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Everything posted by mtnlion667
I got your blood right here..... last one across the third rail..... dies lets get down in the boogy down bx, biatch..... "Faster, faster, until the thrill of speed overcomes the fear of death." Hunter S. Thompson
BASE is a powerfull thing........ I knew I was gonna do it before I knew it existed. I saw a crow leap off a cliff I had climbed in sedona. Realized I was going to be able to do the same thing someday, just didn't know how. Searched the internet and found Blincmagazine.com. Then I figured out how to learn how to skydive cheaply. did that a minimal amount of times, and found a mentor. Bingo, a new me was born. so many good stories since then, I don't wich would be best to share. Here's one involving a familiar name to y'all.... Maggot and I decide to dayblaze Mabell(360' freestander on a ridgeline). as we drive up there are some low clouds.... sweet, now no one will see us! get to the bottom ( mabell foggy.jpg) and it's all good so we hop the fence and start climbing(mabell ladder.jpg). We get to the top, and it's not so bad. definatly low vis but you can still make out the ground. so of course we decide to goof off at the top and snap some shots for our LNT friends here at DZ. (basesite.jpg) as you can see in the background of the last shot, the railing 20' away is nearly invisible w/cloud. We try to rationalize the jump by pointing out landmarks on the ground... untill we realize that we are pointing at a platform at 150' that we can BARELY see. It's at this point that Maggot calls a climb down. Those that know maggot know how serious this is....... I've done the tower before, he hasn't.... I'm going, therfore... he's going. god damn machismo. of course he goes first like the little maggot he is, and he's lost w/in 2sec's of freefall. canopy bangs open, 6-7 seconds later I hear the reasuring whoo-hoo's and throw myself into the mist...... What a dumfuk idea that was, couldn't see the ground till below treetop. lucky we could see to flare. So many other skin of the teeth stories to tell, where is the nearest pub...... "Faster, faster, until the thrill of speed overcomes the fear of death." Hunter S. Thompson
That's good to know for my trip down there........ Haven't read up on it my self but the last cop that called me (cought the plate # on my van but none of the jumpers (thanks again Johnny1488)) let me know that tresspassing on any communications or power transfer facillities( post 9/11) is a felony and will be turned over to the FBI. "Faster, faster, until the thrill of speed overcomes the fear of death." Hunter S. Thompson
will be in town from september 7th to the 10th. any help with a flick will be repaid with ticket to a mixed martial arts fight on sat night. reply through PM is that better tom? "Faster, faster, until the thrill of speed overcomes the fear of death." Hunter S. Thompson
Maggot says: ill take that challenge cock mouth You are as gay as your new buzz cut makes you look aren't you.....?
hey redgeworth..... You got a problem w/ syria? What the hell would you wish an asshole like me on them for? How's about I come over to your DZ, or better yet your house. We could have tea and crumpets. maybe discuss current political affairs? That's right, I'm ripping on everybody in this thread..... bring the ruckus. ya f'n cry babys! ha ahaha ha ha hahaha hah ahah ah a. F all Y'all I'm goin out to flick. 2:00 sunday morning and the near full moon just rose. howoooooooooooool!!!!! PS If anybody that hates me reads this in time... send the cops to Ma Bell, ya know I love a good challenge. I am such a dick!!!!! ha ha ha! "Faster, faster, until the thrill of speed overcomes the fear of death." Hunter S. Thompson
yeah you're probably right.......... what do you say rambo..... "Faster, faster, until the thrill of speed overcomes the fear of death." Hunter S. Thompson
what are you hiding from "rambo". scared to tarnish your pretty boy image here on the dorkzone? I was not trying to talk down to the worried first timers. i was curious of their methods and how often the same was used. I would never insult a beginner (intentionaly) Do you have any clue what a scared little bitch I was when i was learning? In fact, I'm still a scared little bitch on the right objects. But isn't that one of the greatest parts of this sport, facing your inner fears? So why don't you conquer your fear of public identification and repost under your real name? boy you fuckers sure are sensitive for such a "hardcore" sport. since you offered, I'd never turn down an LP contest........... I'm sure you know my number, or where to get it. hey maggot, I'm in for the fools day headwind contest but we gotta do it towards the resevoir. too good of landings on the other side. I wouldn't have the heart to take that buck rogers lunch box, but if you find the flash gordan head band..... i'll pay you're fines when officer gibsby shows up. "Faster, faster, until the thrill of speed overcomes the fear of death." Hunter S. Thompson
If you look real close at the top edge of the card, you can still see a smear of the real tool he used to gain access. You'd think he would've licked that off......... that probably came later. "Faster, faster, until the thrill of speed overcomes the fear of death." Hunter S. Thompson
Because I always eat my humble pie when it is justly served............... maybe i should skydive my base canopy, as i think I'm going to lose a toenail after my fantastic tumble past our car on landing last night...... Do you think you can practice building turbulance avoidance at the dropzone? That ought to bring a smile to most of your faces. "Faster, faster, until the thrill of speed overcomes the fear of death." Hunter S. Thompson
Then quit flappin' your lips... 'cause while you were sleeping at 2:30 this morning, I was opening a new slider up crane into a tiny ass parking lot surrounded by buildings. And I'll be back out before sunrise again. And oh yeah, Tom, since when has this sport been lacking in it's share of over-inflated egos that sometimes rub together and cause friction. This aint no freakin hippie commune. Cut me some slack. NYC is my dropzone........... "Faster, faster, until the thrill of speed overcomes the fear of death." Hunter S. Thompson
