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Everything posted by blondebombshell

  1. Ive got very long hair, it hangs down just past my backside. I always plait it and tuck it right down inside my jumpsuit to keep it out of the way,but several people have said i should wear it loose ( i'd wear a helmet over it ) and i'd love to see how it feels with it flying loose in freefall. I'm scared that it would get tangled with my lines or risers on deployment though. Anyone got any advice on this?
  2. Awesome photo, great that the two of you got to do your 100th together. Whats a cool pic for a wedding invite!
  3. Sounds great, excellent timing to make your 100th on your b-day. Im trying to decide what to do for my 100th, extra altitude would be a bonus!
  4. I'm a few jumps away from my 100th and am trying to decide how to make it a memorable one. Im told that tradition dictates that i do it naked, that is definately NOT an option, sorry guys! Anyone got any other ideas?