Hello to all-
I went on a tandem jump at Spaceland DZ 3-36-06 during Spring Break, and have been perma-grinning ever since. I have to say that I honestly didn't expect to get hooked...especially not the first time. Still, I can't stop eyeing the sky and noticing every time a plane goes over. People at work ask me if I drove or "dropped in" nearly everyday. I haven't found many (mainly just my boyfriend) who understand why I chose to do it in the first place and then even more why I really want to do it again and become a student. I have always loved planes and kites and watching the sky. This just feels like a natural life progression. I'm pretty worried about whether or not I'm going to ever have any money to devote to anything else ever again, though. (slight exaggeration, but not very much) anyway, I'm glad to be here and look forward to learning a lot and hopefully making some good friends.