Everybody here obviously thinks I was ragging on the skyjumpers. not the case. In fact i was checking myself and my opinion, and isn't this the best place to get set straight? right on, glad everybody is so safety conscious. good for you, to each his own, and all that jazz. Johnny, I wish you wouldn't take offense. you were part of one of the ballsiest groundcrew missions I've ever needed after all. I would never insult you. Hey JP, who the hell are you to chime in? Didn't you sell your base rig as you were moving to within an hour of NYC? Why don't you step up to the plate and let us take you on a man's jump if you wan't to talk shit? (There's obviously plenty of unused base gear to borrow at the ranch now) how's a sub 200' tower sound, maybe a nice hefty slider off delay into NYC traffic? Untill you've out done me, I am mega kEwL........ bro. "Faster, faster, until the thrill of speed overcomes the fear of death." Hunter S. Thompson
alright then, I figured i was just being retarded and giving them an unnecessarilly hard time. still seems to lack balls to me though. where's the sense of adventure? "Faster, faster, until the thrill of speed overcomes the fear of death." Hunter S. Thompson
Recently at my home DZ. Which used to have a rep for being quite hardcore and lawless. there are several people who think that they want to get into base. They've bought brand new gear. and I mean top of the line shiite here. but instead of taking it off of a fixed object, like I've offered to bring them to.A very friendly freestander w/ a large landing area, during the day even. they've opted to go through the trouble of building a Dbag to attach to a student rental rig which they then take out of the otter on a H&P. Is this common? And if so, what the hell is this world coming to? I kind of assumed that this sport required filters to keep those that aren't ready out of it. And wouldn't the willingness to accept the risk of a fixed object jump be a good filter? Granted they will probably end up doing a dozen jumps in there life, all potato and BD, but aren't those still BASE jumps. There is an inherent risk involved in this sport. Shouldn't that be accepted and acknowledged from the beginning? Does this happen often? "Faster, faster, until the thrill of speed overcomes the fear of death." Hunter S. Thompson
banksey..... I thought you were gonna get thrown off the train station first....... ninja is a hell of an intro into this f"cked up sport. I like to be real f"cked up when I do that A as I don't like to think about the gauntlet, potholes, trees, or power transformer...... "Faster, faster, until the thrill of speed overcomes the fear of death." Hunter S. Thompson
74: Have a person that has never seen base (preferably a lifelong friend) PCA you. Be sure to explain the possabillities of them killing you....... 75: Jump an object that was part of your childhood or adolescence. 76: DAYBLAZE!!!!!! preferably on object you've paid fines for in the past. 77: Lose a girl when she gives you the ultimatum: "It's gonna be me or that dam base rig!!!". peace, trick. 78: BASE in a day
Hell's bells madflicker, pleasure was all ours. And you aren't off topic at all! This article was written about the very tower we just dayblazed the living shiite out of on sunday....... ha ahah hahaha hahaha hah ha How do you like them apples officer Rampolla??!!!! you can't touch our mad ninja skilllllllzzzzz....... or was that ninga, what do you think mr. piccolla?
Ya know, I thought this pig was a good guy when he gave us the hours that they visit said tower so that we wouldn't cross paths again..... then I read the article( yeah it took me a year to run into it) and realized all the crap he must have been feeding the journalist... I'll paste the article(rather than the link) so I can edit location details: Deputy Grounds Parachute Jumpers in Poop Valley Pair nabbed in attempted leap from cell tower On Wednesday, April 6th two men were arrested after a deputy prevented them from parachuting off of a telecommunications tower in the Town of Punk ass Valley. The would-be jumpers were charged with trespassing upon private property after their foiled stunt. At about 11:15pm on April 6th, Deputy Sheriff Marc Rampolla was on patrol and was conducting a security check of the Ma Bell tower located along Route 666 near Dennytown Road in Pussy Valley when he came upon a suspicious car parked near the foot of the tower, a steel structure arrayed with microwave antennae and estimated to be over 200 feet high. Inside the car, the deputy found Ryan Montelione, age 27, of Gardiner, New York, and Jerrold Piccola, aged 29, of Sparta, New Jersey, who had in their possession parachutes and other sky-diving gear. Deputy Rampolla questioned the men, who admitted that they were about to climb to the top of the tower and then parachute down to the ground. Parachuting from a stationary object, such as a tower or building, is referred to as "base-jumping." In this instance, the parachutists’ lofty plans never got off the ground, as Deputy Rampolla refused to give them clearance for take-off. The deputy arrested the men and charged them with Criminal Trespass in the Third Degree for intruding on telephone company property. Montelione and Piccola were arraigned before Penis Valley Town Justice Gina Capone, who remanded them to the Pig County Correctional Facility in lieu of $150 bail each. The defendants are scheduled to return to the Pecker Valley Justice Court on May 3rd to answer the trespass charge, a class B misdemeanor punishable by up to three months in jail and a fine of up to $3500. He didn't prevent shit, the wind did.. We were already at the top when we first saw his dumb ass. And they sent us to jail, but made up the bail amount when they found our drug money in maggots pocket. convienently letting us out on exactly what he had... Any way, long story short: D.A. was young and cool, let us out on an ACD. Some lawyer got sweet talked by maggot and represented us both for free, walked out of the court room and went to the power towers. Glad I could set the record straight. Think the local paper wants me to write them and do the same...? nah didn't think so.
