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  1. Thank you!!! So far on the information.. I gave the others in my gross anatomy class this website address.. The group of us that are wanting to this are becoming excited about this. Some are wanting to do the 1 time jump.. Others are thinking about taking it up as a hobby more like an addiction! lol One of the professors has told us about "winged suit jumping" That must be a rush from hell.. But alas cant run before i learn to crawl.
  2. I graduate with my 1ST Bachlors Sept the 11TH. My graduation present to myself,,, Sky diving! I have always wanted to do this. Others in my class have decided to "jump on the band wagon" and want to do this as well. We are teasing the professors, that we are going jump in our caps and gowns.. (JOKE) I do have some questions though if at all possible,,, Needing to know how long or short should a beginner class be? In the 1ST class do we have the option to jump solo or tandem? Do not get me wrong, We as a group are now seeking out a good jump school in the local area. With Gross anatomy classes though; we do not have time to actually go check things out 1ST hand, IM fitting this posting in between homework now lol As soon as finals are down this semester. I will be knocking on hanger or barn doors to talk to whoever in person. Please help out if possible,.,. I have many questions.. S.
  3. I graduate with my 1ST Bachlors Sept the 11TH. My graduation present to myself,,, Sky diving! I have always wanted to do this. Others in my class have decided to "jump on the band wagon" and want to do this as well. We are teasing the professors, that we are going jump in our caps and gowns.. (JOKE) I do have some questions though if at all possible,,, Needing to know how long or short should a beginner class be? In the 1ST class do we have the option to jump solo or tandem? Do not get me wrong, We as a group are now seeking out a good jump school in the local area. With Gross anatomy classes though; we do not have time to actually go check things out 1ST hand, IM fitting this posting in between homework now lol As soon as finals are down this semester. I will be knocking on hanger or barn doors to talk to whoever in person. Please help out if possible,.,. I have many questions.. S.
  4. Im here,, I read daily,, I just dont have time to post daily.. between college, hubby in the military, my job,, teens.. busy busy busy.. but Im learning so much...
  5. You too?,,, Im licensed in Texas and am now IN VA. knocking out courses for the Nationals come Sept. Sharon
  6. Im 1/2 Irish,.Dad's side, Mom's side German. On Saint Pattys Day.. need to go one year to Savannah GA.. They dye their river Green for their Party.. Its city wide.. I think its prob as big as Chi. Town..
  7. Uhm,,, coming from a woman.. Im hoping the punch statement was a joke... To the meat of the matter... Not all women get freaked out about it.. masterbation is healthy.. Many of the Asian cultures incourage it to be done daily.. Cleanses the reproductive glands, etc. As for your gf freaking out.. She needs to understand that this is something that you are doing for you.. Remind her you could be out sleeping with 1/2 the world. But choose not too. Hell, tell her if she is so freaked out about it.. Next time you decide to do it she has a invitation to watch. If she gets weirded out more.. like the other poster said this is the tip of the ice berg.. "warning sign"
  8. I went to your website wow! Amazing.. I want to just get the nerve up to jump once!!! Sending you much well deserved props! I see you grew up in Richmond VA. I grew up on the East End, Varina. Being gone for so long, Its weird coming back. Picking up the "Texas attitude" and the very southern ways of the midwest, I feel like a fish out of water here in VA. This placed has changed so much. But I'm sure you know this. I love living in the mid west..We are looking forward to moving back out there within the next 3 to 4 yrs. Hopefully If the good Lord allows.. Ill be a veteran in this sport! S.
  9. Since I found this website and I intruduced myself.. Between life and college classes I have been busy reading,, studying.. laughing.. Wowing.. Yall are amazing! I think Ill go the tandam route 1st.. I dont know about the diving naked part.. lol I am so very past the nude in public stage of my life.. Been there done that lol Thank yall for chipping in any extra advice yall can give.. Sharon
  10. Kinda like tata chips? lol Yeah I know you cant get hooked in 1 or 2 jumps... And your right; Ill know on the 1st jump I'll know if this is something I will ever want to do again.. As for $$$ hell I cant take it with me.. Might as well have fun with it now!!! S.
  11. WOW,, I think Ill answer all the questions in 1 reply if that is okay? As for being a virgin... cough, cough, cough, lost that yrs ago. Some of yall asked what I am wanting in this adventure I'm about to become apart of, Just to be able to jump.. Once would be great. Anymore then that,,Yeah Ill be hooked Which is what I am very much wanting.. Been watching yall drop from the clouds for yrs.. Now its my turn to get on the "band wagon" and take the leep.. S.
  12. Awww,,, thanks for the invite.. I still travel down there; to visit my yaya's... Was down there last November between semesters at school.. I would love to come and watch ya'll. If my eyes don't fail me lol But as for drinking beer.. I have to pass. I do not drink anymore... Sorry.. Too many days partying in Round Rock cured me of that. Sharon
  13. I have researched the local laws since moving to this state.. Did I mention I want to move back to Texas? I understand its tandom 1st.. no exceptions.. which is fine by me.. But where do i go from there??? Sharon
  14. Hi,,, to your answer your question.. We just left Fort Hood.. The children and I were there for 4 yrs. Remarried a soldier in the 1st Cav. Division.late 95 spent another 11 yrs there. I very well know of the hot Texas summers.. But I honestly miss it.. Although we are in my home state, I so very want to come back to Texas ASAP! Looking back over the years, I can honestly say I do not think i have met anyone else on this Earth that is more passionate and caring and straight forward then Texans! Hell Midwestern people in general! Sharon