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  1. It is Sunday night here in San Pedro, Belize. All of the tourists have been evacuated............with or without their consent. Bathtubs are filled with water and the boats have been moved around to the back side of Ambergris Caye. We just finished a jam on the beach at BC'S. It was great. We played every hurricane and storm song we could think of, and then went on to "Shake it up Baby" for anyone in the earthquake area and "Twist and Shout" for all of you in tornado alley. All the restaurants are closed, bars are few and boarding up as we speak. There are about 3000 people left on the island now, The sky is clear and full of stars. Hard to believe that a few hundred miles away is a devil churning and broiling, a heartless beast that could run over us like a tractor over a turnip. It's all Jimmy Buffet's fault.
  2. Yes, that is him, in all his glory in the park in my hometown. My mom is Mi'kmaq, her dad was a tribal leader, so I got all of the stories from that side of he family. Mythology is facinating as far as Greek and Roman myths go, but the stories I grew up with are ones that people actually protected and passed on until just a few generations ago. It is really cool. It's all Jimmy Buffet's fault.
  3. Glooscap. My home town has claimed him as ours for as long as I can remember. He is a mythical culture hero, god, and "transformer" of the Algonquian peoples, an Indian of great size and powers. His paper mache statue stands at the park in my home town of about 500 people. He supposedly walked with such great stride that his steps created the Glooscap Trail, hundreds of miles around and about Nova Scotia. He is credited as a creator, a protector of animals and earths father figure. I have no recollection of a time where his huge figure wasn't there, hand outstretched to the sun, birds pooping on his head, kids sitting on his big moccasins eating slurpees. Wow........what a neat way to start my day with these thoughts in my head.......think I'll call home and say hi....... It's all Jimmy Buffet's fault.
  4. Ahhhhh, I hate it when an appliance is smarter than me. They also understand threats to have them replaced when the time/money/situation is good for you. Forget it. Mention anything about getting something new and it is guaranteed the motor in the existing one will not last the day. Case in point.....I bought a restaurant here in San Pedro and I had planned to get a new freezer when it was more convenient, next two weeks or so. I only took it over July 1st. My meat freezer made it last cough and sputter on July 3rd. Today I am paying special delivery charges by boat from the mainland plus running a blast freezer 24 hours to keep my meats frozen. But just to be on the safe side, I replaced the entire kitchen.....that'll show the stove who is the boss! It's all Jimmy Buffet's fault.
  5. belizegirl: Seven erections for seven brothers (brides) belizegirl: Bill and Ted's excellent erection (adventure) belizegirl: Lock, stock and two smoking erections (barrels) belizegirl: Good morning erection (Vietnam) belizegirl: Erection in the sky (Island) belizegirl: How to lose an erection in 10 days (guy) It's all Jimmy Buffet's fault.
  6. Lol, I can honestly say no to all of the above. But my upcoming move to the beach has all manner of old friends and some people I am not sure I even know looking for a place to stay...free. Now, I have no desire to share my sheets with any of them, but this thread has me thinking I should be giving some serious concideration to the whole "boytoy" scenerio...... It's all Jimmy Buffet's fault.
  7. Every once in a while someone will say something to me that is just an every day thing, and the evil 'lil imp in my mind will turn it into something that should be the same, but has a totally different meaning. Example: Desk clerk: Can I help you? Evil Imp hears: Can you be helped? Example: Pool boy: Glad to be of service. Evil Imp translation: Happy to service you. Example: I am very open minded. Evil imp understands: The voice in the back of your head is saying...."man, you can see for miles in here". Am I warped, or does anyone else have these momentary lapses of reason? It's all Jimmy Buffet's fault.
  8. to see the clock? Do you fumble for your glasses so the world comes into focus? I did, for 30 years, until this morning. Yup, I had lasik yesterday, and it is the best thing I have ever done for myself! Today I awoke to a clear and bright new world. No blurry vision, no need for the old specs. No more goggles over glasses. No more foggy glasses. No more prescription mask for snorkeling. These baby blues now have 20/20 and I am so psyched. Life rocks! It's all Jimmy Buffet's fault.
  9. I have never seen it so I would pay to watch. I would even do another tandem or two
  10. Not sure if this is the right place to post this, but I thought I would offer this petition for anyone who would like to sign it. The slaughter of baby seals has been going on off the coast of Canada for decades, and personally I think it is appalling. It is like 101 Dalmatians with a disgusting ending. http://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/566342047?ltl=1143219051 Sorry, I don't know how to make it a "clicky" It's all Jimmy Buffet's fault.
  11. My conversation with a friend went something like this..... Q) "Why would you jump out of a perfectly good airplane?" A) "Because the guy strapped to my back said he could show me a short cut home." Q) "But why did you do it the second time?" A) "I forgot the directions from the first time." (Blank Stare....then the light dawned) He actually thought he could just walk in and y'all would just hand him a parachute and let him jump. I said "sure, they will. And where it asks for the beneficiary....... It's all Jimmy Buffet's fault.
  12. Ummm....that comment was an attempt at levity albeit a poor one. Everyone I met last month was completely professional. What's the trick to landing with your foot in your mouth ? It's all Jimmy Buffet's fault.
  13. "I wonder in what category a 'demzel in distress' is placed, that learned how to hook it on the internet, prior to her first jump course." Nowhere did I say I was going to watch a video, tie a bed sheet to my back and jump off the local 7-Eleven in an attempt to teach myself how to skydive
  14. That wasn't an orgasm....that was a nicotine fit! It's all Jimmy Buffet's fault.
  15. I asked this to someone via inbox, but I would like to ask here. I spend hours every day on the General Discussions and Safety forums. I go through old threads and try to aquaint myself with terms and issues that others have already addressed so I can learn from them. The first place I started was to print off the list of acronyms so I could at least know what they translated to. Then I could just refer to my research and I would understand what y'all were talking about. The problem I am having is that I cannot visualize what some of the terms look like in actuality, and the more I deviate from my original search to search something that is a cross reference, the less I seem to find. What I am looking for online is just maybe a video that would show someone demonstrating some of the things that seasoned jumpers do each time they jump, so when I read what not to do, I at least have an idea of what someone was supposed to have done. In other words....the aerial stuff. A Flare, a PLF, a hook turn. What are they supposed to look like? If there is a good video showing the techniques? I would buy it in a heart beat. It's all Jimmy Buffet's fault.