It has gotten better, and it will continue to do so. keep your head up. you are going through a huge personal test. You are in your normal life, maybe not the same as it was. But definatly your life, own that, and learn what you can. I wish we could all take a little of the pain away from you. But i don't doubt that we all have had or will have pain of our own. best wishes bro, hang in there
Oh my god, I'm glad I got here in time....... Damien, I promise to come with you and maggot so you don't end up like the last guy that visited...... That looney bin is nuts, There are several other spots near where you'll be that we'll let you drive us. They already have his plates, and I'm not gettin busted in the work truck again, so I'm glad you've got wheels.
- Lastly, if you are a skydiver now, and interested in BASE, and if the person who’s helping you says, “Cool, you’re going to love it,” then turn and run as far and as fast as your can back to the DZ. Instead find a mentor that says, “no way, pal,” the first 10 times you ask them for help . . . Ain't that the truth ruth......................
Huh, That's some deep shit. I think i started the day I was on top of a large rock in sedona. i was smoking a joint and talking to this crow. about life and my place in it. He never answered , but instead looked over his shoulder at me and hopped off the cliff w/out spreading his wings(that i could see). a few to 5 seconds later he appeared, soaring, wings spread, past the talus. I climbed down cathedral rock, drove straight to the new tandem operation that was starting at the cottonwood airport and asked them how I could learn to fly. They weren't opening for another month and by then I was going to be back in NY. So they directed me to the ranch, Where not one of those (seemingly) selfish motherhuckers would teach me to base. So I started packing student rigs and harassing everyone w/ a basic research shirt I could find. Finaly found a mentor, got a hundred base and now I am one of those (seemingly) selfish motherhuckers, that doesn't wan't to help that crazy kid f*ck himself up on a real jump. Why did I get into it, Cause life told me to. And I owe most of it to BLINCmagazine.com (Sorry tom, DZ didn't have a base board then) When I am really f*cked up and depressed as i am now (5yr girlfrnd dumped me last week) I go back to skydiving, 'cause I don't have the head to handle BASE. This is a serious commitment that can dramaticly improve a select few's lives. It's not an easy way out. Chances are you will be mangled and owe huge hospital bills b4 you ever get to die. Don't do it to cure depression, just to prevent it. BASE is not about the possability of quick death but instead about the guarantee of a full life. I trully hope you find your way to the surface of your depression, don't be afraid to ask for help. "Faster, faster, until the thrill of speed overcomes the fear of death." Hunter S. Thompson
Got a bachelor party to attend fom 6/30 to 7/2. fri-sun in a couple weeks. any locals want to help me scare my friends? PM please "Faster, faster, until the thrill of speed overcomes the fear of death." Hunter S. Thompson
You coud ignore magot if you want, he'll keep talking. Fact of the matter is, we've got 4-5 low stress B's right here in the big apple(and surrounding cities). If you wan't to play, check w/ the (active) locals.............. and that's us. We could even put you off nationaly recognized landmarks into a nice park with a low bust factor. If you're not scared of a really dodgy climb up and out. Check w/him like he asked, I'll be free sunday night if he's not around 845 532 1479 Ryan Shiite, looks like i missed you... sorry i didn't check your dates sooner. You missed a 300' apartment building w/ a sleeping security guard and a view of the manhatten skyline at the exit point on 6/6/06.... Wasn't gonna let that date slip by w/out a flik! "Faster, faster, until the thrill of speed overcomes the fear of death." Hunter S. Thompson
How the hell is tater and his wind indicating hair do. One of the last calls i got from him was at 2AM, telling me to send the 911 team out to ma bell if I hadn't heard back in 5min ,but i could barely hear him over the gusting winds. 3min later i got a phone call consisting of nothing but beavis and butthead styled laughter and "THAT WAS F#CKIN' AWESOME". FIGURED THAT MEANT HE WAS ALLRIGHT "Faster, faster, until the thrill of speed overcomes the fear of death." Hunter S. Thompson