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Everything posted by Divadiver

  1. Divadiver


    Hmm, been checking this thread on and off for a while now and still no skin!! Come on guys, give it up! Diva
  2. Skyrose7: IMHO - 100% correct! Diva
  3. Muenkel: Be still my heart . . . now if only you were self absorbed and arrogant as well! Diva
  4. Doesn't sound as if you'll have any problem as long as you don't sit in a corner all by yourself. And as long as you don't show up at the DZ with the "I am god of the sky attitude" or "watch me, I can do anything." You may find that at first the regulars at the DZ don't coming running to greet you with open arms (then again, do you work out, are you cute?), hugs and kisses, but in time this may come as well. Ask lots of questions, don't take everything said as written in stone, you'll get a lot of different opinions on a lot of different things. Hang out with your fellow AFF students, other jumpers, your JM's, and coaches at the end of the day. And above all remember - you're there to have fun . . . so go have fun!! Diva
  5. Sweetie: Who are you trying to fool? You're one of those quite ones aren't you . . . girl you just go for it and unleash that tiger!! Diva
  6. I have to agree with you Speedy, I thought Jennifer Connelly really looked bad. I also thought that Sarah Jessica Parker looked bad at the last awards presentation (which ever one that was for), not so much for being rail thin, but the make-up that she had on made her look like someone had given her two black eyes. The dress that she had on made her look like she was pregnant. It really makes you wonder why these people listen to those with the supposedly fashion sense. After all look at Sharon Stone, she threw on a Gap shirt and black skirt and looked like she spent big $$'s. And don't even get me started on Angelina Jolie, that woman looks GOOD in anything! When women start to lose weight the first thing to go is their boobies - it's a sad, sad thing! I know it happened to me!! I work really hard at keeping my weight down, I work out with weights, take a sculpting class and yoga a couple times a week. I'm not rail thin by any means, I can put away some food, so it really bothers me when I hear someone say things like "these skinny women who are always sticking their finger down their throat." Some of us work hard at staying fit without throwing up our food. There's a happy medium in there somewhere. Diva
  7. Hmmm, gives me an idea. [insert thought] pack a pair of men's dirty undies on next trip [ending thought, smoke clears] Diva
  8. What do you call a Jamaican gynecologist? * * * * * * Pokemon Speedy: If you seriously need some lovin - I have a wonderful black and white cat that's looking for a home . . . neutered, declawed, litter trained, extra toes, kind of crazy, knows how to launch himself from the couch in an arched position and is of course great company. Diva
  9. It's kind of like coughing and farting, but with sneezing and peeing, you can be the only one who knows. (unless of course you really lose control . . . then it's a bit more obvious) Diva "I'd like to shake this cold, but I think I'd have to die first!"
  10. I just have one thing to say . . . Mother Nature has a sick sense of humor, it's not like she's singled you guys out, when was the last time you sneezed and peed your pants?!! Diva
  11. Lisa: You know what Clay looks like, right? Diva
  12. Yeah, count me in as well, I'm the one in the middle. Although, everyone seems to think that I'm the older sister when my sis and I are out together. Sis and I are the same age for 2 days (she was born on 11-25 and the next year, I was born on 11-23). Mom dress us alike when we were growing up and everyone thought that we were twins for years. Then 9 years later my brother came along. We were hell on that kid! Psss - has anyone else noticed that Clay hasn't chimed in? Can we say hatched? Diva
  13. Nice shoes! They're hard to find in red! Diva
  14. Didn't work for me either! Diva
  15. Pammi's post got me to thinking about funny stuff that happens to us. Anyone else have anything funny happen to them lately. Here's mine to start off with: A bunch of us girls went on a road trip recently and decided to stop for a potty break and something to drink. We pull off the interstate and stop at a convenient store. A friend and I make a made dash to the ladies room, where thereupon realizing it’s a one seater, I was generous enough to allow her to go first. Only problem was the longer I stood there the worst I had to go, so I snuck into the men’s room. I did pretty good at not being seen going in, but coming out was another story, I came out the same time my friend did and she just snickered to herself. I thought, ho-oh, I’m going to have to pay big time for this later. The two of us go our separate ways getting the water and drinks that we wanted and met at the check out. The cashier rang my water and gum up and I was waiting for her to ring my friend, when the cashier looks at her and said “do you have gas?” Our eyes met, and she looked at me very stern and said “Diva, don’t you say a word!” Where I glanced over to the 8 year old young man standing next to me in line and the two of us burst out laughing!! I went to the other side of the store trying to contain myself, ran into my sister and gasping for breath tried to tell her what had happened. Meanwhile the cashier looks at my friend and said “it must be an inside joke.” The kid standing in line was nearly bent double laughing at me. I’m telling you people sure do get personal with strangers these days! Diva
  16. Hmmm, I guess you can count me in now! Diva
  17. ROFLMAO!! Go Pammi, Go!! The girl is only giving you something to think about until she gets home tonight! Diva
  18. Divadiver


    Sounds like the word here is compromise. Looks like to me that this person who's working on the project could still work on the project during the day and then spend the evening with you (i.e. dinner, movie, snuggling, kissing, . . . ). If compromise isn't in the picture babe, maybe you shouldn't be either. You (hmm, this person) deserves to be given the same amount of effort in the realationship that you're contributing. But, that's just my 2 cents, and what the hell do I know about relationships!! Diva
  19. Damn, sounds like she drives like my sister! Diva
  20. Divadiver

    I'm back

    Michele, you are my inspiration. Forgive me, for I have sinned! It’s been 6 months since I was in the air. Life sure does get in the way at times. I like yourself, know it’s just a matter of time before I’m back up jumping again. I want to come to Perris so bad (read: warmer, better weather) I can taste it! I swear to you I have spring fever so bad, I’m about ready to quit my job, pull out my retirement and head to Perris on the first flight out when the check is cut. To hell with trying to save money for a down payment on a house. To hell with being the responsible adult, I’m ready to have some fun!! I feel like I’m sitting by the door, I want to make the jump, but I keep telling myself that I just can’t up and quit my job, move and start from scratch . . . but why not??? Chit, I need to get back in the air again before I do something really stupid. All I need is a little balance in my life, real life and skydiving mixed in, then all will be well again. Yeah, that’s it . . all I need is a good skydiving vacation to balance things out and then I’ll be better. It’s a good thing the temp outside is about 35 degrees, it settles the demons in my head since they don’t like the freezing cold!! I’m so happy that you’ve found your way home to the sky again. And I am doubly glad that you’re sharing your experience with us! I’m happy that you have your wings back, girl you go fly!! Diva
  21. Silly Boy!! (Still laughing at Clay) [insert soap opera music] "The Crack of Dawn" [more soap opera music] brought to you in part by Perparation H.!! Diva
  22. ROFLMAO!! Hey Clay, I know a gal named Dawn . . . you like big girls? Diva