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Everything posted by spicypete

  1. The sceptic in me also wonders about the sudden rash of north americans apparently looking to do training in Thailand, given about a gazillion DZs on their doorstep? well, for the first thing, we go on vacation there and it is quite convienient to take a course where you have lots of free time... such as when we are on vacation. is that too far fetched for you to fathom? my goodness, i said who i was, gave my website, and said nothing but an honest opinion... and all i seem to get back from the other side is inuendos that we may be trying to mislead readers. it is rather sad to think this is your defence... but to those that speak honestly and with some sence of logic and open mindedness... i thank you for your opinions, even if they differ from mine slightly. i still feel that since you had no plane for an extended period, and you were partly to blame by not having the service available for a good portion of the time when this fellow was wanting to finish his course... you should have made some exception to the rule as it would have been the right thing to do, if only in this case. in this world, exceptions are made every day, but then again, to make an exception would have meant a slight loss of money to you, so it seems even though you were partly to blame, you decided not to make an exception and decided to keep his money.... do i have the jist of this down correctly? i am sure both sides have their own spin to the truth... and the reality is somewhere in the middle. so again... you decided not to make any compromise, and you stuck to the rule even though you did not have a plane available for an extended period of time. i guess that is not in your contract... it probably just states there is no refund... it likely has not clause to favour the customer if you do not have the services available. am i right or wrong? sincerely peter norman. ps, i know my spelling is poor and i did not use a spell check, i did not get a degree in spelling or typing... lol.
  2. is it interesting that i come here to read and not to speak? well sometimes when we read we find something like this that makes us want to speak... and what do we do when we want to have a say? we join as that is a condition placed upon us if we want to reply to a post. is that so interesting? it is interesting that you may be implying that nobody can have a voice unless they have signed up prior to this. Also, please do not try and imply that i am signing in with multiple personalities. i am peter norman, www.spicypete.com. i have a voice even if this is the first time i have felt the desire to respond in this forum.
  3. i am a canadian, and i was planning the same course as you took, but this has certainly made me reconsider... please post your results, let us know if they did make it possible for you to finish. how they treated you was unacceptable, no matter what the reasons, they need to be a little more customer friendly. i will be watching to see if they made it possible for you to complete your course, or not. that will certainly influence my choice as to where i will take the course. sincerely Peter Norman... vancouver canada.