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Everything posted by Divadiver

  1. I caught a news clip this morning about it and apparently the vice-principal was checking for thongs because the young ladies at the last prom decided to pull their skirts up and show them off to the young man of their choice. (the key word here is of THEIR choice) A parent was noted as saying there was more bootie shown during the inspection than anything that was shown at last years prom. The inspection apparently took place at the front door, before entering the ladies had to pull up their dresses and this meant in front of whomever might be standing around. I don't know what the point of the bra check was . . . there's lots of strapless gowns that you don't wear bras with. Personally, I would have gone home put a bra and panties on and then returned to the prom only to drop the dress and make a point of modeling them. Hmmm, there was no mention of crotchless garments. Diva
  2. My first thought was "Hey, this sounds like a job for either Clay or Chromie!" Diva
  3. Thank you!! Diva (and yes, you're mission here is not only to entertain us!)
  4. Coconut: two words . . .cut and paste
  5. DUH!! http://dailynews.netscape.com/mynsnews/story.tmpl?table=n&cat=50900&id=200205020850000252377 Maybe she can get a job with Victoria Secrets in the panty inspection department! Diva
  6. OMG, She's such a cutie!! Congrats! Diva
  7. Chromie: Well, I'm no psychoanalysis, but I'll give it a stab . . . Your first dream reads something like a missed opportunity that you may have left behind. The second sounds like the ladies here are starting to really mess with your head! Have you ever gone back to sleep and finished a dream after you've been awaken? It works. Diva
  8. Becky: I can relate to your dilemma . . . been there, done that. I’d just like to add to what’s already been said. When you’re testifying in front of the judge, your lawyer cannot answer for you. He can question the relevance to the custody issue, but if the judge allows for the questioning, you’ll have to answer for yourself. Secondly, you may not only want to get the statistics together for yourself, but any footwork, paperwork, etc., that you do and supply to your lawyer is money saved in your pocket in the long run. You may also want to prepare yourself for the “how much does it cost you to participate in skydiving” question, in case your Ex is paying any alimony. There are some creative answers that you can probably come up with in order to defray the price of the jumps. And that’s all I’m going to say about that! Diva
  9. Damn, I feel better already!! Diva
  10. Question for you 1) Do you usually see this person during the day (i.e., do you work with her, run into her often)? 2) Do you two e-mail one another on a regular basis to chit-chat or is it all business? I tend to agree with JDBoston, about asking her out in person, but if you two e-mail on a regular basis and chit-chat, then I think it would be alright. Asking in person just seems to say that you have self confidence in yourself and are willing to put yourself out there. I like that in a guy. Just me. Diva
  11. Oh, shit! I had to turn the sound way, WAY up to hear what the hell the seal was saying and then the people down the hall hears ANAL SEX.COM!!! SHIT!!! I'm out of here . . . .LUNCH!! Diva (SHIT! Me, I didn't hear a thing!)
  12. Bent over laughing, Donald is just not that bad! I had you beat with Louise!! Diva
  13. Dave, you're digitally challenged! Diva
  14. hand in the air, waving . . .yeah, yeah, please tell us!! (see I told you it couldn't be that bad!) Wait, none of us got it so far? Diva
  15. Divadiver


    Kneebies, I think they're pretty kewl! Diva
  16. Sounded like an easy delivery to me! I have no room to talk, I wanted to name my son Duncan. Hmm, let's see . . . . Addison, Hudson, Phoenix??? Diva
  17. Walter, Warren, Whitfield??? Diva
  18. Uhh, Thurmon, Thurgood?? Diva
  19. Bored out of my mind this morning!! Woke up at 6:24, raining, gloomy . . . . please let it be Saturday . . . naw not that lucky. (yawn) So I was reading the "What's your middle name" thread and Keith is not telling his middle name! What's up with that? It can't possibly be worse than Louise!! I had it changed! My grandmother's name was Masie Mozella, her sister's name was Hortence, so all in all I guess I was kinda lucky! So, if you're bored and want to be a posting ho . . . play along. Hey, Keith, will you tell us if one of us gets it right? Diva
  20. Jceman: Sorry to hear about your mom. I'm sending you strength to get through these hard days to come. I'm sure your mom is in a wonderful place with the angles. Diva
  21. As usual, a day late and a dollar short . . . but anyway . . . Marc, great news, many, many happy thoughts and vibes for you!! (happy dance, happy dance) Now, about that national debt thing . . . I don't get to spend as much time on here as I use to, but I remember HH mentioning a mathematical equation that would solve that problem for you. Did I miss something, is there a way to contribute and help out? Diva
  22. It means . . . cute ass!! That's all, it doesn't mean she wants to bed you down or anything . . . take it as a nice complement. Now, if she walks up to you wraps one arm around you neck and the other grabs for your crotch and lays a big ol' wet one on you . . . well, I'd think she might be interested. Diva