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  1. I guess I hit a nerve there. I give you credit as well for the following: "As far as what you have to say, Jumper410, you have a great skill for manipulating and twisting words around to fit your current agenda." As far as emposters, it seems like they are all coming from you and your friends. Like it or not, I am Paul's sister. I have been since the day my mother gave birth to him. I am sure that a mutual acquaintance of ours, who jumps at your drop zone "JW", who once worked with one of my closest friends mentioned to you that he knew me and through this Paul. I hope that makes it clear that I am who I say I am. I finally responded on my own accord, because I am sick of people bashing and lying about my brother and painting such a negative view of your beloved sport. Anyone paying attention to all of this has seen that clearly. Do you expect anyone to believe that everything you and your friends have said regarding the opening of my brother's drop zone is out of care for the sport and not what you see as a threat to you and your business? Look, between everything said and done in the city of Harrisonville, the council meeting, and on these posts, the truth of your motives are easily seen. You know, after the council meeting, I asked Ed Scott if this was usual for these kind of antics to surround someone trying to open a drop zone. He said he had been doing this for years, and had never witnessed anything like this in his career. He was shocked with what was happening here. Paul did not contribute to any of this negativity. My brother tried to reach out and work with you all. All he has been trying to do is begin a business while you and the others keep trying to bring him down, even if that meant bringing down the reputation of sky diving. He has not done any kind of "dirty work." Amazingly, he has kept his head held high and gracefully jumped over every obstacle that you people have helped to create. I have not heard him say one negative thing about you or anyone else involved with tearing him down in any of the council meetings or on any of these posts. That should say something about his character.
  2. I only have a few more things to say about this and then I’m done. First of all, being a school teacher I have seen far less immaturity from any of my students then I have from the people trying to tear down my brother and his dream. As far as what you have to say, Jumper410, you have a great skill for manipulating and twisting words around to fit your current agenda. Someone could tell you that the grass is green and the sky is blue and you would find someway to argue otherwise. I heard this firsthand at the council meeting and have seen this over and over again through your posts. I am sure you will do that again with this post. You have chosen to be a part of and affiliate yourself with the group of people who have sabotaged my brother in such a disgraceful manner. I don’t think even you can argue that one. As you brought up the city council meeting, I was in the second row sitting almost directly behind you with my supportive parents. For anyone interested, the meeting was recorded, in its entirety, by the city council itself. I am not sure exactly how to go about obtaining a copy, but I am sure that if you contacted the City of Harrisonville they could assist you. All of that is a matter of public record, so hopefully it should be fairly easy to get. If anyone out there is skilled enough, and has enough time on their hands, to put together a website on their own it would be great to post the written and oral transcripts for others to see. That may have to be checked with the city to make sure it is all kosher. Lastly, I had the pleasure of meeting many skydivers at Paul’s opening. It was my first time attending a skydiving event. From what I saw the people in the skydiving community are a million times more positive, talented, and intelligent then the picture painted by the pamphlets, city council meetings, and posts. I really hope that more people who are not skydivers, but have heard of what is happening surrounding KCSC, are able to get a fresh perspective of the sport and wash away the completely negative and utterly false images that have been presented to them.
