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  1. There is a way. I am 90% sure that they are stored in a separate folder called Originals. I don't have my computer with me right now, so I can't go in and look. But if you go into finder and start looking around, I think you will eventually find the originals in a file. As far as the internet slowness. They only thing I can suggest is to make an appt at the Genius Bar and have them take a look. They are pretty good with figuring out the problem. If not, they will replace it with a new one since you just bought it.
  2. Kournikova doesn't really play tennis anymore. She hasn't been on tour since 2003 and only plays an exhibition match every now and then. There are some very good looking women on the WTA now (Venus and Serena couldn't pay enough to be on this list), but trying to watch women's tennis is about as much fun as pulling toe nails out with plyers. I used to enjoy watching women's tennis but find it unwatchable now. Roger and Rafa are simply amazing to watch. I enjoy Roddick as well, but he isn't on the same level as Roger and Rafa. Getting up in the middle of the night to watch the Aussy Open is one of my favorite events.
  3. Have you read "The Company" by Robert Littell? It is very long, but very good. Fiction novel about the CIA, but it has some historically real events mixed in. I'm counting the days until Vince Flynn's new book. Hadn't heard about Clancy's new one...now I'll look for it.
  4. Could you clarify this? Are you saying that the AF cadets do not have B licenses? The reason I ask is that you have to have at least a B license to compete in the Int or Adv classes in 4 way. So if the cadets don't even have a B license, how are they competing? I'm not going to argue whether they should have competed in Int or Adv. I think that is something that they have to decide themselves. I'm sure that they had an idea of what kind of avg they could score, 6 month, 3 months, and 1 month ago. If they decided a month ago that they had an average that would blow away the competition and they decided to still go intermediate, knowing that they would have no competition...that's their choice.
  5. Unsurprising. Calling GM and Chrysler....GM and Chrysler to a red courtesy phone, please... You're not looking at the entire picture. In particular promoting piece of shit cars. Quite obviously, neither are you. GM, $73.26/hour total labor cost in 2006. Ford, $70.51/hour. (From Business Week, ca. 2007) From CNN(ca. 2007) WOW, $73 to $70; my you make a great semantic argument. So this is why Ford didn't need the bailout and GM did? And as for your comparison to Japanese makers costs, I wonder what kind of medical program they have over there? Great arguments. On a small scale, $3.00 isn't much....but if you do some math you will see it has a pretty large impact. # of Employees (source is Wiki): GM: 244,500 Ford: 176,000 Variance of 68,500 So, lets just assume that the avg worker works roughly 1,920 hours per year (two weeks vacation + 10 holidays removed from hours) $3 * 1920 * 68,000 = $391.68M Now, since these factors were from 2006...lets extrapolate that for 4 years (for arguements sake, we won't adjust for inflation) $391.68M * 4yrs = $1.56B That $3 is looking pretty significant now isn't it.
  6. Have you checked with Best Buy? My mom recently got a great deal on a Macbook there. Best Buy had a pretty good (maybe even 0% financing) deal. If you really want the Macbook, it might be worth checking into.
  7. The W (used to be the Hotel Washington) is very good. It is on the corner of Penn and 15th, I think. Anyway, it is very close to the mall and the White House. In fact, it has a rooftop bar that overlooks the White House
  8. I know you were just kidding...but I actually know the answer to that. I had a friend that worked in a Margaritaville Store. One day Jimmy comes in and goes back to talk to the manager of the store (an old friend of his). On his way out, he stops and starts talking to my friend. My friend told him that he just had to ask...did he ever pay the mini mart back. Jimmy's response was that he figured that the statute of limitations was probably up on that one.
  9. [reply It's hard not to get a big head when your school has 13 national championships I always knew that Tide fans had a hard time with counting: http://www.secsportsfan.com/alabama-national-championship-myths.html But now I guess they also need to add spelling to the course offerings: http://www.wlox.com/global/story.asp?s=12971874
  10. Stick with the mantis...even if you are less stable now. You'll get over the instability issues soon...and you'll thank yourself later for not having to unlearn bad habits. Think of it as a short term setback that yields long term gains.
  11. QuoteIt's supposed to start at 1:30 PST, but I haven't heard anything yet. Guess the poly-law-tards are running late . . .Quote Maybe it is b/c you are on daylight savings time? 1:30 PST is 2:30 PDT
  12. Just bottled my IPA last night. Tasted pretty good, but needs more time. I've found that brewing is something that shouldn't be rushed. Mr Beer kits work fine, but do yourself a favor and get a more robust brewing kit. You will thank yourself later.
  13. I'll try not to make this too long... I haven't been out of college that long (graduated in 2003). I joined a fraternity my second semester my freshman year. The reason: I wasn't enjoying my school much at all. My first semester, I went out a good bit, did things with my roommates, etc. But I didn't meet many people at all and every weekend was the same thing. After meeting some of my future fraternity brothers at a party early in my second semester, I rushed a couple fraternities and eventually settled on the same one that the guys I met belong to (Pi Kappa Phi - Alpha Chapter). Probably one of the best choices I made at college. I met tons more people, had many more options on the weekends, and most importantly, made really good friends. There are tons of myths out there about fraternties. You've mentioned the drinking and hazing. As a pledge, I wasn't hazed at all. We were required to attend study hall 2-3 times per week, did activities with only my pledge brothers and also with the whole chapter. In the end, we realized that all of it was designed to make you a better person, better friend, and develop trust and respect for others. We were never forced to do anything (including drinking) we didn't want to do. My second year, I lived in an apartment that had been passed down for 10 years through the fraternity and paid almost nothing in rent b/c of the contacts that previous brothers and alumni had made. I made contacts with fraternity alumni that were US Senators, state congressmen, school Board of Trustee members, and tons of local businessmen. It was great for networking later. Finally, the last point I will make is that yes, there are parties..some big, most small weekend parties that you would see almost anywhere on campus. But that isn't what it was all about. At my wedding 3 out of my 5 groomsmen were fraternity brothers. At least 10 other fraternity brothers were guests. I remain very good friends with those guys even though I rarely see them. However, I know that at any moment I could call one of them up and ask for help and they wouldn't hesitate. Those friendships werent' built by beating each other with paddles, forcing each other to drink until we need our stomachs pumped, and treating each other like shit as pledges. I also didn't think of it as buying friends...I paid my share of the expenses that it takes to keep the fraternity running and being able to have events. I would recommend that your son go through rush, ask questions about his concerns, and if he feels like he fits in a particular house, then join. I've been to our chapter house at FSU years ago and I was impressed with them. Please feel free to PM me if you have any questions.
  14. Seems like those on the left have also embraced this strategy - "President Obama announced the end of a decades-old ban on oil and gas drilling along much of the U.S. Atlantic coast and northern Alaska on Wednesday, as part of an effort to reduce foreign imports and win support for an energy and climate bill" http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=125378223&ps=rs