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    Air Indiana Skydiving
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  1. Thanks much!!! just what I was looking for !!! -Bill ******Today is one day too late.********
  2. I used to use the site but it seems to have been down for quite awhile.... the NOAA site has a winds aloft forecast but not as user friendly as the Skydiving site was for us idiots. Anyone have a site that is comparable.... I did a forums search and the NOAA site came up repeatedly. Or can anyone offer a translation of the numbers in the table.... I know it is some form of wind speed vs. heading and the temperature in that mix of numbers.... any help would be much appreciated... ******Today is one day too late.********
  3. By all means... start cheap, do you know how old the battery is??? Usually the batteries have their months of service stated right on top of the battery... if its close than it is a safe bet. Do you have a volt gauge on the dash panel? How many volts does it say it is charging while the vehicle is running? it should be at least 13 to 15 volts if not it could be the alternator..... I dont know where you live but some of the more major auto part stores now do free testing on your vehicle for alternator vs. battery probs.... Good Luck!!! - Bill ******Today is one day too late.********
  4. here's my contribution.... my pic is not as spectacular as the others but it was still cool for me just the same. I had a few "shark attacks" as a student jumper being last out of the plane. ******Today is one day too late.********
  5. Duuude, really..... on a clear night, you can see the aliens peekin out from the dark side of the moon.... ******Today is one day too late.********
  6. I've often wondered the same. I've read the SIM about authorized DZ areas til I fell asleep with boredom and just figured to hell with it. I live about 2 hours away from 3 different DZ's and I have a couple pals who fly local to where I live and you know when you get the itch to jump its pretty bad so..... I have a huge area right out my back door that would be a great LZ but I figured it wasn't worth the hastle and figured it was just a cool daydream landing in my back 40.... or is it? ******Today is one day too late.********
  7. " No one came down demanding a lift ticket because someone was in the wrong slot or had the wrong grip" - people actually do this???? ******Today is one day too late.********
  8. luck! I think he used up all his good luck on that move....hey ya notice on the soundtrack how the MC stops talking while he goes low like he's watching thinkin' "oh shit!" then picks up right where he left off after the pilot pulls it off........ too close for comfort. ******Today is one day too late.********
  9. There is hope for me!! "A prosthetic anal sphincter for use with an artificial sphincter system, said prosthetic anal sphincter comprising: a first inflatable prosthetic sphincter portion for disposing at one side of an anal canal; " mine needs replacing as I have had the ole proverbial "foot up my ass" way too many times..... I think my wife left her shoe up there last ass kickin I received...... ******Today is one day too late.********
  10. crum

    Caption This

    uugghhh...... man I know there's a cream I can put on this rash....... ******Today is one day too late.********
  11. crum

    Caption this!

    " The New and Improved Wilson Catchers Mits..... they'll stop ANYTHING!!!!" ******Today is one day too late.********
  12. crum

    Caption this!!

    uhummmm.... Miss, please put your hands on the car and spread your feet apart..... this should only take a minute..... ******Today is one day too late.********
  13. Here's my 2 cents..... my AFP Graduation Jump at Skydive Chicago in '05. Thats me doin the secret handshake in the blue jumpsuit. I couldn't have asked for a more perfect day... and the sunset load even! ******Today is one day too late.********
  14. Bumper sticker for new personal injury lawyers...... ******Today is one day too late.********
  15. *** What I want to know is, what do YOU all want to spend your money on? (other than more jumps) What type of stuff's gonna get your attention? _ Hey Julie, By the way nice sketch you posted.... well I guess you pose a pretty good question because I am getting tired of the same ole thing, the poster/photo art, t-shirts, etc. are all fun and some of the photography work out there is just incredible. I know from my end I would like to see something different. I know most of my friends don't get some of the "bumper stickers" and the t-shirt that says " There are no perfectly good airplanes" and then I've gotta explain it and on and on.... I'm proud of my skydiving and like to show off the cool stuff to friends and relatives.... with little explanation, something like your sketch seems to be heading in that direction; but more suited for framed artwork.... I know I've been looking for a skydiving related mousepad....perhaps a personalized mousepad with one of your original skydiving sketches or someone could send a photo and you could sketch the photo to mouse pad as you said in your post... anyway just a couple of thougts..... And by the way went to your web site... cool stuff, but would like to see more skydiving work of course!!! ******Today is one day too late.********