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Everything posted by vesatoro

  1. Well it greatly depends of what kind of public work he is doing "Fear is the path to the Dark side" (Master Yoda)
  2. The community has now doubled it's size from the original two members "Fear is the path to the Dark side" (Master Yoda)
  3. I would advice against web IRC's as they quite often have no realname option. If you're not geek enough for irssi or other text based clients, then at least get mIRC. "Fear is the path to the Dark side" (Master Yoda)
  4. The punch was very good indeed. I'll call Jussi the Punchmaster from now on... "Fear is the path to the Dark side" (Master Yoda)
  5. I don't know if just feel that way, but what I see is that when paeople are talking about getting the max performance out of their suits they just compare some digits from their ProTracs. And decide that if they can fly that slow, they are at the end of the performance envelope their suits and instantly need a more advanced one. What I feel is that people should spend more time learning the whole performance envelope of their suits. Not just learning to fly "flat out". It means the performance in fast forward flying and best glide ratio, 3D relative flying, close flying with people with the low end suit (it becomes more difficult with advanced suits), 3D-awareness and for example instability issues. Driving a sports car straight with full throttle doesn't require that much skill. Flying through the curves and hairpins, passing by slower ones and competition tactics does. "Fear is the path to the Dark side" (Master Yoda)
  6. Well, in fact there are some prototype wingsuits around which are somewhere between the Skyflyer and S3, which in a way could be called S2. At least maretus here has one. It has about the wing size of S3, but what i have understood an older wing profile and no grippers at wingtips. Vesa Vesa "Fear is the path to the Dark side" (Master Yoda)
  7. vesatoro

    GPS ?

    Yes, it's a bit expensive. But having no LCD screen and only one button it's maybe more durable and simpler to use in aircraft and under canopy. During the flight there's not too much time to play with buttons. And it's got a heart rate meter too :) Vesa "Fear is the path to the Dark side" (Master Yoda)
  8. vesatoro

    GPS ?

    I'm using the FRWD gps and heart rate recorder. Vesa "Fear is the path to the Dark side" (Master Yoda)
  9. Well, I wouldn't go saying all the top end suits are same by performance. For sure there are differences.. But I would say the pilot still makes the difference. A good pilot with a medium suit will always outfly a poor pilot with the top end suit. As it's not the suit that flies, it's the pilot. But every pilot has his/hers own way to fly, and for one pilot the optimal suit may not be the same as for the other. Suits are impossible to compare without the pilots inside. Vesa "Fear is the path to the Dark side" (Master Yoda)
  10. vesatoro

    "The Sorcerer"

    Well, using the skyhook really is not freefalling, as the cut-away canopy is acting like an anchor in the air, producing much more pull to the reserve bridle to pull the freebag out. It creates much more pull force than the reserve pilot chute in subterminal speeds. So compared to base it's somewhere between static lining or PCA and freefalling. Vesa "Fear is the path to the Dark side" (Master Yoda)
  11. SBCmac and nicknitro71: in what kind of "flightmode" were you flying when encountering the problem. Were you flying with lots of forward speed and with an agressive angle of attac aiming for distance, or were you aiming for longest flight time and flying near stall point in a "floaty" position? The difference in flight attitude may mean huge difference in the way the suit responses to turbulence or wind shear. The airspeed may make the difference same way as with canopies and other flying devices. Vesa BMCI #845 "Fear is the path to the Dark side" (Master Yoda)
  12. One word. Breathtaking. Vesa "Fear is the path to the Dark side" (Master Yoda)
  13. It was a Show jump in the middle of the capital of Finland, Helsinki. The jump was to the annual Red Bull Swoop 2004 competition held on a beach just outside the city center. And yes, it was really cool to fly above the city Vesa Please, If you want to save the airfield and the DZ in the middle of Helsinki from demolition, please sign Thank You. "Fear is the path to the Dark side" (Master Yoda)
  14. Then just do a straight exit and you don't lose too much altitude :) Vesa "Fear is the path to the Dark side" (Master Yoda)
  15. If the copter is not hoovering, but flying forward with some airspeed do like this series of photos show: and the files within. Vesa "Fear is the path to the Dark side" (Master Yoda)
  16. I would be very pleased to know how you know what the demo and beginner suit situation looks for example here in Finland. As you seem to know it quite well. The thing that we have two BMCI's and bunch of BMI's here doesn't guarantee much, as in this country we have about 700 lisenced skydivers in twenty clubs spread around a the country. In a large US dz they make same amount of jumps in year as we do in the whole country. And people really are not used to pay for coaching. Not a big market then... And of course it would be nice if BM could send a bunch of demos to all small skydiving countries in the world. That's not the reality. But the love is spreading anyway
  17. I pulled right above the landing area at about 100 meters (330ft) and the canopy was fully flying at about 60 meters (200ft). A short clip of the previous flight shot under a canopy: Vesa "Fear is the path to the Dark side" (Master Yoda)
  18. Well, if You want to hike all the way up, it's going to be a tough hike. But instead during the active season you can take the car lift provided by Stavanger Base Klubb which takes you almost to the top of the mountain. From there it's about 45min to 1 hour hike to Smelveggen and 1:15 to 2 hours hike to the rest of the exit points. Of course depending on your physics. The hike is a sort of up and down hiking consisting of three hills: "wake-up hill", "warm-up hill" and the "hell hill" and after that some quite easy flat hiking. Vesa "Fear is the path to the Dark side" (Master Yoda)
  19. Nice to hear you enjoyed the film. Sorry, but no hard copies available :/ The "whose your daddy..." sequence is by one great (all of them are) aussie we happened to meet there. Vesa "Fear is the path to the Dark side" (Master Yoda)
  20. vesatoro

    Pond flight

    I as well thought this was an intentional stunt. Well, It's then worth noticing that even the best of the flyers can get it nearly wrong. I suppose that the water surface makes the no-ground-rush-effect even more pronounced and more difficult to judge height loss when the vertical speed is slow. Vesa "Fear is the path to the Dark side" (Master Yoda)
  21. Damn Aave, how the hell did you guess Unable to modify my post :( Vesa "Fear is the path to the Dark side" (Master Yoda)
  22. Yep, there's no benefit in having a floating and almost stalled flight in WS base. Go for glide angle and forward speed, the sufficient time will then come for free :) Vesa "Fear is the path to the Dark side" (Master Yoda)
  23. there was supposed to be no sound nor green pixels :D Vesa "Fear is the path to the Dark side" (Master Yoda)
  24. vesatoro

    Pond flight

    Nice! Exit altitude was? Vesa "Fear is the path to the Dark side" (Master Yoda)
  25. The most beautiful flight I have ever flown :) Not as low as Yuri's though :D Vesa DivX 5.2.0 required "Fear is the path to the Dark side" (Master Yoda)