Ocana, what can I say other than what a great dz! In February myself and several other friends decided to beat the winter blues (and Bad weather) and head over to Ocana for a spot of jumping. The main purpose of the trip was for some of the members of the group to get some free fly coaching from Avalore’s Louis Harwood who is based in Ocana, and they were not disappointed as some FF1’s were achieved! The DZ itself is very well managed and very friendly, the manifest was really well organised, with clear calls for kit up, unlike some dz’s. The Dz is based on an active airfield but with the huge landing area there is more than enough room for everyone. Unfortunately for us our plan to escape the bad weather didn’t work and we had some of the worst weather Spain has had in years, but we managed to pile in plenty of jumps from the dz’s porter on the few nice days we got! Many thanks to all at Ocana, thank you for looking after us so well! This is a great little dz and well worth a visit, so why not hop on an Easyjet flight and check it out for yourselves!