  3. I have been sitting back and watching in utter disbelief for too long now regarding the antics surrounding the birth of my brother’s drop zone. Let me go back a ways and tell you all what an amazing person my brother is. Even though he is my little brother, he has always looked after and protected me in anyway that he could. This is his nature. He is like this with everyone he comes into contact with. If you know him, or have had the pleasure of meeting him, then you know exactly what I am talking about. Another thing that my brother is - is more passionate than anyone I have ever met. This passion blossomed when he discovered skydiving. I have never witnessed someone take to something the way he took to this sport. It completely took a hold of every fiber of his being. He focused virtually all of his time and energy in learning every aspect of this sport. In what seemed like overnight his new found passion turned into a growing career. He began learning the skills needed to be a videographer, packed up his bags leaving the place he grew up, Kansas City, and moved to New Jersey landing a job at Skydive Cross Keys. Within months he was filming skydiving footage for CNN, The Discovery Channel, The Learning Channel, National Geographic Channel, and The David Letterman Show. I was absolutely amazed and so proud of what my little brother had accomplished. During this time period, he had also relocated during the winters to work at a drop zone in Las Vegas where he learned to fly airplanes. It was also at Cross Keys where he met someone as driven and passionate as him, his wife Joanna. With the two of them as a team, and skydiving as one of their deepest bonds, they naturally wanted to take it to the next level. For them, they wanted to see the birth of their own child, in this case being a drop zone that they created together. They both decided to come back to where my brother truly called home to open their drop zone. They found the perfect location in Harrisonville. They had wonderful encounters with James, the manager of the airport where they are currently located. James was very excited about the prospect of Paul and Jo opening their drop zone there. He wanted to lease them the main hangar at the airport. Everything seemed to be going great for them. Then out of courtesy, Paul contacted some of the surrounding drop zones to let them know that he was planning on opening a drop zone in Harrisonville and that he wanted to work with them so that everyone would benefit. Some drop zones gave Paul and Jo their blessings and were happy to work in harmony with them, while others took another path. Instead of getting back the same courteous gesture that Paul had put forth, these people began to show the worst in humanity that I have personally witnessed. People from a select few other drop zones sabotaged the new dropzone's image by going door to door in Harrisonville, posing as concerned citizens distributing pamphlets about the sport of skydiving that made it seem like a sport for only the lowest degenerates of society. They even had the nerve to put flyers on people’s cars while they attended a funeral. I learned this from one of the alderman addressing the man who calls himself jumper410 as he ripped apart my brother and the sport of skydiving at a city council meeting. That meeting was recorded so I encourage anyone interested to obtain a copy of what was said. At this meeting, I watched Tommy Dolphin and Chris Hall, both dropzone owners in the KC area; completely rip apart the safety of skydiving. Chris Hall told the alderman that about 15-20 percent of his jumpers land off the airport, and that the city could expect higher numbers at Paul's drop zone due to the "small" landing area. Mr. Dolphin told the council that he, like virtually all drop zone owners, had no insurance so even if someone tripped on the ground he could not be held liable. They then went on about a horrific skydiving accident in Independence, Missouri that claimed the lives of skydivers, and that the same thing would happen in Harrisonville if my brother were allowed to open a drop zone there. He very strongly encouraged the city of Harrisonville to add an insurance requirement to their lease that he knew was unobtainable. What these people said through their words and the pamphlets to the citizens of Harrisonville gave them a morbidly distorted perception of the sport of skydiving and completely freaked them out. These despicable antics worked for now and Paul was denied the lease to the hangar at the airport due to the pleas from Mr. Dolphin and Mr. Hall. This by the way is the facility that was described on my brother’s website, which was created when the hangar was virtually guaranteed to them. This brings me to some of the most disgraceful aspects in human nature possible. This guy, Jumper 410, who has tried everything to sabotage my brother’s dream, has the nerve to than talk about ethics in Kansas City and the falsities on my brother’s website when he was one of the main players in preventing the lease to go through. Within weeks of my brother opening his drop zone, he was denied the lease to the hangar, had to purchase his own land so he could still operate, book a new plane because an “anonymous” source called and told the original plane owner that his plane would be compromised if it was leased to my brother, then find a new plane, completely restructure how he would be able to setup the drop zone, buy a tent, RV, and place of operations all within weeks of opening day. On top of this, during this period, we lost our grandfather and spent nearly a week in Iowa mourning with our family. Well despite all of these obstacles, he managed to get his operations off the ground in such a short amount of time. After all of this who can blame him for not having the time to get his website updated? The bottom line is Jumper 410 and his cronies are in the truest sense evil, and have put a dark cloud over and completely smeared the sport of skydiving. Everyone involved with that should be ashamed!! Enough is enough!!!