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Everything posted by matt1215

  1. matt1215

    New rig!!!

    Very nice, you'll have a blast with it !! Wings is a great product
  2. :3:1 3 great jumps in Titusville yesterday. for my first big-way (13). Also did a 5-way round and a 7-way sunset cross-country . This is a 3 day weekend for me, might get out for more tomorrow.
  3. Oops is right. Sunburn on the bottoms of your feet really sucks .
  4. Definitely an option. I'm just trying to figure out if there's a way to get that $4k deduction on my 06 taxes. I seem to remember hearing that one can take the tax deduction on the previous year's 1040 for $$ invested between 1 Jan and 15 Apr.
  5. I have some questions for you IRA-savvy types. I've never established an IRA account, but I have about $2.8k sitting in a 12-month CD account. It matures next month and I'm still deciding what to do with it. If I understand the process correctly, I can put $4k away for retirement, then deduct that same $4k from taxable income as stated on my 1040. My questions are: 1. Can I put this $$ into any type of investment account, including simply letting the bank renew it as a 12 mo CD, then call it an IRA? 2. If I added another $1.2k now, would it be kosher to take the full $4k deduction on my 06 taxes? I about broke even with FITW, deducting $4k would give me a really nice tax return.
  6. At least you have a winter. It was in the 50's here today and lots of people thought it was cold .
  7. WWWhhooooo,,,, mmeeee??? NNoo wwaaaayy!!! (Damn sticky keyboard)
  8. Depressed . Not bummed about anything specific, just experiencing a lack of motivation in general .
  9. When it comes to vibrators, the old saying "it's not the size of the boat it's the motion of the ocean" really applies. Perhaps with vibrators, but you're not going to make it across the ocean in a rowboat.
  10. Check Leave-web. They do a pretty good job of breaking down pending pay, down to what they're taking out in taxes. My mid-month pay is about the same as December's, after reducing my number of FITW-exemptions and upping my TSP-contributions by 5%. There's definitely more $$ there.
  11. 0:0:0 Great weather, but my reserve's expired . Today is my sky-birthday tho
  12. What are "Chuncks"? And yes, I did damn near puke after I made my first jump.
  13. You did ace your algebra class, did you not? You have it in the bag.
  14. So sorry to hear about losing your feline friend .
  15. ...I was pretty darn nervous, knowing I was off to the dropzone the next morning to do my tandem
  16. You mean the baby didn't just 'pop' out?