. I had the same and tightened mine little by little till I couldn't see the pin (DAMN TIGHT), and the packers told me it was perfect. I last closed mine B-T-R-L, which it looks like you did.