its actually a reverse tri.. its a 5k run, 15 mile bike, and 400 yard swim. I've done a 350 m swim, 2.6 mile run and 9 mile bike pretty easily.. the swimming part sucked though. I'm thinkin it'll be nice to do the reverse though, at least the water wont be so crowded. (btw, it'll be in an indoor pool :) ) so wetsuits arent an issue at all. I think thats the only one for the rest of the year that i'm going to do.. I'm moving to NY in december. depending on how well i do i might see about maybe getting some minor sponsorship.. I work for a city gym, and have already generated an enormous amount of new membership, so if nothing else i should be able to get priority on the treadmills and a lane in the pool whenever i need it. We'll see what happens!